Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

267 A long way to go

After climbing the Dragon Mountain for 500 meters, there is a section of mountain road that can be walked a lot. Although it is still a bit steep, it is much better than almost falling.

The machete in his hand kept chopping down the trees in front of him, thanks to Jiang Qing's abnormal physique, otherwise he would probably die just by climbing this Long Mountain.

Basically, all trainers have a good physique, otherwise when there is no protective cover in the field battle, you will be killed by the aftermath of the battle if you are not careful.

Therefore, all trainers who are not in good physical shape and have insufficient reaction speed will basically die in the wild.

Although professional trainers are enviable existences, they are not so easy to handle. I don't know how many professional trainers die every year due to various accidents in the wild.

Pay and income are proportional.

Continue to go up more than 300 meters, at this time Jiang Qing and Dragonite have come to the place where Denglong Mountain is 800 meters.

In some plain regions, the 800-meter mountain can be regarded as the highest mountain in their place.

And on Denglong Mountain, the 800 meters just left the foot of the mountain slightly.

"dong dong dong"

There was a sound of heavy footsteps, and it was obvious that Jiang Qing and Dragonite had entered the territory of a dragon-type Pokémon.

-18 Druddigons appear in front of Jiang Qing and Dragonite.

It still exists in the early days of Elite, but its height is higher than the previous Flygon, and it is obviously stronger in terms of strength.

Druddigon: Get out of my place.

Dragonite: Can I fly over?

Druddigon is furious, who the hell are you mocking.

A single shot of Dragon Rage shot straight out of Druddigon's mouth, a crimson red ball, boiling the surrounding air, and the temperature rose sharply.

Feeling the smell of burnt hair spreading from his hair, Jiang Qing hurriedly backed up several dozen meters.

I don't know what Dragonite said, angering Druddigon.

Under the blessing of its Rage, this Dragon Rage has become much more powerful.

Dragonite actually didn't know why the other party was angry, and he didn't say anything, and Hanhan's face couldn't help showing a puzzled expression.

The movement of the hand is not slow, the wings behind him are vigorously flapped, and a Twister is formed, blocking the Dragon Rage.

Unexpectedly, the moves between the two sides did not collide. Instead, Dragon Rage was integrated into Twister.

Dragonite: Thanks for the Dragon Rage sent by the boss.

Druddigon: Why is this happening.

In its puzzled and furious gaze, Twister, fused with Dragon Rage, rolled directly towards it.

Druddigon: Get off!

Druddigon opened his mouth, forming a phantom of its head in mid-air, and biting down on the fiery red Twister with its mouth full of sharp fangs.

A deafening roar came from his mouth, and the sound wave shook the mountain, causing some rocks to roll down, many of them in the direction of Jiang Qing.


Crack - Well, don't get me wrong, it wasn't that Jiang Qing's leg was broken by Rock Throw, but the Twister of Dragon Rage was directly bitten by Druddigon's Crunch.


Druddigon smacked his mouth, feeling a little numb, but not a problem.

Who dares to say that Druddigon is the shame of the dragon race, I am the first to let it go.

This scene is just a complete mess.

The Twister with the combination of the two moves was bitten by the opponent in one bite. This is not only fierce, but also the key teeth must be good.

A phantom of a head formed in the air again, and Crunch fell.

Dragonite used both hands and feet, along with the back wound re-splitting, it supported Crunch, with its body bending slightly, then the hands and feet violently exerted force, and a powerful force burst out along the hands and feet.

With a bang, Crunch was defeated by Dragonite.

But before Dragonite could catch his breath, Druddigon Dragon Claw had already attacked, and a Dragon Claw composed of dragon-type energy more than ten meters swung down at Dragonite.

With a swish, Dragon Claw failed, and Dragonite had disappeared.

In a breath, Dragonite has come to the back of Druddigon with Extreme Speed, the latter seems to have a sense of Normal, without even turning his head, he uses Dragon Tail to wave over by feeling.

Jiang Qing raised his brows, this Druddigon was obviously much stronger than the previous Flygon, obviously it was at the early stage of Elite.

One is 500 meters away from Denglong Mountain, and the other is 800 meters away from Denglong Mountain. The distance of just 300 meters is obviously much more difficult.

With such difficulty, Jiang Qing doubted how Xia Zhu passed Salamence, who was still at the peak of Elite.

Although you only need to defeat the three Dragon-type Pokémon that climbed Dragon Mountain, the first one is the Elite primary, and the third one is very likely to be the Elite mid-level.

In this case, Xia Zhu will pick three Elite-level players in a row with Salamence who is at the top of the Elite?

Xia Zhu: I have the heart of a dragon. I have a problem with passing the three Elites. I look down on anyone.

Just when Jiang Qing wondered if Xia Zhu secretly used a "cheating" method to pass, Dragonite had already grabbed Druddigon's Dragon Tail with his claws.

Dragonite's sharp claws pierced directly into Druddigon's Dragon Tail, even though its Dragon Tail was protected by hard scales, it still did not block Dragonite's sharp claws.

One thing Jiang Qing's Pokémon have in common is that they are all extremely powerful.

After all, great power produces miracles.

Grabbing Druddigon's tail, the latter wanted to turn back to attack, but the next second he found his body suddenly vacated, and then the scene in front of him spun rapidly.

After rotating for nearly a hundred laps, Dragonite's palm loosened, and Druddigon's body slammed into the mountain with a bang. 727

A depression of nearly 100 meters appeared on the hard mountain, and a large number of rocks rolled down from the upper wind.

Jiang Qing: If you want to change the trainer, just say it, I can jump right off.

Fortunately, Dragonite stood in front of Jiang Qing for the first time.

"Hurry up with the knife"

Jiang Qing saw that although Druddigon was embedded in the mountain, the other's eyes were still open, just because there were too many laps.

His head was dizzy and he couldn't control his body at all.

So if you don't make up at this time, when will you wait?

Dragonite kicked, and as the Ground shattered, its body turned into a yellow lightning bolt, with a million-ton punch with the potential of a landslide, constantly approaching Druddigon with the sound of the air bursting.

The latter felt a strong crisis, but his dizzy head couldn't control his body at all. As his body swayed, a million punches had already slammed into its stomach.

His stomach was badly wounded, and Druddigon's eyeballs almost fell out in pain.

The overwhelming pain from his stomach instantly made Druddigon's brain protect Contest Condition, which is to faint.


Druddigon fell to the ground, but his mouth was still open, and there was a lot of saliva, and his body twitched from time to time.

"Go, let's move on"

Today's goal is 5,000 meters, and now I have only reached 800 meters, and there is a long way to go.

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