Celebi and Jirachi looked at each other and said that sooner or later, they would learn the secret of Zeraora from Jiang Qing.

Once you master the secret of Zeraora, you can take advantage of this stinky guy.

If Kartana loves to show off, then Zeraora loves to show off and also likes to stink. It can be said to be an enhanced version of Kartana.

If this were the case, these two Pokémon should not be able to deal with each other, especially for Kartana, meeting a Zeraora who is more pretentious than herself "is pretty good without fighting."

The result is that the two Pokémon get along surprisingly well. Zeraora and Kartana have the best relationship among all Pokémon, and the second best are Arcanine and Lucario.

"We're going to stay here for a while."

Jiang Qing looked at the large number of fruit trees around him. Many of them were already full of fruit. These were secondary. The most important thing was that many of the fruit trees here were new to Lai Qing.

For example, the tree fruit that Zeraora handed to him just now is called fragrant fruit.

This tree fruit is an undiscovered variety, and it is one of the few that humans can eat. It tastes sweet and refreshing, and it feels like eating a cucumber.

It's not that delicious, but it doesn't taste bad.

These undistributed and unknown fruits are the targets that Jiang Qing now wants to investigate and study. At the very least, he must make statistics.

"Let's go"

Jiang Qing rarely chose to hike. The trees and fruits here are relatively dense, and Arcanine's size is obviously not suitable. If he chooses to fly, he will not be able to study and investigate these fruits, so the best way now is to choose to hike.

The energy of the original secret realm eroded his body much slower than before.

The reason should be that there is another Unown in the body. In the past, Jiang Qing could only stay for more than half a year, but now, judging from the speed of energy erosion in the secret realm, Jiang Qing can stay for more than a year.

That undoubtedly gave him more time to explore.

That's why he chose to hike to study and investigate unknown tree fruits. Otherwise, if he stayed for more than half a year as before, he would most likely choose to go to the King's Field on the Ultramarine Coast first. After obtaining the world's treasure, if he had time If necessary, come back to study and investigate these tree fruits.

After walking for most of the day, because the terrain was relatively complicated, and with Jiang Qing's physical fitness, he only walked less than 20 kilometers for most of the day.

But there are eight species of unknown tree fruits discovered.

Two of them are poisonous tree fruits, three are suitable for water-type Pokémon, one is suitable for rock-type Pokémon, and two are suitable for electric-type Pokémon.

And poisonous tree fruits do not mean that they cannot be eaten. Some Bug Type and poison-type Pokémon like to eat slightly poisonous tree fruits.

However, the most common type of tree fruit here is banana fruit. This kind of tree fruit can be found in many secret realms in the outside world. It is a tree fruit that many Normal-type Pokémon like Aipom and Ambipom like to eat very much.

Humans can also eat banana fruit, but they should not eat too much. Eating too much will not only cause constipation, but also cause edema in the body.

There are really a lot of Aipom and Ambipom here, and they keep appearing around Jiang Qing along the way.

Many people are looking at Jiang Qing curiously. After all, this is the first time they have seen a human like Jiang Qing. Of course, you can also raise Qing and regard it as a "Pokémon"

In fact, to a certain extent, humans are also a type of "Pokémon", just like humans are also "animals".

Because of the aura emitted by Metagross, Aipom, who was extremely curious, did not dare to get too close and could only look at Jiang Qing from a distance.

For most of the day, Quan Qing passed several Aipom groups.

With abundant food, the number of Aipom will naturally be very large.

"Sakura Fruit"

Jiang Qing stopped and looked at the dozen or so fruit trees in front of him that he was very familiar with.


Gengar appeared from the shadow, picked a cherry fruit and handed it to Jiang Qing.

"What are you doing? I have it in my pocket."

After all, Jiang Qing took it subconsciously.

The moment he took it, Gengar's tongue was already licking it.

Then a familiar feeling of numbness swept through his body.

Damn, sneak attack.

Jiang Qing cursed inwardly and tremblingly stuffed the cherry fruit in her hand into her mouth.

The Paralysis Contest Condition was also successfully contacted.


Gengar: "It seems that the cherry fruit here works better, and the paralysis is lifted one second faster."

When speaking, his expression was not very serious.

But the next second, Jiang Qing's hands were already pinching its cheeks, pulling hard on both sides.

"Then do I still want to thank you for using me as an experiment?"

However, the lifting time is indeed coming soon, and it seems that the quality of the cherry fruits here is much better.

After pulling Gengar for a while, Jiang Qing's white cheeks were pinched with red marks, so Jiang Qing stopped.


Gengar covered his "rosy" cheeks and looked at Jiang Zhi with some "fear".

"Metagross, pick all these cherry fruits for me," Jiang Qing said.

Anyway, I have to use this thing often. Since the effect is better than the cherry fruits I keep in my pocket, of course I want these better cherry fruits.

With a thought, Metagross picked all the ripe cherry fruits, and Jiang Qing put them all into the system space.

"Further ahead is where my friend's tribe is."

After walking forward for two or three hours, Zeraora, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said.

"I'll just give you some monkey wine, and then - oh oh, I won't tell you."

Jiang Qing looked at Zeraora who turned back to glare at him and immediately raised his hands.

Zeraora: Don't let me catch you, or else hehe

"Then let's go over and take a look. It happens to be getting dark soon," Jiang said.

After all, in the dense forest of fruit trees (Qian Dezhao), even though it is only after four o'clock, the light below has begun to slowly dim.

Zeraora's so-called walk continued for two hours, and Jiang Qing even doubted whether this guy was lying to him.

"At my speed, it only takes a few minutes."

Facing Jiang Qing's questioning gaze, Zeraora said calmly.

The speed it was running at did only take a few minutes, but Jiang Qing walked, so it was not surprising that it took two hours to walk.

Okay, I accept this reason.

Jiang Qing looked around. It was completely dark at this time, and the tree fruits blocked the Moonlight, but it was not completely dark here.

Because there are fruit trees emitting faint fluorescence, these fluorescence can just illuminate the surrounding three or four meters.

You can barely see the road ahead and hundreds of pairs of shiny eyes. .

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