Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1251 Jiang Qing Can’T Do It?

The original plan was to shoot for three days, but Jiang Qing completed the shooting plan in only one day. If Celebi and Jirachi hadn't said they wanted to appear on the scene, the shooting plan was temporarily modified. Otherwise, Jiang Qing could have finished shooting in half a day.

The two little ones have a strong sense of camera, which is a bit beyond Jiang Qing's expectation.

But in the words of Celebi and Jirachi, their shots are so strong because they were shot with vibrato.

Thinking about it this way, it does seem to make some sense.

After filming the commercial, Jiang Qing invited the entire director team to a dinner.

The venue for dinner was in the film and television city, which made the entire director team feel flattered and very proud.

This is the strongest man in the world. Jiang Qing invited them to dinner. How many talents in the world can have such an honor.

"If Jiang Guanjun completes the film, it will be released in about three days. I wish the Jiang Group's space backpack a great sale," said director Wang Lin, raising his glass.

At the beginning, when he knew that the content Jiang Feng asked him to shoot turned out to be a space backpack, he was beyond surprised.

This kind of cross-era product was actually developed by the Jiang Group.

I thought it didn't have much capacity, but as an advertising director, of course he got a space backpack. After using it, he realized how ridiculous his previous idea was.

A space backpack of about one kilogram can actually hold a thousand kilograms of things inside, and the weight of the entire backpack will not change at all.

This product will definitely sell like crazy, and there will even be scenes of people snatching it up.

So what he said about big sales was really not a compliment.

However, he can be regarded as a first-come-first-served person. He has been gifted a backpack by the Jiang Group. Of course, it is not only him, but also other members of the director team.

The meal didn't take very long, it was over in about an hour, just when Jiang Qing was about to leave. The door of the box was suddenly violently opened.

Then a drunken young man suddenly broke in and said angrily: "Where is Han Bingqing? Where is this bitch Han Bingqing?"

"Young Master Qin, Young Master Qin and Han Bingqing are in the box next door. You went to the wrong place. You went to the wrong place."

Just when Jiang Qing frowned, another person hurriedly walked in. Without looking at Jiang Qing and the others, he immediately supported the drunk man and left directly.

Watching the two leave, Wang Lin said with an angry face: "Who are these people?"

When he thought of the man calling Han Bingqing just now, Wang Lin immediately looked at Jiang Qing.

Sure enough, Jiang Qing's face was slightly gloomy, and her heart tightened.

"That person just said that Han Bingqing is in the box next door," Jiang Qing asked.

Wang Lin nodded immediately: "Yes, Director Wang and the others are next door. They have said hello to me before."

Jiang Qing remained silent and ordered a doctor in the box.

At this time, the man named Mr. Qin was holding Han Bingqing's wrist and said in a drunken voice: "Han Bingqing, I'm going to do it to you today."

"What Jiang Qing's woman? Even if you are Jiang Qing's woman, if I sleep with you and cuckold the dignified champion Jiang, then you won't be so powerful."


The other people at the dinner table had been beaten to the ground by Mr. Qin's men.

Even Han Bingqing's manager fell to the ground, his head covered with blood. Seeing that the other party wanted to scorn Han Bingqing, his manager Qian Feifei said sternly: "Qin, the one standing behind our Bingqing is Jiang Guanjun, if you dare If you lay a finger on her, even the Qin family behind you won't be able to protect her."

Qian Feifei's words seemed to anger the other party, and he roughly pulled Han Bingqing's wrist and walked to Qian.

He kicked her hard on the head.

"Sister Qian"

Han Bingqing was horrified and tried her best to Struggle, but she couldn't break free from the opponent's wrist no matter what.

She wanted to take out the Poké Ball, but there was an Elite-level Grumpig next to this guy, and the opponent used Confusion to directly lock all their Poké Balls.

Qian Feifei felt that her head was dizzy, and the sounds around her became hazy. Young Master Qin still couldn't get over his anger and stepped on the opponent's head.

"The Qin family, I am the Qin family. Han Bingqing is famous now. Isn't she the one promoted by our Qin family?"

"I have seen countless women. This woman is obviously a virgin. If she is really related to Jiang Qing, how can she still be a virgin?"

"It's better to say that the dignified champion Jiang is not enough - hahaha -"

Saying this, he suddenly laughed loudly.

"Jiang Qing is much better than you"

At this time, Han Bingqing suddenly said this.


Qin Shao slapped Han Bingqing directly in the face, causing him to stagger and fall towards the door.

Because the door was open, Jiang Qing happened to come in.

This is exactly what I saw.

And when the other party said that he couldn't do it, he said it so loudly that he could even hear it in the corridor, let alone the private room.

Jiang Qing!”

Looking at the man supporting her, Han Bingqing was so surprised that she even felt that she was hallucinating.

"Take care of her"

Jiang Qing handed Han Bingqing to a female employee behind him.

Then he walked towards the somewhat confused Mr. Qin step by step.

This guy became a lot more courageous because of his drunkenness, and naturally spoke freely, but when he saw Jiang Qing appear with his own eyes.

A huge feeling of fear surged into my heart, and the drunkenness disappeared at this moment.

With a plop, he knelt directly on the ground and looked at Jiang Zhi fiercely.


Because of fear, even speaking was a little awkward.

He looked at Grumpig beside him as if asking for help, but saw that his greatest support had been killed by a white Gengar.

And all of his men collapsed to the ground because of fear.

"Leave it to you, don't die too easily," Jiang Qing said to Gengar calmly.

"Jie Jie"

(Confused) Gengar chuckled.

Those people still wanted to beg for mercy, but they were hypnotized by Gengar in the next second, and then their expressions began to become extremely ferocious.

Their fingers began to scratch their faces and bodies, scratching these places to pieces. Some of them bit off their own flesh and blood with their mouths, chewed them, and swallowed them directly.

Others picked up the knife on the table, stabbed it into their bodies, put their hands into the opening of the knife, and pulled out the intestines in their stomachs.

Jiang Qing looked at this scene expressionlessly.


But some people behind him couldn't bear it anymore and vomited directly.

Celebi had already cured Qian Feifei and others. Jiang Qing walked up to Han Bingqing and said, "Have you relieved yourself? If you don't, I will kill his parents too."

"No, that's enough"

Han Bingqing shook his head and looked at the scene in front of him. Although his face was pale, he did not vomit, which surprised Jiang Qing. .

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