Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1314Me And The Flowers Are Fragrant?

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you? There's something on my face."

From the moment the battle ended, Jiang Qing's sharp facial features sensed that something was wrong with the way his grandfather looked at him, not just his grandfather, but also his grandmother, parents, and uncles.

Nothing was right anyway, but Grandpa’s eyes were the weirdest.

That's why Jiang Qing couldn't help but ask.

Touching your face, could it be that you suddenly look more handsome?

Jiang Oreburgh was confused by Cao Ying's words. The key was that she actually felt that what the other party said was reasonable. Even Jiang Ai said that she heard Jiang Qing say that she admired the fragrance of flowers.

Jiang Ai is a child, and children will definitely not lie.

So my dear grandson doesn’t really like flowers, so that’s why he never gets married or finds a girlfriend.

Thinking about Hua Xiangxiang's appearance and figure, which are loved by three generations of old, middle and young people, it seems that it is normal for my sweet little girl to have a crush on her.

But Hua Xiangxiang is his descendant, and he is over sixty years old, which is more than thirty years old than Qingtian.

Even Jiang Lan and Tian Rou are more than ten years younger than each other.

Tian Rou felt depressed at the moment, thinking that if her son really married Hua Xiangxiang, a woman who was more than ten years older than herself would call her mother.

This is so graphic.

"Son, my mother will not agree."

Thinking of Tian Rou's righteous words, her expression was very firm.

Although she used to hate people who beat mandarin ducks with sticks, and that kind of vicious mother-in-law, but if this kind of thing happened to her, then don't blame her for holding up the stick.

Moreover, Hua Xiangxiang has an unclear relationship with her father-in-law. What will happen if her son marries her?

I want to stage a family ethics drama for myself.

“It just doesn’t work anyway”

Tian Rou said firmly again.

Confused Jiang Qing was still confused and had no idea what was going on.

Jiang Lan actually has a high level of acceptance in his heart. In his opinion, as long as his son can get married, let alone Hua Xiangxiang, he can accept it even if he is a little older.

However, seeing his wife's opposition, Jiang Lan was wise enough not to speak.

"Xiaoqing, uncle, there are actually many suitable Stephanie wives here."

Jiang Feng and Tian Rou had the same idea. They felt that Hua Lili was too old.

"I think age doesn't matter, as long as we truly love each other, that's fine."

Jiang Qi said that he was on Jiang Qing's side.

Jiang Qing was confused by what they said to each other, and his face was filled with black question marks.


Aiguanshi lowered his head and checked Hua Xiangxiang's information on his mobile phone, wanting to see if this woman was a good match for his son.

As a result, seeing her age, it goes without saying that it would not work.

If my son wants to marry someone, he has to be eighteen years old. What's wrong with you being sixty-eight?

Also, why did my son fall in love with this woman, when did they have contact, and whether he was confused by this woman.

No, I have to discipline him.

Thinking of this, the nurturing servant returned to the house, and when he came out again, he already had a rolling pin in his hand.

He has to correct his distorted view of marriage, and the fastest way is to beat him.

"What are you all doing? Can you tell me something I can understand?"

Jiang Qing felt that Grandpa and the others must be thinking about something unhealthy, and it was about themselves, but they didn't say it out yet.

He acted as if he knew.


As soon as Jiang Qing finished speaking, he saw the stewardess rushing toward him with a rolling pin.

This look frightened Jiang Qing and immediately backed away.

"Careful, wait, wait"

Jiang Qing kept backing up, looking at Ai Guandai with a discipline stick in his hand in horror. He didn't do anything at all, so why was he beating him?

Could it be that he defeated his second uncle and made his elders lose face?

Even if this is the case, there is no need to beat me in public, so many people are watching [Don’t you want to lose face?

"Sword General"

Jiang Ai Guan looked like he was preparing himself, and Jiang Qing immediately called his personal guard general.

The servant sword general stood in front of him like a rescuing general.


Love to control: "Get out of here"

General Sword: "Okay"

Jiang Qing:……………………

"Brother, Hua Xiangxiang is not suitable for you, even love and love feel inappropriate."

At this moment, Guanshi's rolling pin has hit Jiang Qing's body. Of course, it doesn't hurt at all. How could Guanshi be willing to hit Jiang Qing in pain.


Ai Guanshi: "That woman is so much older than you, I won't agree to it, she can be your grandmother."

Combining Ai Guansi's words with Jiang Ai's previous words, it seems that he knows the reason for the matter.

So his expression became even more confused.

Why did I get involved with Hua Xiangxiang, and when did I fall in love with her?

"Ai Guanshi, I like Shiba. Both Celebi and Jirachi know this. How can I like Hua Xiangxiang? What's going on with you guys?"

"Besides, isn't Hua Xiangxiang having an affair with grandpa?"

The last words made Jiang Oreburgh's face suddenly darken. He had already felt Cao Ying's murderous gaze.

Jiang Qing was too impatient, so she took care of her grandfather.


Ai Guanshi: "You really don't like the fragrance of flowers?"

"I don't like her, why do I like her?"

Jiang Qing had an innocent look on her face, wondering what the hell was going on. She had managed to get involved with Hua Xiangxiang, and was even beaten up by the carefree waiter.

Hearing Jiang Qing's words, Guanshi breathed a sigh of relief and put down the rolling pin he raised.

And there were many others who were just as relieved as it was, but seemed a little disappointed.

"What's going on? Please tell me, Ai Guanshi."

Jiang Qing felt that someone must have said something to them, which was why there was such a big misunderstanding.

So Ai Guanshi talked about the matter.

When I heard that there was Jiang Ai's credit in it, and her words and my grandmother's imagination, I came to the conclusion that he didn't get married because he liked the fragrance of flowers. 1.5 This damn thing can still be like this.

He asked if his grandma had such a grandson.

Grandma Cao Ying coughed dryly. She really thought too much.

Grandma is an elder and it's hard for him to say anything, but--

He looked at Jiang Ai, his eyes gradually becoming dangerous. This sister was a bit too naughty. To prevent her from causing any big trouble in the future, he could give her a good beating now.

Taking the discipline stick from the steward, Jiang Qing walked towards Jiang Ai step by step.

Jiang Ai had a premonition that something was bad and wanted to run away, but was held tightly by Celebi and Jirachi, unable to leave at all.

Your own pocket money is not so easy to deceive, woman, you have today too.

The eyes of the two little ones looking at Jiang Ai gradually became ferocious.

"Brother, this is not what love means"

Jiang Ai now knew how to beg for mercy, but it was too late. .

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