Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

266 Rules of climbing the Dragon Mountain challenge

The Elite-level Salamence was frozen into an ice sculpture, Dragonite flew in front of it, and its naive smile appeared on the ice. There was originally a conscious Salamence in the ice sculpture.

Under Dragonite's silly smile, he instantly lost consciousness.

Jiang Qing walked to the ice sculpture, kicked it, and with a bang, the ice sculpture flew out.

"Damn let you hit me with a Hydro Pump"

Jiang Qing, who holds a grudge, has never said that he had a vengeance overnight.

"let's go"

Jiang Qing rides Dragonite, they are still 100 kilometers away from Denglong Mountain. As the distance gets closer, the majestic appearance of Denglong Mountain is gradually revealed.

A 10,000-meter-high mountain, anything in front of it is an ant.

Two-thirds of the mountain is hidden in the clouds, as if covered with a mysterious veil.

At the speed of Dragonite, 100 kilometers will soon arrive. During the exploration of the "727" treasure, many red dots are displayed, and they are not small.

But Jiang Qing didn't have any action to search, because the real treasure of the entire Dragon's Den secret realm is at Denglong Mountain, and the Dragon Pond on the top of the mountain is the most important treasure.

At the foot of Denglong Mountain, there is a huge red dot on the Dowsing Machine, which occupies two-thirds of the entire Dowsing Machine.

The light of this red dot was printed on Jiang Qing's face, making his face look a little rosy.

This red dot is naturally Longchi.

"We're here to rest for the night now, and we'll climb this Denglong Mountain tomorrow"

Jiang Qing looked up at the mountain in front of him. Standing at the foot of the mountain, he couldn't see the end of the mountain at all, only clouds and mist.

Dragonite fought five times today, and although it didn't suffer much damage, it definitely consumed a lot of stamina and energy.

The challenge of climbing Longshan is very important and is not in a hurry, so Jiang Qing plans to challenge again the next day.


Dragonite nodded lightly, then pointed to his stomach, with a simple and embarrassed smile on his face.

"Let's eat"

Jiang Qing bought the top-level dragon-type energy cubes, and a box is worth 1,000 points. Usually, he is reluctant to buy them, and he basically buys high-level dragon-type energy cubes.

The top-level dragon-type energy cube makes Dragonite's eyes lit up. This is a good thing, and it can only be eaten occasionally.

And only two or three pieces are given each time, and now their own Trainer directly gives it a box.

This is so generous, so Dragonite is not used to it.

Dragonite: Is this the last meal.

Jiang Qing: "Hurry up and eat"

Although he didn't know what Dragonite was thinking, the suspicious gaze of the other party made Jiang Qing a little annoyed.

This guy must be thinking something bad.

The dragon-type energy near the mountaineering dragon is more concentrated than other places.

As a human, Jiang Qing can't feel it, but Dragonite can feel it. Here, it feels that the pores of its body are widened to the maximum, and it is constantly absorbing the rich dragon energy around it.

Coupled with the top dragon energy block.


With a flash of breath, the level of Dragonite was raised from level 65 to level 66, and the dragon origin orb in the body was completely absorbed at this moment.

After rising one level, Dragonite's strength has naturally been improved to a certain extent. Tomorrow, he will challenge to climb Dragon Mountain. At this time, it is a good thing to upgrade.

Jiang Qing looked at Dragonite who was eating happily, and probably didn't realize that he had upgraded.

My thousand points are not in vain.

Eight o'clock the next day.


"Daily mission: Before five o'clock today, enter the position where you can climb up to Denglong Mountain for 5,000 meters"

"Reward: 5,000 points"

Taking a look at the daily task, the height of 5,000 meters is equivalent to the position halfway up the mountain.

Tightening up his hiking boots, facing the rising sun, under the golden Lucas, Jiang Qing said slowly: "Go, climb Longshan"


Dragonite followed behind it. Today it is still simple, but the light in its eyes is not the same as before.

Climbing Longshan is Jiang Qing's challenge, but also its challenge.

What's on the top of the mountain is important to it.

The rocks in Denglong Mountain are composed of metamorphic rocks, but unlike the normal metamorphic rocks, the metamorphic rocks here are harder, which should be related to the rich dragon energy around them.

Climbing is undoubtedly a very physical and energy-intensive thing. Climbing Longshan is still a dangerous mountain. There are no roads in many places, so Jiang Qing needs to climb it.

He can't go up on the Dragonite.

Because the challenge of climbing Dragon Mountain is not only Dragonite's, but also his.

After more than an hour, Jiang Qing had already climbed to a position of 500 meters, when a Flygon appeared in the air.

At the beginning of Elite, the strength does not seem to be very high...

But it's a Pokémon that lives in Denglong Mountain.

For any Dragon-type Pokémon that has its own territory in Denglong Mountain, the combat power is not measured by level.

The challenge rule for climbing Longshan is that the trainer climbs Longshan, and its Pokémon challenges the dragon-type Pokémon on Longshan, and the challenged Pokémon cannot be replaced in the middle.

Until the Trainer fails to climb or the Pokémon is defeated by the Dragon Pokémon on the Dragon Mountain.

Of course, even if you fail, you can still enter the Dragon Pool, but the time to soak in the Dragon Pool will depend on the overall score of the Trainer and Pokémon.

One of the prerequisites is that the Trainer must climb 3,000 meters, and the Pokémon must defeat the three Dragon Mountain Dragons, otherwise, even if you fail, your Pokémon will not be allowed to soak in the Dragon Pond.

The reason why Xia Zhu's Salamence broke through to the Elite level so quickly was because it soaked the Dragon Pond, and of course, the process was a near death.

During the process of climbing Longshan, Xia Zhu almost fell down several times.

Gu Xiazhu said that in their Xia family, only two people have successfully climbed to the top of the mountain in history, and after their Pokémon soaked in the Dragon Pond, they gained unimaginable benefits.

And those two were also the only champion trainers of the Xia family.

This shows how difficult it is to climb Longshan.

Ten minutes later, Flygon at the early stage of Elite was defeated by Dragonite, and Dragonite was left with three openings of 5.5 on his back by Dragon Claw of Flygon.

Dragonite was injured in the first game, and it was still 500 meters away.

As the height of the climb continues to increase, the strength of its Denglongshan Dragon Pokémon will be further enhanced.

It is said that there is a dragon-type Pokémon on the top of the mountain. As long as you defeat it in the end, your Pokémon can soak in the dragon pool for a whole day.

Champion-level Pokémon climbing Dragon Mountain definitely exists, and the rules of climbing Dragon Mountain challenge are set together with humans.

It is precisely because of its existence that humans must abide by the rules when entering Denglong Mountain.

The people of the Xia family also do not allow unruly people to enter Dragon's Den.

Of course, if you have the strength to break the rules, that's another story.

As Jiang Qing and Dragonite challenged to climb Dragonite, there was a pair of eyes watching them at the top of Dragonite, but more eyes were on Dragonite.

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