Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1213 Sycamore Seedlings

Give five types of tree fruits to six Ambipom and let them brew monkey wine. Even then, the monkey wine brewed by six Ambipom will not be the same.

Depending on the humidity, temperature, koji used in brewing, and various external factors, these combined make it difficult for Houer wine to appear in the same category.

And now the leader of the two-guard monsters wants to gather together the monkey wine brewed by all the Aipom groups on the long-tailed monster mountain.

Thousands of different monkey wines mixed together

"It's not just a matter of mixing them together. The leader of Ambipom has his own unique way of brewing wine."

"The monkey wine collected together will be brewed twice."

"Today is a big day for the Aipoms. The big leader will also share the monkey wine that he has sealed for ten years with the Ambipom leaders."

"Many Ambipom chiefs will have breakthroughs on this day"

Listening to Zeraora's narration, two words flashed in Jiang Qing's mind, that is treasure.

The monkey wine brewed by the big leader Ambipom sounds like a treasure.

Collecting thousands of monkey wines, adding your own unique brewing method, and brewing them for more than ten years, these things together are equivalent to a treasure.

It shouldn't be a treasure. After all, if you can get a treasure like this, it would be too simple. And if it is a treasure, the big boss of Ambipom will most likely not take it out.

The monkey wine it brews should be a top-level treasure or a second-level treasure.

After Daidai put away the tableware, in order to save time, Jiang Qing didn't have to walk this time, because Zeraora said it was about fifteen days' journey from Mount Aipom.

Of course, this is calculated using Jiang Qing's hiking method. If it were replaced by it, it would only take one day, but if it was replaced by Aipom and the others, it would only take about three days.

So Jiang Qing rode Moltres this time. As for the investigation and research of the undiscovered tree fruits, Yang Qing had already planned to let the golden monster come to him for this matter.

However, when flying to the central area of ​​​​Aipom Mountain, a large red dot suddenly appeared on the Dowsing Machine in Jiang Qing's hand.

This is the red dot that represents the lesser treasure.

“Moltres Go There”

Redirected Moltres.

It's not too late to get the inferior treasure first, and then go to the central area. Monkey Wine can't escape anyway.

Soon we arrived at the place where the inferior treasure was.

According to the location of the red dot of the Dowsing Machine, Jiang Qing finally stopped in front of a sapling about half a meter tall.

Sycamore Wood: Planting a sycamore tree attracts phoenixes, and Flying Pokémon perches on it, which can slowly improve its qualifications (up to blue), accelerate development and energy absorption in the body, and enhance physical fitness.

Note: This sycamore tree is in the seedling stage and has no special growth rate. It takes 500 years to mature into a tree, or watering a lot of natural energy can greatly reduce the time. The mature sycamore tree is

"Still a seedling"

Jiang Qing was a little disappointed and couldn't just sit back and enjoy the success, but it was not unacceptable.

At present, this sycamore tree seedling is already a second-class treasure. If it matures, it will be a top-level treasure, and it is not a one-time top-level treasure.

A one-time top treasure will be gone once it is used up.

Sycamore wood is a top-level treasure that can be used sustainably. As long as it is there, Flying-type Pokémon will continue to receive its boost if they rest on its tree.

It just takes too long. It takes five hundred years to become useful.

However, you can use natural energy to water it to accelerate its growth.

Natural energy is what Celebi is best at. When the time comes, just let Celebi water it a few times every now and then.

"This sapling is a second-class treasure, it doesn't look like anything special."

Celebi lay on Jiang Qing's head, looking left and right, but could not see any difference between this sapling and other saplings. This sapling was obviously malnourished.

"Metagross, get a light screen here to protect it. When we go out, dig it out and take it away," Jiang Qing said.

Because this sapling belongs to life, it cannot be placed in the system space or Gengar's belly. If it is put in, it will be killed immediately.

So I can only put it here first and take it away when I go out.

But don't underestimate this sycamore sapling. The sapling is now as hard as Oreburgh. It looks very weak, but if you kick it, your toes will be broken.

...Please give me flowers...

Metagross uses Light Screen to protect the saplings.

Jiang Qing did not tell Celebi now about being a gardener for the sapling after it goes out. If she really said that, Celebi would definitely not agree.

You have to use money to Captivate. Anyway, there are many ways to handle it, so it’s not too urgent to circle it.

There are also a few fruits next to this sapling. The fruits that can grow next to the sycamore tree sapling are naturally a little unusual. These fruits are also classified as treasures.

One of the trees already has fruit on it.

Earth Fruit: Long-term consumption can increase the power of Ground-type moves by 10%. (note more than three years)

By the way, I also asked Metagross to protect these tree fruits with Light Screen, and when the time comes, I will dig them all together.


The earth fruit has been picked by Jiang Qing. This thing can only be eaten as a snack by Steelix and Garchomp, and it has no effect on them.

But for ordinary Trainers, this is a fruit that is worth grabbing even if they lose their scalp.

After doing all this, Jiang Qing rode Moltres and set off towards the central area of ​​Aipom Mountain again.

Because it is a once-in-a-decade feast, all Aipoms and Zwilling monsters on Aipom are moving towards the central area.

Seen from below, they were constantly jumping between the fruits, holding sealed jars in each hand. Some of them accidentally bumped into each other, directly breaking the jars, and then started fighting on the spot.

Jiang Qing looked at the Dowsing Machine. The ten red dots representing treasures on the Dowsing Machine were all moving.

The red dot is moving?

This means that these red dots are the monkey wine held by certain Aipom and Ambipom.

The monkey wine in their hands can be regarded as a treasure, because the Dowsing Machine can only display ten red dots. It is assumed that there must be more than these ten monkey wines classified as treasures.

So for the Ambipom leader in the central area, Yang Qing was increasingly looking forward to what stage of treasure the monkey wine it brewed would belong to.

With so many treasure-level monkey wines gathered together, the brewed monkey wine will definitely not be any worse. .

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