These shining tree fruits are called Flash fruits. This kind of tree fruit is also one of the undiscovered tree fruits. Its only function is to bloom a little light at night.

It is inedible and has no nutritional value.


Zeraora shouted towards the countless green eyes in front of her.

Not long after, an Ambipom came out from the fruit bush.

And it’s also a mid-Elite Ambipom.

Elite-level Pokémon are very powerful in any secret realm, but in the original secret realm, they can only be regarded as the kind that is not as good as the ones above, but more than the ones below.

There are too many Elite-level Pokémon in the original secret realm.


Zeraora high-fived the Ambipom's tail with her palms. Both parties looked very happy, as if they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Ambipom's eyes were on Jiang Qing, and then he looked at Zeraora, as if asking who he was.

"This is my Trainer"

Zeraora didn't hesitate when she said this, after all, it had indeed recognized love.

Now Ambipom was a little surprised. It knew very well that Zeraora, a serious prodigal son, would one day be willing to be bound and become someone's Pokémon.

Zeraora: There is no way the other party can take advantage of me, and the other party gives me too much.

Here Jiang Qing has come over with Metagross.

"Hello Ambipom" Jiang Qing stretched out her palm.

Ambipom also stretched out his palm to shake Jiang Qing's hand gently, and looked at the human curiously.

To be able to bring Zeraora home, there must be something special about this person.

Ambipom: "You are here just in time. The wine I brewed five years ago is now ready to drink."

Speaking of this, Ambipom showed a rather expectant and excited expression.

Both Aipom and Ambipom have the habit of collecting various tree fruits to make wine, which is called monkey wine in the outside world.

But because there are many types of tree fruits, you have no idea which tree fruits are used when brewing monkey wine, and most of the tree fruits are not usable by humans, and they still ferment naturally.

Added together for all these reasons, this monkey wine is actually not drinkable for humans.

Unless Aipom and Ambipom are specially trained to make monkey wine from (dbeb) tree fruits that are edible by humans, then this kind of wine can be drunk by humans.

And long-term drinking of this kind of wine can play a role in strengthening the body.

Therefore, monkey wine is a very expensive wine on the market.

Under Ambipom's enthusiastic invitation, Meitu came to the place where her tribe was.

This Ambipom is also the leader of this group and is the strongest. The entire group consists of more than one hundred Aipom and more than thirty Ambipom.

Such ethnic groups can be found everywhere in Aipom Mountain.

Ambipom uses a coconut shell-like container filled with purple liquid.

This should be the monkey wine it refers to.

Three-Year Monkey Wine: Consumption of quasi-Elite-level Pokémon and below can play a role in improving the level (Note: Because the wine uses a variety of tree fruits that are inedible to humans, humans will die directly if they eat it)

"I don't drink, I'm allergic to alcohol"

Looking at the monkey wine that Ambipom brought to him, Jiang Qing shook his head hastily. He didn't want to bet on whether his Pallet Town body constitution could withstand this monkey wine.

Don't poison yourself to death out of curiosity, then you'll have more fun.

Alcohol allergy? What does it mean?

Ambipom didn't understand the meaning of these four words, but he knew that Jiang Qing didn't want to drink. He immediately felt that the other party was ignorant, but he didn't say anything more.

"Just give me Jiang Qing's share."

Celebi directly took the monkey wine from Ambipom that was rejected by Jiang Qing, and took a sip directly.

“Tastes so good”

After drinking, there was an expression of enjoyment on his face.

"Whoa whoa"

Ambipom saw that the natural Pokémon liked his wine so much, so his wine was definitely delicious, and he showed a very happy expression.

Immediately, Ambipom served a bowl of monkey wine to Zeraora, Metagross, and Jirachi respectively.

"This is delicious, Jiang Qing, do you really not want to drink it?"

Jirachi drank monkey wine for the first time and was immediately conquered by the taste. He felt that it was a pity for Jiang Qing not to drink it.

He also put his own wine in front of Jiang Qing.

"Don't drink"

Jiang Qing turned his head.

But to be honest, he was actually a little greedy. After all, the wine smelled really good.

It's a pity that as a human being, I can't drink it.

Stayed one night at Ambipom's site.

The next day, Jiang Qing was eating the breakfast made by Dudu when she suddenly discovered that Ambipom and Aipom were holding a sealed container and heading east.

Only a small number of Ambipom and Aipom remain from the entire group.

"What are they going to do?"

Jiang Qing curiously asked Zeraora beside him.

He did not find the Ambipom leader yesterday.

"This is a tribute," Zeraora said.

"In the very center of Mount Aipom, there lives an early champion Ambipom, who is the leader of Mount Aipom"

"Lord of all Aipom and Ambipom here"

Early stage of championship!

Jiang Qing was a little surprised. In the two areas he had explored before, except for the Ax Mantis and Liligant in the king's field, which were at the championship level, the other Pokémon were at the quasi-champion level at best.

Unexpectedly, on the Ultramarine Coast, before even reaching the king's field, there was a champion junior Pokémon.

As for whether that Ambipom is a king Pokémon, Jiang Qing doesn't think so.

Because both Ax Mantis's king field and Liligant's king field have one thing in common, that is, there is not a single Pokémon except them in the entire king field.

The number of Aipom and Ambipom in Aipom Mountain exceeds 10 million, and if that Ambipom really has a king form, its level is only at the early stage of the championship. Is that because it is too low?

"What's in it?"

Jiang Qing pointed to the sealed container held by Aipom and Ambipom.

"Monkey Wine"

"The leader of Ambipom will bring together all the monkey wines that have been paid tribute to him to make a more mysterious brew."

"It is rumored that the monkey wine produced by it has a unique taste and has a huge increase in potential and strength."

Zeraora said with a yearning expression on her face.

"Today, all the Aipom groups in Aipom Mountain will bring part of the monkey wine as tribute to their big leader. Once every ten years, we didn't expect to meet him.

Compared with Zeraora's yearning, Jiang Qing's mind was that all the "poisonous wine" that he could not drink was mixed together, and finally turned into a "more poisonous" wine.


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