Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1361 Jiang Qing: Metagross

Jiang Qing also knew that Xerneas would not agree to his request. After all, even Rayquaza had disappeared. Xerneas definitely had no confidence in his ability to deal with the demon Hoopa.

So I asked him to share his eternal life with him in advance. It would be strange if the other party agreed.

"If you have any powerful Pokémon, summon them quickly. Mewtwo

Seeing Jiang Qing's lack of movement, Xerneas couldn't help but become a little anxious.

"No need to summon me, my Trump Card is always with me," Jiang Qing said calmly.

These words made Xerneas a little confused. The Trump Card has always been with you, so why didn't you send it out in the first place.

The conversation between Jiang Qing and Xerneas was all telepathic communication, so the outside world did not know that Jiang Qing was communicating with Xerneas just now.

However, people from all over the world can see that Xerneas was very angry just now, and the person he was angry with was Jiang Qing.

Of course, Jiang Qing cannot let everyone in the world know about eternal life. After all, he never likes to show off.

"You know my Trump Card, Celebi, and Jirachi?" Jiang Qing said with a smile.

"I know it's Metagross" X2

Celebi and Jirachi said in unison.

"Hahaha, that's right, it's Metagross, and only Metagross," Jiang Qing laughed.

Following his words, Metagross, who had been by his side, arrived in front of Hoopa. At this time, MewtwoX was knocked out by Hoopa.

"Jiang Qing, do you want it to come here to seek death?"

Hoopa looked at Metagross who was standing in front of him. Although the opponent was a first-level god, he was only in the early stage, and he was still an acquired first-level god. He didn't take it seriously, and he didn't care about such a thing. Bo can be killed.

"You know, I have been defeated since my debut, but I only have one Pokémon and I have never been defeated, right? Jujin" "Weird"


Metagross responded to his Trainer in a deep voice.

Although it knows that it is definitely not Hoopa's Rival, its Trainer Jiang Qing said that he can win, so he will definitely win.

There is no reason. If there is one reason, it would be that Jiang Qing said it could win.

"Jiang Qing, are you crazy? How could Metagross beat me?"

Xerneas looked at Jiang Qing with an angry look on his face. He felt that he had been tricked by Jiang Qing. This guy had no way of defeating Hoopa. What he said before was all lies to him.

Solgaleo was also confused, but for some reason he didn't speak.

"Be quiet. Jiang Qing must be sure. This is Metagross's Earl Dervish Pokémon. How could Jiang Qing let Metagross die?"

Kyogre, who had a very good relationship with Jiang Qing, although he didn't know why Jiang Qing did this, believed Jiang Qing and said something to Xerneas in a bad tone.

I don't worry about it now, after all, the big Catterpie is right next to me. If I get hit by Xerneas, the big brother Rayquaza will be hit in the face.

Rayquaza will definitely help him find his place.

When people from all over the world saw that Jiang Qing actually sent Metagross, everyone was dumbfounded.

[No, is Jiang Qing from the Xia Kingdom crazy?]

[I admit that Metagross is very strong, but Champion Jiang is now Hoopa in Rival. Don’t mess with our mentality, workers.

[No matter how strong Metagross is, he is only at the peak of his championship. Jiang Qing has given up.]

[Poor Metagross, following a Trainer like Jiang Qing]

[The end of the world is coming. Let’s give up resistance.

[Ah ah ah, Jiang Qing, you are responsible for all mankind, you are a sinner]

[Xia Kingdom, you are also a sinful country]

[Shut up, everyone. Champion Jiang has fought until now. He has no reason to give up. Even if everyone in the world is dead, Champion Jiang can still survive. He sent Metagross.

What's the reason?

【I believe in Champion Jiang】

【Me too】

Most people abroad are scolding Jiang Qing, but here in Xia State, the situation is similar. Only a few people believe in Jiang Qing.

After all, at this time, Jiang Qing sending Metagross was too childish, and it felt like he was playing tricks on the whole world.

Even at the Xia Kingdom Presbyterian Council, several elders looked at each other, and then they all focused on the elder Jiang Gangji.

"What are you looking at? I, the Qilin son of the Jiang family, must be sure."

Jiang Gangji had a cold face. Although he didn't know why Jiang Qing sent Metagross, he had absolute trust in Jiang Qing.

Even if Jiang Qing cannot defeat Hoopa in the end, he will not send out Metagross just because he cannot defeat him.

The people who have absolute trust in Jiang Qing include Jiang Qing's grandfather, father, mother and other relatives.

"."Brother's Metagross has appeared, this Hoopa is dead."

Jiang Ai looked at Metagross on the stage excitedly, not thinking at all about the huge strength gap between Metagross and Hoopa.

Deoxys next to him hesitated to speak. He really wanted to say that your brother was out of his mind and sent Metagross to let him die.

The Jiang family has used silver-white Metagross as their Trump Card for generations, and its reputation is even greater than that of another Trump Card, Aggron.

The silver-white Metagross is a belief, a relative, and a partner in life and death for the Jiang family.

That kind of trust is almost blind. It seems that as long as Metagross is there, the Jiang family can solve all difficulties and enemies.

And this kind of blind trust is the same for Metagross.

This is trust that is accumulated from generation to generation.

At the same time, it is also because the silver-white Metagross owned by the Jiang family has the same ancestor.

Metagross is genderless and reproduces by dividing itself.

Since the first generation ancestor of the Jiang family obtained the silver-white Metagross, the subsequent silver-white Metagross (from Luo Nuo) are all descendants of the first generation.

For hundreds of years, the Jiang family has relied on generations of Metagross to protect the country and the people. This spirit has been passed on to Judai City with the division of Metagross.

"Metagross depends on you"

Tian Rou clasped her hands together, believing that her son would never let Metagross die because he couldn't defeat Hoopa.

If this time came, she would rather believe that Jiang Qing would die for Metagross, instead of using Metagross to delay Hoopa and buy him time to live.


The caretaker looked closely at the screen and whispered: "Metagross, if you don't bring me the cub, I will dismantle you into scrap metal."

“Is Metagross really good?”

Yuwei asked her husband beside her in a low voice.

"It's no problem. As long as it's Xiaoqing and Metagross, there will definitely be no problem." Jiang Feng looked confident. .

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