Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 502 Xiaoxia’s Starfish, Gem Starfish

Faced with Xiaomei's doubts, Xiaoxia's face showed some tension and anger.

This is a question about her strength and disbelief in the credibility of the water gym in Cerulean City.

The three Sakura sisters were also a little angry, but Taichi pressed his hand to signal them not to be angry.

Commanding a battle is also a strategy.

If the trainer is angry, it can easily affect the Pokémon's mood.

Many times, one mistake can result in a missed battle.

Taiyi has not taught Xiaoxia in this regard, so it is no wonder that Xiaoxia behaves like this.

But ordinary people wouldn't use this tactic.

Xiaoxia's talent is still very high. After being comforted by Taiyi, she quickly realized that something was wrong.

Xiaoxia regained her composure, and Taiyi was very satisfied. Xiaoxia said to Xiaomei: "I am the acting gym leader today. If you can defeat me, the blue badge will be given to you. In this regard, Hualan City Water System Dao The museum’s reputation bears witness.”

When Xiaomei saw this, there was nothing she could do.

Sakura said: "Then, please challenger to release your Pokémon."

Xiaomei immediately took out an elf ball. Taiyi took a look and found that the elf ball was quite good.

Although it is not a master ball, it is also a specially made elf ball.

In the elf world, most people use elf balls released by the alliance, which are ordinary red and white balls.

But some people use customized Poke Balls, which generally have various effects.

For example, the Master Ball greatly increases the ability to restrain Pokémon, greatly increasing the success rate of conquering Pokémon.

Of course, if there is no way to reach an agreement on a Pokémon that is forcibly conquered in the follow-up process, it will easily lead to a situation where no effort is made.

For example, the Mimikyu Q that Taiyi conquered before.

I don’t know how Mimikyu Q is doing now?

In Taiyi's head, this signal suddenly appeared, and then quickly dissipated.

The Pokémon that Xiaomei released was Electabuzz, which is also a very powerful Pokémon.

In terms of attributes, there is no restraint relationship.

Electabuzz: Electric Pokémon

Level: 33

Properties: electricity

Features: static electricity

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Male

Skills: Lightning Flash, Stare, Motor, Charge, Thunder Fist, Discharge

This is the evolved form of the electric shock monster. It has very good qualifications. Like Xiaoxia's Starfish, it has cyan qualifications.

However, the aptitudes of this electric beast have already reached 90%, which is slightly inferior to Xiaoxia's Starfish.

The battle between the two sides was not a big scene, but there were some highlights.

Xiaoxia's command was quite satisfactory, with occasional flashes of inspiration.

The electric beast cannot enter the water, or it is said that it is not good at fighting in the water.

Xiaoxia will use the convenience of the water system to spin the starfish and constantly change its position to attack the electric beast.

Xiaomei's background is very good, and it can be seen that her response is also very timely.

He used the "avoidance" magic skill superbly. With the help of floating objects in the water field, he flexibly used lightning flash, almost hitting the starfish several times.

In the end, of course Starfish won.

Xiaomei looked a little disappointed. She was just starting out and originally planned to challenge a weaker gym.

In the Kanto region, the weakest gym is undoubtedly the current water gym.

Who knows, it might still be a defeat.

Just as she was about to leave, Xiaoxia stopped her loudly: "Although you didn't choose to restrain water-type Pokémon, your command was also passable during the battle. Several times, I almost made command mistakes. At that time, You win, so you can have the blue badge."

With that said, Sakura had already taken out the blue badge and handed it to Xiaomei.

Taiyi also said in a timely manner: "Your command is passable, but there are still some shortcomings in training. Your electric beast's qualifications are very good, but you chose to evolve too hastily. In fact, you can postpone it a little... "

After that, Taiyi pointed out many shortcomings of this electric beast, as well as things that should be paid attention to during the cultivation process.

After hearing this, Xiaomei's eyes lit up: "Thank you. Mr. Taiyi, some of the breeders in my family have also said what you said, but they couldn't come up with an effective solution. You are still awesome. I understand, thank you!"

In fact, it's not that the breeders of Xiaomei's family have no solution, but the solution may be too boring or too complicated.

For people of Xiaomei's age, they may not be able to adapt to that boring solution.

On Taiyi's side, the solution introduced is much more interesting.

Next, Xiaoxia dealt with the battle very calmly.

Even if you are at a disadvantage, you are not nervous.

This is confidence, which comes from fighting.

Several elders of the Zhongsen family also nodded.

"It seems that Xiaoxia's ability to command battles is good. I agree with inheriting the gym in the future."

"She followed Mr. Taiyi and learned very good knowledge about cultivation."

"This is the right move."

The Zhongsen family members are satisfied, and so are the challengers.

Not to mention the process of the challenge, although the acting gym leader in the battle is not very powerful, he can receive on-site guidance from Mr. Taiyi afterwards.

Whether it's the practice of moves or the cultivation of Pokémon, Taiyi can guide them from a high position.

The trainers who came to challenge on this day all said that they had earned it this time.

Taiyi is a breeder with a breeder certificate, and his level of cultivation is much higher than that of a junior breeder!

With a breeder like this personally helping you with guidance, what else is there to find fault with?

Outside, even if it is an ordinary junior breeder, it will cost a lot of money to ask for special advice.

Especially those civilian trainers, in the past, they could only read official books on training.

Not to mention the bitterness, not everyone can understand it.

Now, with the addition of the Rising Sun app, they have one more way to increase and cultivate knowledge.

This has improved the level of their breeding.

But, even so, they still lack a lot in terms of cultivation level.

It doesn’t mean that you will definitely know it after watching the video.

Then everyone can become a cultivator.

They would all make a lot of money if they could be given guidance by a cultivation master who could cultivate Menas artificially.

These people were satisfied and word of mouth spread immediately.

All of a sudden, the number of trainers who came to challenge the water system gym in Hualan City immediately increased greatly.

The water-type gym in Cerulean City had limited combat capabilities, so it was full at once.

Here, Xiaoxia also breathed a sigh of relief after completing today's battle mission.

At this moment, a burst of light lit up.

"Starfish?" Xiaoxia shouted.


Taiyi understood that in fact, the cultivation of starfish has reached a bottleneck. At this stage, it is not so easy to accumulate more knowledge.

Unless Taiyi is willing to spend a lot of natural resources and treasures to cultivate this starfish at any cost.

But this is not his Pokémon, and there is a possibility of being exposed.

Taiyi can only help in a limited way, but cannot help without limit.

This is not Taiyi's responsibility.

Therefore, Taiyi originally planned to let Xiaoxia's starfish evolve after this time.

Xiaoxia looked back at Taiyi, and Taiyi smiled and said to her: "You have accumulated enough starfish, and it's time to evolve. After evolving, not to mention the greatly increased strength, he should also have reached the blue qualification."

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