In the end, Jiang Qing naturally agreed. It was rare for his uncle Jiang Feng to ask him to do something, so it would be okay if he didn't agree. Anyway, it was just an endorsement, so it should be done very quickly.

This is Jiang Qing's first time for a big girl to get involved in endorsements. After all, with his status, he doesn't need to find endorsements to make money.

The next day, some news appeared on the Internet that the Jiang Group has developed a space backpack and is expected to launch it this year.

Most of the outsiders are just watching the fun, and they don't really expect much.

It's not that I don't believe in the Jiang Group, but that giant companies around the world are studying space backpack technology. Almost every once in a while, there will be a major breakthrough in space backpack technology by a certain group.

An exaggeration is that a certain group has developed a space backpack.

In the end, after waiting for a long time, there was nothing, it was just a cover.

The wolf always comes, and of course everyone is immune to such news.

However, there are still some people who have certain expectations for the Jiang Group, if not for any other reason than because the Jiang Group is a company of the Jiang family.

The Jiang family has three champions, one of whom is love.

With these people here, if the Jiang Group 20 also plays tricks, not only will its own reputation be affected to a certain extent, but Jiang Qing and the others will also be implicated.

This news was naturally released by Jiang Feng, and it was like a warm-up in advance.

Otherwise, if a space backpack suddenly appears, because the surprise comes too suddenly, more people may not believe it.

Jiang Feng attached great importance to Jiang Qing's endorsement. Early the next morning, Jiang Qing had just finished breakfast when Jiang Feng called.

He said that the relevant director team was already waiting at the gate, and he could just ask Jiang Qing to follow them.

When he heard that his son was going to be endorsed, Aiguanshi showed great interest.

"Then let's go with the stewardess?" Jiang Qing said with a smile.


The caretaker nodded immediately.

Then Jiang Qing left with Metagross, Dadai, Guanshi, Celebi and Jirachi, while Little Nebula rested in the Poké Ball.

At the entrance of the gym, the director team filming the endorsement is already waiting here.

This director is a very famous director in Xia Guo. He has made many popular films, so asking him to shoot commercials is really overkill.

But who said that the money given by the Jiang Group was enough? Let alone advertising, he would be willing to shoot even a slightly colorful film.

Later, when he found out that the spokesperson was Jiang Qing, the director said that he had made a profit.

Since his debut, Jiang Qing has become popular throughout the Xia Kingdom as the heir of the Jiang family. Until now, he has become a household name all over the world.

But he rarely appears in public, and there is only one interview, and naturally there is no endorsement.

Now that I can cooperate with Jiang Qing, the world's most famous trainer, let alone making money, I am willing to let him give me some money.

"Director Wang, what should I do if I have a little increase?"

The assistant director looked at the closed door of the gym and thought about the big shot he was going to meet next. Even though he had met Elite and even the quasi-champion, when he thought of that big shot, he still started to feel nervous in his heart.

"Take a deep breath, I'm nervous too, but don't worry, Jiang Guanjun has always had a very good reputation from the outside world." Director Wang's expression was much better than that of the assistant director next to him.

It would be better if the palms were not squeezed tightly.

As the heavy gym door opened, Jiang Qing appeared in front of the two of them and the rest of the director team with a warm smile.

“So handsome”

A female member looked at Jiang Qing.

"These are Director Wang and Director Zhang," Jiang Qing said.

When the two of them saw that Jiang Qing recognized them, the expressions on their faces were not to mention how happy they were, just like children.

"Jiang Guanjun, I am Wang Lin, this is my deputy Zhang Cheng," Wang Yuan said hurriedly.

The assistant director named Zhang Cheng suddenly looked at Director Wang with some resentment. In fact, he can introduce himself, and you don't need to say anything.

"Both of us have known each other for a long time. Director Wang last filmed Tyranitar vs. Thunderbolts 3. My Tyranitar really liked watching it."

"Unfortunately, Tyranitar failed again in the end, so my Tyranitar asked me to give your movie a low score."

"Tyranitar was defeated in three movies in a row. It's your fault, Director Wang." Jiang Qing's expression was slightly dissatisfied.

Because of Tyranitar, he actually watched all three of them, so he really knows who the director is.

He is not complimenting the other person, and he still needs to compliment others now.

"Tyranitar will definitely win in the next part of "Champion Ginger"

When Wang Lin heard that Jiang Qing had watched three of his movies, he was immediately overjoyed. Originally, he didn't want to make the fourth one, but now he has to.

And Tyranitar's image as a villain must become the embodiment of justice.

"Then I will definitely go and see it then. Let's get in the car first," Jiang Qing said.

"Champion Jiang invites"

Jiang Qing got into an extremely luxurious business car. The two directors also sat in the same car with him, and the others naturally sat in another car.

"Jiang Champion, this is the script. Read it first."

Wang Lin handed the script to Jiang Qing.


After taking the script, Jiang Qing read it carefully.

Since you have promised your uncle, of course you must do it well.

Regarding acting, Jiang Qing is actually not worried. He has been rewarded with acting skills in his daily tasks, although it is only intermediate [but I think it should be enough to get an endorsement advertisement. The filming location of 330 is in a film and television base in Lancang City.

This film and television base is also one of the four major film and television bases in Xia Kingdom. Thousands of crews are filming here every day.

Where there is a crew, there is Celebrity, and where there is Celebrity, there are fans.

As soon as I came in, there were nearly a hundred fans shouting a certain Celebrity's name.

"Han Bingqing, Bingqing Yujie"

"Han Bingqing, Bingqing Yujie"

Many fans also held up photos of Han Bingqing.

"Han Bingqing is also making TV and movies now."

Jiang Qing saw this scene through the car window and was immediately confused. In his impression, Han Bingqing was a singer, so why did he suddenly start acting.

"Sing and perform well"

"This goddess Bingqing is very powerful. She deserves to be from the same school as Jiang Guanjun," Wang Lin praised.

Ever since Jiang Qing attended Han Bingqing's first concert as a guest singer, no one in Xia Guo knew that Yang Qing had an unclear relationship with Han Bingqing.

With Jiang Qing standing behind him, Han Bingqing had a smooth journey in the entertainment industry. Even though he aroused the jealousy of many people, these people did not dare to think otherwise when they thought of Jiang Qing's presence.

If there are those who are not afraid of death, they will use some dark means without Jiang Qing taking action. Qinhuang Entertainment will naturally deal with it immediately. .

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