Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 503: Full of Challengers

"Hey, really?"

Xiaoxia immediately became excited, and Taiyi's recognition made her very happy.

Along the way, Xiaoxia's cultivation knowledge has been learned from Taiyi. As a student, Xiaoxia is very concerned about Taiyi's recognition.

It was Taiyi who had been suppressing Starfish before and preventing Starfish from evolving.

Now let Starfish evolve, which means that both you and Starfish have reached the requirements of Taiyi.

Turning his eyes, he looked deeply into the pool.

The light fell, and a gem starfish appeared in place.

Gem Starfish: Mystery Pokémon

Level: 42

Attributes: Water/Superpower

Features: Analysis

Qualification: Blue

Gender: no gender

Skills: water gun, sleep, telekinesis, sleep, wall of light, phantom light, reflective wall, diving, hail

Through the viewing function of the heavenly book, Taiyi immediately saw the qualifications of this gem starfish, and it was indeed blue.

It has a filling level of 23%, which is not too small.

After reaching the cyan qualification, it is already difficult to improve Pokémon qualifications.

This is thanks to Taiyi giving him a lot of good food before. For the time being, Xiaoxia still lives in Taiyi's place. Xiaoxia's Pokémon will enjoy elf food together in Taiyi's breeding house.

Starfish enjoyed those good things without even realizing it.

Xiaoxia doesn't know this, and neither do the Zhongsens.

"Awesome, congratulations, Gem Starfish."

Xiaoxia passed by happily, and Gem Starfish immediately floated over and hugged Xiaoxia.

Well, Xiaoxia did not come into contact with the gem starfish as the body passed through.

One person and one Pokémon were stunned for a moment before they remembered that Xiaoxia was using the projection mode. How could it be possible to actually touch the gem starfish?

Sakura smiled and said: "You are so happy now that you have forgotten your situation, right? But the Gem Starfish has just evolved, so let me take it with you for testing."

Calamus also came over with a smile. Xiaoxia raised her hand a little embarrassedly and touched her braid.

Well, this time, she was convinced.

Sakura took out the elf ball, took the gem starfish back, and took it for testing.

Because the projection device is installed in this challenge arena, they cannot go there together.

Xiaoxia was a little uneasy, even though Taiyi said that Starfish can already evolve.

But she was still a little worried when she didn't see the test results.

Taiyi comforted: "Don't worry, you have done a good job in cultivating Haixing Xing. In addition, Haixing's qualifications have indeed broken through. I can be sure of this. Well, I haven't congratulated you yet, you have now He is an elite trainer now.”

Although she still lacks experience in commanding battles, Misty has indeed trained elite-level Pokémon on her own.

No one can deny this.

Xiaoxia blinked and said very playfully: "Really? Gem Starfish has been promoted to the elite level?"

After reaching the elite level, you become the gym leader.

In other words, as an acting gym leader, she is now on the road to becoming qualified, and is not far away from becoming qualified.

Although there are still some variables here, the high quality of the starfish itself is also a bonus.

But it has been shown that Xiaoxia can be cultivated independently.

In the future, a team of gym leader level elves shouldn't be a big problem.

The future is promising.

Calamus's eyes flickered and he became happy: "Great, this way, we can escape from the trainer's misery."

Xiaoxia looked back, a little stunned.

However, her sisters' qualifications as trainers were not very good, and she knew that.

In the original work, several sisters also ridiculed her in order to encourage her.

Well, Xiaoxia herself doesn’t know about the original work.

But she knew what her sisters had done before.

Now when she heard her sister's voice of relief, she was stunned.

Calamus smiled and said: “We are all good at cultivating and commanding Pokémon, but our qualifications in this area are too poor.

And our ambition is not here, so in the future, you will still need to inherit the gym.

Parents, they are too tired. You need to grow up soon. "

Xiaoxia, who was still a little stunned at first, immediately cheered up: "I know, I will work hard."

Taiyi smiled and stretched out his hand. He originally wanted to touch Xiaoxia's head, but halfway, he remembered that this was also a projection.

There was no way he could touch Xiaoxia.

Peony suddenly ran in, with some nervousness on her face.

Taiyi was a little strange and didn't know what was going on with Peony.

Just now Sakura took Xiaoxia's gem starfish for testing, and Peony also followed.

At this moment, Sakura hasn't come back yet, so the test can't be done so quickly.

Peony ran back now, with a strange look on her face, which made everyone stunned.

"Sister Mudan, what happened to Gemstone Starfish?" Xiaoxia asked nervously.

Mudan glanced at Xiaoxia strangely: "No? Why do you ask that?"

Xiaoxia said angrily: "Just now you went there with Sister Sakura, and now you are running over in a hurry alone. It's strange that I'm not worried."

It would be great if I were in Brother Taiyi's breeding house. I could test it myself.

After studying for a period of time, Xiaoxia has learned this kind of detection.

In the gym, specialized people are required to operate the instruments for testing.

Mudan rolled her eyes: "No, it's the trainers who came to challenge just now. After they left, they posted a lot of news online."

Taiyi was stunned and already had an idea in his mind.

Perhaps, this matter has something to do with him.

It shouldn’t be a bad thing anyway, right?

Sure enough, Mudan glanced at Taiyi and then said: "Because those trainers have accepted Mr. Taiyi's guidance, they all praised him after they went out. As a result, the number of people who signed up for the challenge is already full. Just in this moment , more than 300 trainers have signed up for the challenge. But..."

Taiyi knows Mudan's worries.

On Taiyi’s side, it’s impossible to come here every day to deal with challenges.

The increase in the number of challengers is undoubtedly a recognition of the Cerulean City Water Gym.

Although more may be distributed in this way, the status of the Cerulean City Water Gym has also increased.

In addition, the increase in challengers will also affect tourism and consumption in Hualan City.

This is very beneficial to the economic growth of a city.

The mayor of Hualan City must also be very happy.

But correspondingly, the pressure on the gym leader has also increased.

First of all, there are more trainers, which also puts invisible pressure on the security of a city.

The main purpose of the gym is to suppress one party and maintain the stability of a city. This is pressure.

Blessings and misfortunes lie ahead, it is indeed good.

Furthermore, with more challengers, it becomes more difficult for the Gym Leader’s Pokémon to deal with them.

The gym leader also has a limited number of Pokémon, so it is impossible to meet unlimited challenges.

They also need to leave the corresponding Pokémon behind to deal with emergencies.

This is the problem.

And according to Mudan, the main purpose of these people's coming is Taiyi.

A certified breeder is also the breeder who breeds Meenas. Such a person will personally help you set up a breeding plan.

Isn’t such a free good thing what everyone is pursuing?

This is a huge advantage!

But Mudan knew very well that Taiyi could not come here every day, and it was impossible for him to help people make detailed cultivation plans.

There are so many people, and it can easily cause trouble if someone is helped or not helped.

Everyone has a comparison mentality, why wouldn't you choose me?

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