Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

265 Denglong Mountain

Occupying Flygon's site, Jiang Qing took out his lunch from the system space and ate a few bites, while Dragonite was eating the energy cubes.

Don't worry about other dragon-type Pokémon attacking.

Because adult dragon-type Pokémon have their own territory, if other unfamiliar dragon-type Pokémon enter, they will be regarded as Taunt by the owner of the territory.

The noon sun was shining, and Jiang Qing didn't feel hot when he arrived. In fact, the temperature of Dragon's Den secret place remained around 20 degrees all year round.

There are no distinct hot or cold seasons.

And this temperature is also a temperature that most dragon-type Pokémon like.

"Let's go, go to the Dragon Mountain"

Jiang Qing rode up quickly and pointed to the huge mountain in front of him, the mountain that was nearly two-thirds of the height hidden in the clouds.

This mountain is located in the center of the Dragon's Den secret realm, with a height of tens of thousands of meters, and the number of dragon-type Pokémon living in it is the least.

But the strength is the strongest.

Anyone who enters the secret realm of Dragon's Den will go to Dragon-Mountain.

Because there is the most important treasure in the entire Dragon's Den secret realm---Dragon Pool.

The Dragon Pool is also the treasure of the Dragon's Den secret realm.

Any Dragon-type Pokémon that has been soaked in the Dragon Pond will be reborn.

However, if you want to enter the dragon pool, the difficulty is hell.

It is not an easy task even if you are close to climbing Longshan.

In midair, a Salamence stood in front of Dragonite.

At this time Jiang Qing and Dragonite are still 100 kilometers away from Denglong Mountain, and Salamence is the third Pokémon to prevent them from entering Denglong Mountain.

The first two Pokémons are Altaria and Noiven. They are all early Elite strengths, including the Salamence in front of them.

In less than a day, along with the gatekeeper Tyrantrum, Jiang Qing encountered four Elite Pokémon.

The Elite level, which is rarely seen outside, almost gave Jiang Qing a feeling of flooding in the secret realm of Dragon's Den.

In fact, the Dragon's Den secret realm is the secret realm with the most Elite-level Pokémon among the eighteen special advanced secret realms of the Xia Kingdom.

The main reason is that most of the quasi-gods are dragon-type, and the lifespan of dragon-type Pokémon is longer than that of many Attribute Pokémon.

Most dragon-type Pokémon live to be a few hundred years old just like playing, and there are many thousands of years old.

This is far more powerful than a short-lived ghost like Bug Type.

Bug Type: Has been insulted.

Dragon-type Pokémon have such a long lifespan, and their strength will definitely not be too bad.

As long as anything is linked to time, when time goes up, even a waste can become an elite.

Salamence: I just want to be beaten by you, or beaten up by you.

Dragonite: Hold on.

As Dragonite landed, Jiang Qing got off its back, otherwise he would be on Dragonite's back, not to mention affecting Dragonite's performance, his own safety could not be guaranteed.

When Jiang Qing just landed, Salamence opened his mouth and it was a Hydro Pump.

This Hydro Pump covers Dragonite as well - Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing: "Dragonite Extreme Speed"

Dragonite disappeared in place, but Hydro Pump had already hit the position where it was just now, it disappeared, but Jiang Qing was still there.

Even if Jiang Qing was not directly hit by the Hydro Pump, the aftermath of the Hydro Pump was enough to kill Jiang Qing.

There was a flicker of hesitation in Salamence's eyes, it didn't want to kill the human.

And at this moment, Dragonite suddenly appeared on its left side, and the fist flashing with lightning slammed into its cheek with a bang.

It knocked its body more than 100 meters away, and the trajectory of the Hydro Pump changed as Salamence was knocked into the air.

The dozens of trees below were cut off by the Hydro Pump, leaving a ravine dozens of meters deep in the Ground.

Looking at the ravine less than half a meter away from him, Jiang Qing couldn't help but leave a drop of cold sweat on his face.

Nima, I was almost hit by this Hydro Pump.

Without the protection of Pokémon beside him, even if he has a Mega Pallet Town physique, he is probably hanging in the face of such a move.

And he didn't dare to try, after all, he would die if he tried.


After being punched by Dragonite with Thunder Punch, Salamence only felt that his mouth was numb, and he had come to Dragonite before he flapped his wings.

The emerald-green Dragon Claw slashed down, and the air made a sharp whistling sound.

Not to be outdone, Dragonite also greeted him with Dragon Claw.

The Dragon Claws on both sides in the air collided fiercely, the powerful and violent dragon-type energy continuously squeezed and burst, and the trees below the powerful air waves began to bend.

Salamence is different from the previous Tyrantrum, Altaria, Noiven, although it is also the initial stage of Elite, but it is a quasi-god.


Both are dragons, and the quasi-sacred dragons are the most pure dragons, and their strengths can surpass those of the normal non-quasi-sacred dragons.


The last two Dragon Claws exploded, and neither seemed to have the upper hand.

At the same time as the explosion occurred, Salamence's body quickly retreated to avoid being injured by the explosion, while Dragonite did not retreat but advanced.

Under the flapping of the wings, the dragon god swooped in instantly.


The flames of the explosion were swooped and dispersed by the Dragon God.

Salamence's sight was blocked by the explosion, and it didn't expect that Dragonite did not choose to retreat like it did, but aggressively chose to attack.

Doesn't it know that it hurts too?

It is true that Dragon God's dive can't completely isolate the damage caused by the explosion, but Dragonite doesn't care.

In an instant, the dragon god swooped into Salamence, the powerful impact and the huge dragon energy made Salamence let out a scream.

It only felt that all its bones were shattered by this one blow.

The severe pain from his body caused him to lose his control over his body, and his body fell down from a hundred meters in the air.

But Dragonite's attack isn't over yet.

There are dark spots on his body, which is the damage caused by the explosion just rushed into.

The seemingly fat body, but the speed displayed is staggering.

In one breath, Dragonite came to Salamence's Sky, raised its silver tail and slashed towards Salamence.

Although Salamence couldn't move his body, he could still open his mouth.

The Dragon Pulse is launched to try to stop Dragonite's Iron Tail.

But Dragonite's Iron Tail was like a sharp scalpel, slicing the Dragon Pulse in half under Salamence's horrified gaze.

Unabated, Iron Tail hit Salamence in the head hard.


Salamence's body fell quickly, and with the ground shaking, a depression of several hundred meters appeared in the ground, and the surrounding Ground exploded inch by inch.

The center of the depression is tens of meters deep.

Even though he suffered such a huge blow, Salamence still did not lose his ability to fight, and even slowly stood up from the pit.

But its end is doomed, it is not the dawn of victory, but the death of Dragonite's cold Ice Beam.

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