This top-level secret realm is dominated by Fairy-type energy, which means that most of the Pokémon in this secret realm are Fairy-type, accounting for about 60% of the total.

All Fairy Type Pokémon look pretty fairy-like in appearance, even Granbull looks ugly.

Among Fairy-type Pokémon, the most representative ones are definitely Sylveon and Gardevoir. The former is a pure Fairy-type Pokémon, and the latter is a super-powered and Fairy-type Pokémon.

Perhaps because Fairy-type Pokémon are either cute or pretty, most Fairy-type trainers are women.

Among female Trainers, the most favorite Attributes are the Fairy type first, the Water type second, and the Ice type third.

It took Jiang Qing almost half a year to truly explore this entire unexplored top secret realm, and found a total of three treasures.

Fairy Flower: The most beautiful flower, when in full bloom, it can release a pure Fairy-type essence. Fairy-type Pokémon can absorb this essence.

Orange Fruit: A mutated Orange Fruit. Because it grows in the place where Xerneas sleeps and is nourished by its breath of life, eating it can increase your life span by one hundred years.

Mountain Rock Wood: A treasure born in a place rich in Rock energy. After being used by Rock-type Pokémon, it can increase the power of Rock-type moves by 20% and increase the Rock-type foundation.

Of these three treasures, except for the second treasure that made Jiang Qing's eyes light up, the attributes of the other two were actually normal.

Ten secondary treasures were found, six of which were Fairy Type, and the remaining four were Water, Grass, Ground and Super Type.

Generally speaking, in this top-level secret realm, apart from Jiang Qing being a little surprised to see Xerneas, the harvest is really unsatisfactory.

This is the top-level secret realm with the worst resources that I have ever seen, and this secret realm is still unexplored.

After the exploration was over, Jiang Qing naturally returned to the secret realm of the Flame Mountain, and then spent two months exploring the secret realm of the Flame Mountain.

After all, you have come here, and it is necessary to explore.

This secret realm of the Flame Mountain is jointly managed by the Qin family and the Xia State. Over the past few hundred years, if there is anything good, it has probably been found long ago.

Jiang Qing had the Dowsing Machine, but he couldn't find a treasure. Obviously, the resources of the Flame Mountain have been exhausted. Of course, this exhaustion is for Jiang Qing.

For most Trainers, the resources of Flame Mountain are still very good.

Moreover, this secret realm is full of fire energy, which is very suitable for the practice of fire Pokémon. The success rate of breaking through bottlenecks here will be much higher.

Counting the Flame Mountain Secret Realm, Jiang Qing stayed there for more than eight months in total and explored two secret realms. This efficiency is absolutely terrifying.

His exploration was not like other Trainers exploring an area, or just a general exploration, but he even looked at every plant and tree.

The map of the entire secret realm is recorded in Metagross's Mega computer.

After leaving the secret realm, Jiang Qing did not leave directly. Before leaving, he had to say goodbye to the Qin family first, otherwise it would be too rude.

Of course, he was not afraid that Qin Wu would settle the score with him.

"Little cousin, why did you come out so quickly?"

When Qin Wu knew that you, Jiang Qing, had come out, she immediately rushed back from outside, with a somewhat different look on her face.

After all, it would take about a year to explore a top secret realm, and Jiang Qing was only eight months old.

But considering that Jiang Qing now has Deoxys, a first-level super god, he can explore a huge area with just one Psychic perception.

In this case, the speed of exploration is of course faster.

It came out so quickly!

Jiang Qing felt that this woman was playing tricks on him, and she was also playing tricks on her.

This is because I am small and fast.

Finding that Jiang Qing was looking at her with strange eyes, Qin Wu was slightly startled, and then immediately thought that there seemed to be something wrong with what she had just said, but she would not explain it.

"How's it going? Did you find anything good there?" Qin Wu asked impatiently.

In her opinion, a brand new top secret realm must be full of treasures.

"Normally, there is a first-level god inside. If you go in, it is best not to get close, and you must not let the outside world know its existence, otherwise something will happen."

Jiang Qing warned.

It would be fine if it were other first-level gods, but Xerneas is sleeping. This first-level god himself told the people of the Y God Organization that it was sleeping in the original secret realm of the Star-Spangled Kingdom.

…Please give me flowers…

If people from the Y God Organization knew about this, they would definitely guess that Jiang Qing was lying to them, so the fact that Jiang Qing had a tool to awaken Xerneas might also be false.

Given the madness of the Y God Organization, there is no telling what it will do.

Jiang Qing himself is definitely not afraid.

But he has family and friends. These lunatics have no bottom line and will definitely attack their relatives and friends.

Jiang Qing's relatives are all the most important blood relatives, and there are only a few of them. As long as he protects himself well, the probability of something happening is actually quite small.

But the same cannot be said for his friends.

Like his college friends Lin Xiu and Wu Fan, Chai Qianqian in high school, Han Bingqing, who was known as the national goddess, and Zhou Han, who he regarded as his sister.


He has more friends than family members, and friends cannot protect him at all.

If it was because of her own reasons that they died at the hands of the Y God Organization, then Mei would definitely feel guilty.

Therefore, the appearance of Xerneas in this secret realm must not be known to outsiders.

Seeing Jiang Qing's serious expression, Qin Wu immediately put away the reason for teasing in her heart. Although she didn't know what the reason was, since Jiang Qing said so, of course she would choose to believe it.

"Don't worry, even if I'm exploring, I won't go to that area. I'm not you. I have several first-level gods with me," Qin Wu said.

"I will seal off this top-level secret realm. You can go in alone, but it is mainly Fairy type, so it won't be of much use to you."

With his current status in Xia Kingdom, it is only a matter of words to seal off a top-level secret realm, even if this top-level secret realm is unexplored.

"In addition to the first-level gods, there are also two champion-level Pokémon, a Florges, and Gardevoir. They are all very gentle Pokémon. As long as you don't wreak havoc or kill, they won't attack you."

Of course, another reason is that Jiang Qing warned them.

"I'll give this to you, I have no use for it."

He threw the rock wood from Zhibaoshan to Qin Wu. This thing was really useless to him, so he simply gave it to Qin Wu. .

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