Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1315 I Am Still The Owner Of The Hotel.

In the backyard, Jiang Qing was playing a Frisbee game with Arcanine. With the help of his terrifying power, he threw the Frisbee high, far and fast.

If this hits someone, that person will definitely die.

Even the sound of breaking through the air came out.

Of course, this Frisbee was completely childish for Arcanine. He caught it easily, then ran up to Jiang Qing and handed the Frisbee back to him.

Jiang Qing really didn't know what was so fun about this Frisbee. Even though he had used all his strength, it was still very easy for Arcanine to catch the Frisbee.

Simple things are not difficult or challenging, so they are boring.

Just like when you play with lures, if you can hit a fish after casting dozens of rods, then you must play with lures.

But if you hit a fish every time you throw the rod, there will be no challenge and no fun.

Throwing the Frisbee out again, Arcanine had bitten the Frisbee back in less than ten seconds.

Looking at Arcanine's eyes that I haven't had enough fun, Jiang Qing silently thought that he was just a ruthless Frisbee 21 robot, mechanically throwing Frisbees.


Magearna came over with a fruit drink she made and distributed it to the Pokémon around her. The size of the cup was determined according to the size of the Pokémon.

Otherwise, if you use a normal-sized cup for Pokémon with the size of Aggron, Steelix, and Tyranitar, it will be like holding a toothpick in your mouth.

Not to mention the drinks, I even give you the cups to drink from.

Naturally, these cups are specially customized according to their body shape, and they are made of ultra-high-strength glass, otherwise they will not be able to withstand their ravages.

"Kacha kacha"


Seeing Larvitar eating the cup after drinking the juice, Magearna slapped him with her hand in annoyance.

Larvitar had an embarrassed expression on his face. He always forgot that he couldn't eat the cup.

Magearna brought the drink, and Jiang Qing finally had an excuse to stop the boring game and drank the orange juice slowly.

"It's not ice enough, Magearna, give me some ice."

It's summer now. Although the orange juice is cold, Jiang Qing still feels that it's not cold enough and she should put some ice cubes in it immediately.


Magearna: "It's too cold and it's not good for your health."

Magearna directly rejected Jiang Qing's request.

If it were three years ago, if Jiang Qing said this, Magearna would definitely add some ice cubes to him, but now it has been three years.

It has been three years since the Arcanine level returned to the championship.

And Magearna, the dull little apprentice, now has the momentum of the Jiang family's third housekeeper.

If Jiang asks for some requests that it considers unreasonable or harmful to the body, it will reject them directly.

"But I want to drink something cold, please Magearna, just a little"

Jiang Qing clasped her hands together and said with some anticipation.


Magearna sighed, turned and left. When she came back again, she already had a box with ice cubes in her hand.

There are ice cubes in the box, and they are also orange juice ice cubes, so that the original flavor of the orange sweat will not be reduced.

Thinking about it, Magearna already knew that Jiang Qing would ask for ice cubes, so she was already prepared.

“Magearna you are the best”


Magearna narrowed her eyes happily.

Just like Daidai, although Jiang Qing will refuse some unreasonable requests, if Jiang Qing still requests, there is a high probability that he will agree to it, unless the request is extremely unreasonable.

For example, last time Jiang Qing said he wanted to use Blue Cola to make chicken wings, Daidai refused directly, and no matter what Jiang Qing said, he didn't agree.

Also, he wanted to buy tattoo stickers for fun, but was rejected by Daidai. He even told Ai Guandai, but he didn't know if Daidai did it on purpose.

It actually told the love steward that Jiang Qing was going to get a tattoo, and that he wanted to get a Rayquaza tattoo on his shoulder.

Angry, Ai Guanzhi took out the rolling pin again.

Jiang Qing hurriedly said that there was no such thing, and Ai Guansi was doubtful. Later, Jiang Qing said that if she wanted a tattoo, it would definitely be Ai Guansi.

Ai Guansi nodded. Tattoos are not allowed, but tattoos of Ai Guanshi are.

Jiang Qing: Oh, Nan District.


Perhaps smelling the fragrance of juice, Rest's little nebula flew out of the room and circled Magearna, who immediately gave it a glass of juice.

Jiang Qing waved to him, and the latter happily entered Jiang Qing's arms.

“You’re already out of early childhood, why do you still like Rest so much?”

He touched the other person's head with his left hand, and gently poked his cheek with his finger on his right hand.

In five years, Little Nebula's level has gone from 1 to the current level of 25. Although the level is not high, it can be regarded as out of early childhood.

Sleeping time has changed from sleeping more than 20 hours a day to sleeping 15 or 16 hours a day, which is indeed a lack of time.


Xiao Xingyun looked at Jiang Qing puzzled, as if asking herself whether Rest was wrong.

This is true.

It's better than having two little ones staying up late playing games all day long. They stay up late playing games and drag me along, which makes me always sleep deprived.

In the morning, because of breakfast, I have to turn on my computer.

Today is Crazy Thursday, so the two little ones went out early.

Jiang Qing also wanted to go out, but unfortunately someone came to challenge the gym today.

He still holds the position of the Steel Gym, but no one has challenged him over the years [Qiu almost forgot that he still has the 940 position of Gym Leader.

After all, challenging your own steel-type gym now does not require you to be a quasi-champion.

Challenge Jiang Qing’s Steel Gym must meet two conditions.

The first Trainer level must be Semi-Champion.

The second one has 17 national gym badges.

Only after meeting these two conditions can he be qualified to challenge the final BOSS Jiang Qing.

Otherwise, as the strongest person in the world, if there are no restrictions, it would be too unqualified.

There are almost no people who can truly achieve these two conditions. At least no one has come to challenge them in the past few years. Even if there are people who have this strength, they are relatively old and have lost their former passion.

Jiang Qing said that he is young and has no enthusiasm anymore. Salted fish is his current Contest Condition.

The challenger's time is ten o'clock in the morning, and it is already around nine forty, and the time is almost up.

"Has the Magearna challenger arrived?" Jiang Qing asked.


Magearna shook her head.

"As a challenger, shouldn't I come earlier?"

Jiang Qing muttered, but he wasn't angry at all. He just thought that if the other party came earlier, he could end the battle earlier.


Magearna: "Do you want to see the challenger's information?"

Jiang Qing waved her hand and said that she didn't need it. Reading the information would be too flattering. .

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