Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1316 Challenger——Yue Peng

After waiting for less than five minutes, Jiang Qing was vibrating, and Magearna came over to indicate that the challenger had arrived.

"Okay, let's stretch our muscles."

Jiang Qing stretched, and after taking a few steps forward, he suddenly stopped and said: "Magearna, do you want to play?"


Magearna pointed at herself, as if she wanted to let herself play.


Jiang Qing nodded.


Magearna agreed excitedly and immediately followed Jiang Qing.

Although it is not good at fighting and is also a support staff, it can still fight occasionally.

Besides, it really hasn't had any formal combat experience. Sometimes Master Daidai will teach it some combat skills, but it really doesn't have any actual combat experience.

Even though Daidai is a housekeeper, it looks like he has a clerical job, but Daidai's fighting ability is still very good, but he has never been in a fight.

Taking Magearna, Jiang Qing quickly arrived at the battle site.

Staff and association-related personnel have already arrived.

For national-level gym challenges, the Trainer Association will send people over to record the events.

The video can be used in many ways, such as as a teaching video, or to see if the Gym Trainer's leakage is serious.

If the challenge is too serious and the challenger wins, the challenge will be invalid and the Gym Trainer will also be punished.

Today's gym challenge is Jiang Qing's first in the past few years. People from the association attach great importance to it, and all the people sent to record it are very professional people.

"Where's the challenger?"

Jiang Qing asked the gym staff beside him.

After arriving here, he did not see the challenger, but he had told him before that he had arrived.

"Go to the toilet," the staff member said immediately.

Jiang Qing nodded and said with a smile: "Isn't it because you were too nervous that you went to the toilet?"

These staff members are all old people in the gym, many of whom started from Jiang Oreburgh's generation, so Jiang Qing is also very familiar with them.

Moreover, gym work can be inherited, and they also inherited it from their parents.

It can be said that the staff of the Taoist temple are actually the retainers of the Jiang family, serving the Jiang family for generations.

Such people are not only in the Jiang family, but also in many aristocratic families.

After all, if you serve a family for generations, your loyalty will naturally be higher than that of most people.

Soon someone came out from the direction of the toilet.

When Jiang Qing saw the person coming, he was surprised and said: "Yue Peng, why is it you?"

The Trainer who challenges the Steel Gym is Yue Peng, one of Jiang Qing's few friends.

He quickly walked up to Yue Peng and gave him a hard slap with his palm. Jiang Qing said excitedly: "Why did you come to challenge my gym? Aren't you looking for abuse?"

Yue Peng was originally very happy to see Jiang Qing, but after hearing what Jiang Qing said later, he didn't seem so happy.

"Don't you know that I am the challenger?"

From what Jiang Qing said, it seemed that he didn't even know who the challenger was.

"It's not that I'm too lazy to read the information, but if it's you, I don't need to read it," Jiang Qing said with a smile.

"What do you mean, kid?"

Yue Peng laughed and cursed, feeling that he was completely underestimated by Jiang Qing.

"You haven't said why you came to challenge my gym. Why is the army empty now?" Jiang Qing asked.

Yue Peng is a genius trained by the military. He has very little time for himself, let alone challenge the gym.

Besides, why did he challenge the gym? If it was just to increase combat experience, then there was no need to challenge the gym. After all, the military was the best place to increase combat experience.

And Jiang Qing doesn't think that Yue Peng needs to gain combat experience by challenging the gym.

The number of battles he has experienced definitely exceeds his own. In terms of combat experience, the opponent is even higher than himself.

It's not entirely clear how much combat experience Jiang Qing has.

To win the game, most of them actually rely on strength to crush them.

When the strength is equal, the Trainer's experience can influence the situation of the battle.

But if the strength gap between the two is relatively large, then even if the weaker side has a lot of combat experience and can increase the winning rate to a certain extent, the stronger one will still win with a high probability.

In Pokémon battles, the difference in level is greater than the difference in experience.

"This is a training mission given to me by the army, asking me to challenge seven gymnasiums," Yue Peng said.


Jiang Qing was a little confused and said subconsciously: "Isn't there eighteen gyms?"

"Isn't this excluding your gym?"

Yue Peng rolled his eyes and said angrily, the military arranged for him a training mission, not a beating mission, to challenge Jiang Qing's gym, this is not to give someone a head.

"Oh, then why are you here anyway?" Jiang Qing asked.

Yue Peng explained: "I have challenged seventeen gyms. If you don't challenge this gym, you always feel that it is not perfect. Moreover, we haven't seen each other for a long time [just take this opportunity to meet."

Jiang Qing nodded, it had indeed been a few years since he'd seen her.

It's not that he can't see her, it's that he stays at home all day long and is too lazy to go out, and he has no such thoughts.

"".Have you defeated all the previous seventeen gyms?"

“This is not nonsense”

Yue Peng said angrily, feeling that he had been underestimated by Jiang Qing.

If it weren't for Jiang Qing, he, Qin Wu, Xia Feixiang and Wutong would be the top geniuses.

Now with Jiang Qing, the word genius has been redefined because of his existence.

Now, if someone says that he is a genius, someone will say that no matter how talented you are, Jiang Qing is a genius. When that person hears this, he will instantly emo.

Jiang Qing's existence is indeed so overwhelming that even the geniuses around the world cannot hold their heads up, and even being able to barely see his back is not good either.

Not to mention the back view, even if Jiang Qing stands still in front, you can't catch up with him. This is the most disappointing and irritating thing.


After hearing Yue Peng's reply, he gave it a thumbs up.

You must know that national-level gyms also have strengths and weaknesses, but as long as it is a national-level gym, its leader is definitely the pinnacle of Elite.

In other words, the base is the elite peak, then the early stage of the quasi-championship, the middle stage, the late stage, and finally the quasi-championship peak.

As far as Jiang Qing knows, the gym leader of the quasi-championship peak is the Xia family's dragon gym, and the gym leader is the current dragon Elite Yuanmiao.

"You even defeated Xia Shang Elite?" Jiang Qing asked.

Yue Peng was only in the early stages of becoming a champion a few years ago, and a few years later he was already at the peak of being a champion? Then his strength must have increased too quickly.

"No, Xia Shang Elite was not there at the time. I defeated the acting gym owner, whose strength is in the mid-term of quasi-championship," Yue explained of the first purchase.

If he can defeat Xia Shang at his age, he will definitely be second to Jiang Qing, and the military will definitely provide him with good food and drink. .

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