Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 504 News about the new gym

This matter is difficult to handle, and a careless move can easily cause public outrage.

But obviously, let Taiyi focus on being the acting gym leader here, regardless of whether it is reasonable or unreasonable.

In fact, Taiyi's previous role as acting gym leader here had caused many people to protest.

Well, they are the group of people mainly composed of the Sato family.

I couldn't find any other loopholes in Taiyi, I only found this one.

In fact, it is not impossible for the Alliance to be an acting gym leader.

But most of the others are either their own children or parents, or their own disciples.

Only in Hualan City, the Zhongsen family chose Xiaoxia's teacher.

Calculated this way, it is still feasible in theory.

As long as no one takes it seriously, this matter is actually okay.

The challengers didn't say anything. What else could the Sato family say?

But the problem is that this situation is a side ball. It makes sense, but it is not that reasonable.

If it belongs to a zone that can be managed or ignored, and no one will pursue it, then it will be fine.

If someone pursues it, there will be some trouble.

Taiyi pondered for a while and said to Mudan: "Well, it's a good thing that there are many challengers. If there are not enough Pokémon in the Cerulean City water gym to serve as challengers, I can provide my Pokémon here. . There won’t be too many, but not all those who come to challenge will be too powerful. A Pokémon can handle several battles without any problem. As for giving advice..."

In fact, many people are already looking for connections and want Taiyi to make a detailed Pokémon training plan for their offspring.

But where does Taiyi have that time?

He is not short of money, so why should he provide training programs for those he is unfamiliar with?

He pondered for a moment and said: "The Zhongsen family can come up with a screening process. Select a few from a large number of challengers. I can give certain guidance, but detailed plans are impossible. I don’t have that much time.”

Mudan was a little hesitant. She didn't know whether this solution was good or not.

"That's right, let's do it this way."

The voice of Nakamori Gym Leader came from behind. The voice came first, and the figure appeared later.

As soon as he entered, Nakamori Gym Leader came over to greet Taichi.

Because Taichi was a projection, there was definitely no way to shake hands. Zhongmori Gym Leader just smiled and nodded.

"I'm sorry, there just happened to be a problem here in Cerulean City. I went out to solve it. However, I didn't expect that Researcher Taiyi was so popular that just being an acting gym leader would cause such a stir. The madness of many people. In fact, gold will shine wherever it is."

The journal Taiyi published previously caused a big shock in the alliance.

Up to now, the price of Chou Chou fish has gone from being ignored to sky-high prices.

Really, the price of Chou Chou Fish with cyan qualifications and above is even comparable to that of quasi-god Pokémon's Elf Eggs.

This is so scary.

Isn’t it true that no one has raised the question, if the Chou Chou Fish is purchased, will it definitely be able to evolve?

But someone quoted one of the Four Heavenly Kings: "At that time, Mr. Taiyi's twenty-two ugly fish evolved at the same time, which shocked us. It was really shocking."

People only noticed that there were a large number of ugly fish evolving at the same time in Taiyi.

The Four Heavenly Kings have endorsed it, how can it still be false?

Since Taiyi can make the Ugly Fish evolve collectively, so can we.

Even if collective evolution is not possible, if we only cultivate one, can we still not evolve?

They don't know that the ugly fish here in Taiyi can evolve, and a large part of the reason is the existence of the dog-licking goldfish king.

In addition, Taiyi didn’t know how much of the elf incense was burned.

If there were not so many patents, especially the income from smartphones.

Taiyi is not willing to burn it.

Well, one reason is that some of the materials for the elven incense are produced in the world of the Book of Heaven.

In addition, there are daily tasks completed by users of the Rising Sun app.

The refining is done by Taiyi himself, so there is no need to pay for this part of the processing fee.

But others can't, and the expenses in this regard will be huge.

Sometimes, people always follow the crowd and are very blind.

Zhongmori Gym Leader said: "Don't worry, the gym will solve it."

Suddenly, Zhongsen Gym Leader thought of something and his eyes moved.

Asked: "By the way, Mr. Taiyi, do you have any ideas about building your own gym?"

Build a gym?

Taichi was stunned, not knowing what Gym Leader Zhongmori meant.

Without him asking, Zhongsen Gym Leader said it himself: "That's right, the alliance banned some small gyms last year. This year, four quotas for self-built gyms will be released. Well, the alliance will allocate gym buildings. good.

In addition, if the gym is well established, the gym leader will also receive an income.

The gym leader can also arrange some people to serve as gym staff. "

Having said this, Zhongsen Gym Leader remembered that Taiyi might not have anyone to arrange for him here.

If possible, maybe the Nakamori family can get a piece of the pie.

Anyway, Taiyi also needs help. This is a cooperation that benefits both sides.

Thinking of this, Zhongsen Gym Leader was very enthusiastic: "After establishing a gym, your personal status must be improved. Well, in this regard, I heard that you are going to be promoted to senior researcher. The status of the gym leader cannot be compared to that of senior researcher. .”

Mudan was also stunned. Mr. Taiyi is going to be promoted to senior researcher?

She didn't know it before, and Xiaoxia didn't mention it.

Taiyi smiled: "It's all thanks to Menas. If Menas hadn't appeared, the other doctors wouldn't have agreed."

In the alliance, Dr. Omu has a high status.

But there are some things that he can't decide on.

Dr. Sato and the others may not be able to help, but it is easy to do bad things.

As long as a few more doctors veto it, it won't be that easy for Taiyi's senior researchers.

Taiyi is actually already prepared and will not be promoted within more than ten years.

Anyway, he doesn't care about the alliance's funds. He can earn alliance coins by himself.

As for the publication of papers, now that I have published my own journal, it has been perfectly solved.

Who would have thought that he had a plan, but he didn't plan to start it so early.

A request from Mr. Mikri allowed him to advance this topic, which actually solved the problem.

It can be regarded as a mistake.

Zhongsen Gym Leader complimented him and then said, "If Mr. Taiyi has this idea, I am willing to introduce him and recommend him."

Taiyi waved his hand: "Forget it, research has taken up a lot of my time. If you build a gym, you will undoubtedly have to fight frequently. Even if Zhenxin Town is located in a remote place, there may not be so many challengers. It is still too troublesome. I didn’t have that idea.”

Forget it, the elf world is too dangerous.

When you become a gym leader, you have to run around.

Sometimes, he couldn't refuse when the alliance sent him to other places.

It's better to be a researcher, as long as you can research with peace of mind.

From time to time, he publishes a paper and his status is higher than that of the gym leader.

So why bother?

As for the small amount of funds provided by the alliance, he really doesn't like it.

He is not Dr. Ohmu, and he has to support a bunch of people.

In addition to his own students, there are also people from the Damu family.

It’s hard to feed a big family.

Taichi is alone, so he can just support himself and his Pokémon.

No need.

Seeing Taiyi's refusal, Zhongmori Gym Leader was a little confused, but he didn't think much about it.

Maybe Mr. Taiyi just doesn't want to waste time.

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