
But now with the combined force of the two World-Destroying Levels, Demon God Hoopa can still block it. Although Hoopa looks a little embarrassed now, he has indeed blocked the offensive of MewtwoX and Mega Rayquaza.

At the beginning, MewtwoX and Mega Rayquaza worked together to deal with Hoopa, and they indeed gained a certain advantage, and Hoopa was defeated step by step.

But later, as Hoopa gradually adapted to the offensive rhythm of the two, its disadvantage was slowly restored.

Under the intentional or unintentional guidance of MewtwoX and Mega Rayquaza, the battlefield among the three has changed from the land of the East African Region to the high sky.

This can minimize the damage caused by the aftermath of the battle to the East African Region and other neighboring regions.

The six arms of the demon "Four Two Seven" God Hoopa are extremely flexible, and can also be separated from the body. This body structure makes its attack methods and angles extremely unpredictable.

The summoning time of Rayquaza is only ten minutes, but now it has been played for more than forty minutes. There is a loophole in the system.

This kind of thing will naturally not happen.

Yes, Jiang Qing used points to purchase an extension card. One card can extend Rayquaza for ten minutes, and each card has two million points.

Jiang Qing has already purchased four cards, and the time to extend the fourth card is coming soon.

But depending on the situation, this battle may not end in a day.

And he doesn't have so many points.

As time passed slowly, Xerneas, Regigigas, Kyogre, and Rayquaza all arrived at Jiang Qing's side.

Watching the battle between four world-destroying Pokémon, I was fascinated and eager to try.

"Don't interfere." Jiang Qing faced these first-level Shintos.

Their strength is a bit different from that of Hoopa. Although they can harass, the effect is not very great, and they will also anger Hoopa.

Once Rage's Hoopa launches an attack on them, if they don't block the Mega Crack, then even if the first-level god is hit, although it won't die, it will at least be seriously injured, and it will take thousands of years to heal.

With Hoopa's Dark Pulse, the flame-white Kyurem was pushed back, and the powerful force allowed Kyurem to enter the ground below like a Meteorite.

This was not over yet. Hoopa then stepped on the back of Flame White Kyurem with both feet and stepped hard using the Body Slam method.


A huge crater with a depth of a thousand meters was formed, and a large number of cracks extended towards the surrounding area. The largest crack even ran through the entire East African Region.


Many of Flame White Kyurem's bones have been broken, and the serious injuries can no longer maintain fusion. Contest Condition.

So Kyurem and Reshiram appeared again.

The injuries of the two Pokémon were also very bad.

With one blow, Yanbai Kyurem, who had reached the early stage of the world-destroying level, was seriously injured. Jiang Qing's expression was somewhat bad.

And now there is less than one minute left before the Rayquaza delay card time limit.

If Jiang Qing no longer buys delay cards, then only MewtwoX will be left to deal with the demon Hoopa alone.

Under the current circumstances, Mega Rayquaza is the main force to contain the demon god Hoopa. If it disappears, MewtwoX alone will not be Hoopa's Rival at all.

Then it seems that Jiang Qing’s only choice is to delay the card.

"Forget it, let's use it."

Jiang Qing said with great reluctance.

This puzzled Solgaleo.

"Jiang Qing, let me go to treat Reshiram and Kyurem"

As the god of life, Xerneas can sense how many lives have died in this battle, and this number continues to increase as the battle continues.

It wants to restore Kyurem and Reshiram's fighting power so that they can refuse into Flame White Kyurem and rejoin the battle.

In fact, it also knows that the gap between the strength of Flame White Kyurem and Hoopa is a bit big, and it will not have much effect. However, Flame White Kyurem is also a world-destroying level, and is much more useful than them.

It's always good to have a few helpers.


Jiang Qing shook her head.

As he spoke, he looked at Xerneas and said, "Are you willing to share your eternal life with me?"

Xerneas was stunned for a moment, then said angrily: "When have you ever told me this?"

"I asked you if you are willing." Jiang Qing said calmly.

Seeing that Jiang Qing's expression seemed extremely serious, Xerneas couldn't help but darken his face and said: "You are threatening me."

It thinks Jiang Qing is threatening it with Hoopa. If it doesn't want to, Jiang Qing might give up its burden, and the world might really come to an end.

Then countless lives will die. As the God of Life, it absolutely accepts this scene.

"You can think so." Jiang Qing nodded.

Xerneas's face looked even uglier now. If it hadn't been left with no choice, it would have wanted to directly join the demon god Hoopa's camp.

As innate first-level gods, they are all immortal. They cannot die unless they are imprisoned or put into permanent sleep.

But it is an exception.

Because once it shares its eternal life with a certain life.

Then once the person who shares its eternal life is killed, it will also die, and heaven and earth will give birth to a new god of life.

And it has nothing to gain from this human being.

In other words, after sharing eternal life, it has a fatal weakness for no reason, and there is nothing at all.

So why does it want to share its eternal life?

Once eternal life is shared, it cannot be taken back, that is to say, once bound, it cannot be released, otherwise it can also deceive Jiang Qing.

But now Jiang Qing threatens it with the demon Hoopa, which makes Xerneas helpless and helpless at the same time.

"You're such a deer, you don't know how to appreciate it. You share your eternal life with Jiang Qing. That's your blessing."

Celebi, who was lying on Jiang Qing's head, stood up and faced Xerneas angrily.

2.8 "As a first-level god, can you have a bigger picture, like me, and quickly agree to Jiang Qing?"

Jirachi in his arms also looked in agreement.

Of course they hope that Jiang Qing can live forever, so that they can always be by Jiang Qing's side.

But this Xerneas looked a little shameless.

Listening to the two little ones talking to each other, Xerneas's lungs were about to burst with anger.

These two bastards could barely stand and talk without pain in their backs.

"Then why don't you share"

After getting frustrated and having trouble functioning, he yelled at Jirachi.

"I don't have your ability. If I had this ability, I would have shared it with my father long ago without him having to tell me."

Jirachi had a look of disdain on his face, and at the same time he didn't forget to flatter Quan Qing. .

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