Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1360 Heterochromatic Rayquaza Disappears

As he spoke, the existence time of the heterochromatic Rayquaza was less than ten seconds, but Jiang Qing did not buy the extension card. If he waited for the heterochromatic Rayquaza to disappear, then buying the extension card later would have no effect.

Ten seconds came quickly, and under the different eyes of these first-level gods, Rayquaza disappeared out of thin air.

Even Hoopa was stunned by the disappearance of the heterochromatic Rayquaza, and did not attack for a while.

When MewtwoX saw that his ally was missing, he naturally would not take the initiative to attack Hoopa.

For a moment, the scene became eerily quiet.

The expressions of people in various countries may be shocked, different, or worried.

[What's going on? Why is Rayquaza missing? MewtwoX is the only one left, so it shouldn't be Hoopa's Rival]

[Jiang Guanjun seems to have had a quarrel with Xerneas]

[Internal strife is going to happen at this time. Xia State is indeed a country that has always liked civil war]

[There shouldn’t be anything we can do now. Layse Rayquaza won’t really disappear, right?

[The opponent was probably summoned by Champion Jiang in some way. It was probably the summoning time, so the different-colored Rayquaza disappeared]

[It’s over. I thought that Zekrom and Kyogre defeated the first-level gods on Hoopa’s side. I thought it was safe at 12, but now it seems that it is too early to be happy.]

[There are so many first-level gods around Jiang Guanjun, why can’t they go up and fight together in a group?] Worker

[The difference in strength is too big, and going up is just for nothing]

The disappearance of Rayquaza caused panic among people around the world.

From the very beginning of the battle, Rayquaza showed great strength and was the main combat power of Hoopa to contain the demon god. MewtwoX is still inferior to Rayquaza in terms of strength.

But now the other party suddenly disappeared, and the remaining MewtwoX is definitely not the demon god Hoopa's Rival.

I originally thought that the end of the world would not happen. It turned out that the pause button had just been pressed. Now the pause button disappears and the end of the world continues.

"Hahaha, that Rayquaza only exists temporarily. Jiang Qing didn't expect you to have such a method."

The demon Hoopa quickly figured out the reason.

It wondered at that time where this strange-colored Rayquaza came from. After all, there was already a Rayquaza in this world, and heaven and earth would never give birth to another Rayquaza unless the original Rayquaza died.

Now it knows that the strange-colored Rayquaza Emotion was summoned from another world by Jiang Qing through some unknown method.

Even the God of Space Palkia cannot achieve this ability, but Jiang Qing, a human being, can actually do it.

Is the thing in his body so powerful?

"Why did that Rayquaza disappear?"

Xerneas's face turned extremely ugly and he questioned Jiang Qing.

"When the time is up, it will naturally disappear," Jiang Qing said calmly.

"Xerneas, I want to kill this human. I will permanently imprison you and Regigigas, and none of you will even think about leaving."

Rayquaza, the only one who can fight against the demon god Hoopa, has disappeared, and there is nothing in this world that can stop it from existing.

Unless the God of Creation comes forward in person, will the other party do it?

It’s not like I’m really going to destroy this world.

Kyogre, Regigigas, Rayquaza and other first-level gods who came to help Jiang Qing all looked solemn when they heard the words of Demon God Hoopa.

"Jiang Qing, do you have any way to stop Hoopa?"

The hatred between Xerneas and Hoopa is the greatest, and once Hoopa rules the world, it will cause huge killings. This kind of thing is very difficult for it as the god of life.

Absolutely unacceptable.

"That depends on your sincerity." Jiang Qing's expression remained unchanged.

As soon as he said this, Hoopa was already charging towards Jiang Qing, and MewtwoX immediately went to stop him.

"Just you, you can't stop me"

Hoopa laughed, and with the sound of space shattering, six fists pressed towards MewtwoX.

"How will you know if you don't try?"

MewtwoX responded, Psychic was moving forward like waves, and every time Hoopa's fist hit Psychic, it would be weakened by ten points.

MewtwoX really can't stop Hoopa, but it can be done by briefly containing it for a few minutes.

As a first-level god of the superpower system, he is very good at containing and harassing.

"As long as you can defeat Hoopa, I am willing to share eternal life with you."

When Xerneas saw Mewtwo using restraint to stop Hoopa, he knew that it would only be a matter of time before the other side would be defeated, even though Jiang Qing's way of threatening him was shameless.

But it has no other option.

I can only agree.

"Then share it first, I'm afraid you will regret it later," Jiang Qing said.

These words made Xerneas so angry that he wanted to go butt Jiang Qing to death with antlers.

"What if you lie to me? You must defeat Shuai Bai first," Xerneas said with a dark face.

If Jiang Qing was telling lies and tricking himself, if he really shared his eternal life with him, but this guy couldn't deal with Hoopa and was killed by Hoopa, then he would have to die as well.

Hoopa is worried about killing himself. If he shares his eternal life with Jiang Qing when the matter is not resolved, wouldn't it be playing into Hoopa's hands?

"Yes, then let's make an agreement. If I defeat Hoopa, you will share your eternal life with me."


Xerneas nodded.

Then it asked doubtfully: "Do you have a partner who is more powerful than the different-colored Rayquaza before?" 273 Then it seemed to have thought of something. Xerneas said excitedly: "It can't be Arceus."

Jiang Qing can even summon Rayquaza, so it seems possible that he can summon Arceus.

And judging from Jiang Qing's vow, if he really has a way to deal with Hoopa, Arceus seems to be the only one among the first-level gods.

"It could also be the heterochromatic Jirachi"

"No, it's a heterosexual Celebi"

The two little ones guessed.

"Is it possible that it's a heterochromatic Kyogre?"

"Heterochromic Regigigas are more likely"

Kyogre and Regigigas also joined the discussion.

Since there is heterochromatic Rayquaza, heterochromatic Kyogre and heterochromatic Regigigas are not impossible.

"What the hell are you thinking? Only we, the Rayquaza clan, can be weird."

Rayquaza next to him had a somewhat mocking expression.

Because of the appearance of the heterochromatic Rayquaza, Rayquaza knew that there were other tribesmen, so now its name has changed.

The appearance of the heterochromatic Rayquaza did not make it feel threatened. Instead, it gave rise to an unprecedented sense of intimacy, as if it were seeing its own relatives.

As first-level gods, although they have great strength and eternal life, over the long years, they have also had partners from their own tribe.

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