Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

399 Jiang Qing's PokéMon

The excellence of Altaria made Jiang Qing appreciate it a little.

And Gabite also felt that there was something about his Rival. Facing Altaria's Dragon Pulse, Gabite also used Dragon Pulse to fight back.

One Soaring in the sky, one Ground, and two Dragon Pulses collided in mid-air. Altaria's mighty Dragon Pulse was directly defeated by Gabite's Dragon Pulse without even a trace of blocking.

Altaria was hit by Dragon Pulse, the pain from the distance made it let out a scream, and its body fell from the sky uncontrollably.


The sharp-toothed shark moved quickly, and under Altaria's desperate eyes, the sharp Slash turned into a stream of light, tearing the air.

With a sound of tearing, Altaria was hit by the Slash, and his body flew backwards with a bang, directly brushing against Bianfu's body.

The huge airflow caused Bian Fu to fall directly to the ground.

Gabite: Something, but not much.

Gabite, who was standing on the field, looked at Altaria who flew hundreds of meters away, and didn't intend to pursue it, because the one hit just now was enough to make the opponent lose the ability to fight.

Standing up, Bianfu looked expectantly at Altaria hundreds of meters away, hoping that the other party could stand up again, but a minute had passed, and Altaria still hadn't got up

"I lost"

Bian Fu said with a gloomy face and was extremely discouraged.

Looking at Gabite877, still full of disbelief.

Altaria, which he carefully cultivated, was defeated by the opponent in three rounds.

If Gabite hadn't evolved into Garchomp, he would have wondered if Gabite's level had surpassed the elite level.

After defeating Altaria, Gabite's level is still at level 47, which is very close to the evolution level of 48.

Even if you don't fight, you should be able to think about it within this month.

Sharptooth Shark walked in front of Jiang Qing with an unsatisfactory expression on his face. The battle just now was not a warm-up, and Rival fell down directly.

“Good job”

Jiang Qing patted the opponent on the head and praised him.

But Gabite didn't show a happy expression, just like Rival, if it can't win, it doesn't deserve to be Jiang Qing's Pokémon.

Looking at Gabite's proud expression of course, the corners of Jiang Qing's mouth rose slightly.

Every one of his Pokémon is very arrogant, but some of them don't show it, and Gabite is the only one who often shows his arrogance on his face.

It's a proud guy by nature.

Granny Cao Ying has already come over here, and said with a little surprise: "My dear grandson, your Gabite, Breeder is really good."

"Grandma and I are also gifted in breeding" Jiang Qing explained.

"Well, this looks like me," Cao Ying said.

Jiang Qing was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that besides being an Elite trainer, Jiang Qing was also a senior breeder.

In fact, some Elite trainers will choose to learn about breeders when they have extra time and enough talent.

After all, Trainers need to keep abreast of their Pokémon's physical development and mental health, and breeders are professional in this regard.

In order to take better care of Pokémon, it is also feasible to learn some knowledge about breeders.

You can regularly ask the breeder to provide door-to-door service, or send it to the breeder as a minister.

Although Jiang Qing is not a breeder, he has a system, which is more professional than a top breeder, so there is no need to worry about the physical and mental health of Pokémon.

Jiang Qing cut melons and chopped vegetables, and Normal defeated his teacher's Altaria. Seeing this scene, Cao Lang was in a bad mood.

Asked in disbelief: "Why is your Gabite so powerful?"

Gabite looked at this kid with some appreciation, and said that he was amazing, and this kid could handle him.

"It's because he's weak," Jiang Qing said flatly.

The opponent's Altaria Breeder is really good, but compared to the Pokémon from some genius Breeders, Tian Xi Qingniao is still somewhat lacking.

Not to mention comparable to Gabite.

Cao Lang, who wanted to refute, lost his temper in an instant. After all, the matter was in front of him. Facing Gabite, Altaria (cgaa) had no power to resist at all.

I thought about going to comfort the teacher, but I couldn't find the right one.

It is estimated that it has slipped away.

"My dear grandson, let me see your Pokémon. Grandma hasn't seen your Pokémon since I went to college," Cao Ying said.

Other people around also showed curious expressions.

They all know what Pokémon Jiang Qing has, but they all watched it in the video.

This Gabite is so powerful, wouldn't it be even more powerful if it were Jiang Qing's main Pokémon.


Jiang Qing nodded, and released all Pokémon except Celebi.

Metagross, Lucario, Melmeta, Steelix, Dragonite, Aggron, Slowking, Arcanine, Gengar, Doublade, plus Gabite.

Jiang Qing now owns a total of 13 Pokémon if you count Magearna and Celebi who are in standby Contest Condition.

This number is very small, the children of Normal's family have at least 20 at his age, and of course most of them are breeders for him by the family.

And now Jiang Qing is the Trainer in the early days of Elite, so the number of Pokémon he owns is even less.

You are like paying on the side, and you are also the Trainer in the early days of Elite, who owns 3,000 Pokémon.

Jiang Qing is a non-elite and not a breeder, because he has the eye of detection and can know the qualifications of Pokémon.

Of course, other Trainers can also use the machine to identify Pokémon's qualifications, but this machine has a disadvantage.

That is the same green qualification, some Pokémon are only one step away from cyan, and some have just reached green.

The two are both green, but the difference is actually quite large.

The green, which is one step away from cyan, may become cyan after only one evolution, and the resources invested are much less.

It is also for this reason that many Trainers will maximize the Pokémon with green Breeder qualifications. If you are lucky, your Breeder Pokémon may evolve into cyan qualifications.

There are eleven Pokémon standing on the field, and each one is excellent. Of course, most people's eyes are on the silver Metagross.

After all, it is the symbol of the Jiang family, and it is also Jiang Qing's strongest Pokémon, bar none.

The second is the Totem-level Aggron, which looks like an Oreburgh behemoth in terms of its size of more than six meters.

The third is the white Gengar, with a white body and blood-red eyes, looking evil and handsome.

As an Elite-level hypertrophy, it doesn't even rank in the top five.

Because the fourth is Melmetta, a steel-type Eudemons, so don't look at it much.

The fifth is the turn of hypertrophy. .

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