Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1249 Space Backpack Is Born

"What does it mean for me to be the spokesperson of the space backpack?"

Jiang Qing came out of the secret realm and had only been at home for three days when her uncle Jiang Feng came to the door and first told Jiang Qing good news.

After five or six years of research on space backpack technology, we have finally succeeded.

The space backpack technology was found by Jiang Qing from a certain technological relic. I have very complete space backpack technology.

But this thing cannot be made just by copying it.

It's like a junior high school student. If you give him a college mathematics test paper and give him the answers, he can copy it, but he won't understand what he copies.

The same is true for space backpack technology. Many problems need to be overcome by researchers slowly. At the same time, the materials for manufacturing backpacks are also difficult.

There were already samples of the space backpack two years ago, but there was another espionage incident later, but it was still handled by Jiang Qing's "513" personally.

We have samples, but they are still a bit far away from production requirements and need to go through a series of tests.

This is just like if a drug wants to be marketed, it needs to go through clinical trials.

So it took another two years.

Space backpack technology has not really matured until now.

"The space backpack can take our Jiang Group a step further. It would be best for you, Xiaoqing, to be the spokesperson." Mei Feng, who had always been calm, was a little excited at this time.

With the rise of Jiang Qing, the Jiang Group has already become extremely large in size and scale.

Its main businesses include real estate, Oreburgh, hotels, energy, Poké Balls, energy cubes, Pokémon medicines, etc., which have been opened all over the world.

If such a huge group wants to take a step closer, it must develop into other fields, but doing so will undoubtedly lead to suppression by the industry in this field.

Even if the Jiang Group is not afraid of this kind of suppression at all, there is no need to do so. After all, if all the benefits are taken by themselves, then there will be enemies all around them.

So if you want to go further, the only way is to innovate.

Nowadays, space backpack technology is the most important part of taking the Jiang Group a step further. At the same time, this technology is also an epoch-making thing.

Usually when you go out to buy something, it's fine if you have less and you can just carry it yourself. But when the quantity is large, it is definitely not convenient to carry as much as you want, especially for women who like to shop.

It is common to buy more than a dozen things at once. You will definitely not be able to carry them by yourself. If you have a boyfriend, you can share the burden, but if you don't, you can only find a place to store them temporarily.

But if you have a space backpack, it will be completely different. Not to mention a dozen pieces, hundreds of pieces can be put down, and reconstruction is the key to the space backpack itself.

A regular space backpack only weighs one kilogram, and can hold a thousand kilograms of things inside.

The biggest beneficiary of the space backpack is actually the Trainer.

A Trainer needs to keep various energy cubes and various Potions on hand.

So when you walk outside, basically all training involves carrying a bag.

If you enter the secret realm, you will need to store more energy cubes and potions, as well as your own changes of clothes, tents, food and drink, and other things.

These things often take several months to prepare, which results in a huge backpack, and there is more than just one.

Of course, if you have Gengar, you can put everything into Gengar's dimensional space, but Trainers all know that Gengar, as a Ghost type, will unconsciously absorb Trainer's life energy.

There are very few Gengars who can control this. Most Gengars need to reach Elite level before they can actively control and absorb life energy.

So if you want to become a short-lived ghost, you can subdue a Gengar that is specially used to store things.

If you don't want to, then you can only enter the secret realm in large and small packages.

The more things you bring and the more complete they are, the longer you can stay in the secret realm and the safer it will be.

How many trainers had to exit the secret realm early because they ran out of medicine in the secret realm, and the unlucky ones even died directly in it.

Don't look at the energy erosion in the secret realm, it seems like you won't be able to stay long.

You must know that you can stay in a high-level secret realm for eight months under normal circumstances, but if you are in a junior secret realm, it will take two or three years.

Unless you have a truckload of supplies, it will not be able to support you living in the secret territory for two or three years.

Most Trainers did not exit the Secret Realm early due to the energy erosion of the Secret Realm. It was because they ran out of supplies and had to exit early.

Otherwise, if you explore the secret realm without supplies, if you or the Pokémon are injured, and there is not enough medicine, the Pokémon may be able to survive with its strong physique, but as a human, you may get a serious cold. Your life…………

In this case, it would be extremely unwise to continue exploring.

So if the space backpack appears, Trainer can stay in the secret realm longer, his strength will naturally be improved faster, and his safety will also be improved.

"Uncle, the space backpack is such a good product, you need me to be the spokesperson. Just post an advertisement and it will become popular immediately."

Jiang Qing was lying lazily on the sofa, not really interested in this matter.

As soon as a good thing like a space backpack comes out, it will definitely cause rushes, and it doesn't even need to be advertised.

It won't be long before human-to-human transmission occurs, and a large number of Douyin technology bloggers will definitely publish relevant detection videos.

It can be said that the space backpack Trainer is just a necessity. If you want to live long, live well, and improve your strength quickly, then this thing is indispensable.

If you don’t buy it, some people will.

"How can you just post ads casually? This is an epoch-making product, and it can truly make our Jiang Group the number one group in the world."

"So as the heir to the Jiang family, you must be my spokesperson, but there is no endorsement fee."

Jiang Feng couldn't help but smile at the end.

"Is it necessary to be 4.7?"

"It must be done!"

Okay, seeing how serious his uncle is, Jiang Qing can only agree.

This thing is indeed an epoch-making product. It can not only improve the Jiang Group, but also the national strength of the entire Xia Kingdom.

"I have discussed with the Xia Kingdom Presbyterian Council. Currently, the space backpack is only sold in Xia Kingdom. It will be sold to the whole world in one year," Meifeng said.

This thing can improve the strength of the Trainer. Of course, it will be used by his own family first, and then used by foreigners. And one year is enough for the Trainer of Xia Kingdom to use the space backpack to extend the time in the secret territory, thus making The strength has gone a step further.

Of course, this refers to low-level Trainers. At the Elite level, the space backpack does not actually improve the strength much, but it can still improve the quality of life in the secret realm. .

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