Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 470 Maybe, we can also try

"In addition, I see the situation of Dawu from Dewen Company. The other party may have invited king-level trainers from various places."

"There are also the Four Heavenly Kings from all over the world. You have to know that this is a very powerful force. If in front of these people, our journal is defined as a fraudulent paper by the Alliance Paper Review Department, even if it is later proven that these papers are correct."

"But now and for a long time to come, the reputation of Nature journals has been damaged, and they will not even have the trust of the public for a long time, let alone the sales volume."

"Even journals that have been sold out, some people will want to return them. This is a very serious matter, do you understand?"

Taiyi frowned, this Dr. Sato was really lingering, and he had already canceled one of the opponent's attacks.

He still refuses to give up. Does this mean he wants to become an enemy forever?

Taiyi asked doubtfully: "That's not right, Dr. Omu. The paper has been published. Even if the paper review department wants to confirm it, the most they can do is send a doctoral team of three or five people, along with a varying number of senior researchers. Confirm the team.”

"Why are there a group of doctors and even the Four Heavenly Kings from all over the place coming together?"

Taiyi is really a little strange. Reviewing papers is a matter for the research community. What does it have to do with the Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance?

Dr. Oki said: "You don't understand the sinister nature of people's hearts. These people in various places are kings of heaven, holding great power. They will have a great impact on your career."

"Have you forgotten the last time the journal was founded? These Four Heavenly Kings all have this vote, which can be said to be a very important vote. If you lose face in front of them this time. If you have any suggestions later, They won't be able to vote for you again."

Taichi understood and thought to himself, Dr. Sato is really not a good person.

Every attack is indeed very serious.

But Taiyi wasn't too worried in his heart.

"Dr. Omu, I guess the paper they want to come over to confirm is just the paper I published on several conditions for the evolution of ugly fish, right?"

For other papers, or the topics of the researchers around the PhD, they are not very important.

There is also the doctor's signature inside, which is regarded as the doctor's endorsement.

Dr. Sato would not choose them as a breakthrough point if he did not want to go against other doctors and completely become enemies.

This is the only paper he signed only with his own signature. Dr. Ohmu did not agree to sign this paper in order not to take away his credit.

In this way, Dr. Sato is only targeting him, and the relationship with Dr. Ohki can be distinguished.

In addition, Taiyi also knew the loopholes in his thesis.

Dr. Ohmu nodded and said: "It is true that the arguments in your paper are not rigorous enough. Because you have only cultivated one Meenas so far, there may not be any replicability."

"This is the biggest flaw of this paper. I have also read this paper. As long as the Alliance Paper Review Department is not so strict, in fact this paper can pass. According to the past review intensity of the Alliance Paper Review Department , there is absolutely no problem with this paper.”

Dr. Oki looked at Taichi seriously: "I was also negligent. Don't forget that the people in charge of the alliance's thesis review department are basically people from the Sato family. They wanted to organize a thesis review team, but they didn't even notify them. After we passed, the team was already organized.”

Seeing that Taiyi was still very calm, Dr. Omu said: "Do you know the danger involved? The review power is in their hands. There is a high probability that this paper will not be passed. When the time comes, it will be affected by this paper. This entire journal could be banned."

This is the importance of law enforcement power. Law enforcement power is in the hands of others, whether large or small.

This feeling is very bad. But there is no way.

Taiyi nodded with a smile and waved his hand: "Don't worry, Dr. Omu, be quiet."

"Dr. Omu, please be patient. All the other party can rely on is that we don't have enough Meenas with Ugly Fish evolution."

"This is the only loophole. Although I dare not say that I have summarized all the conditions for the evolution of the ugly fish, I am sure that the arguments of my paper are tenable."

But I, Dr. Omu, said anxiously: "They won't control whether this argument is tenable. As long as they catch it, the number of Menas you have here is not enough. Just this one has no universality and no repeatability. This The argument of a paper just doesn’t hold up.”

Just as he was talking, Dr. Omu saw Taiyi's smiling face and was stunned.

Then Dr. Ohki asked: "Are you sure?"

Taiyi smiled and nodded: "I never fight an uncertain battle. The reason why I dare to publish this paper is because there are ways to make up for the loopholes."

Dr. Ohki pointed at Taichi and was speechless.

But he also laughed, knowing Taichi was prepared.

As for how Tai Yi was sure that the Ugly Fish would evolve into Menas in the near future, he didn't ask any more questions about how sure he was.

Periodicals from various places are still on sale. Dewen Company has stepped up printing and transporting them to periodical sales points in various places for sale.

As for the Kanto region, printing is done by the real New Deal printing house.

Kazuo Karasawa and the others are working overtime and are already printing.

Then, Bitiao and others shipped it to various places in the Kanto region, and sales are still booming.

Opposite the journal sales point, Dr. Sato and several other doctors stood and looked at the popularity of the journal sales opposite. One of the doctors said: "Looking at the popularity of the sales, the number of journals sold on this day alone is probably more than Four hundred thousand."

Dr. Sato shook his head and said: "Not only that, according to my information, more than 400,000 have been sold now. Even printing plants in various places are still working overtime to print. Today's turnover is estimated to be more than 600,000."

Six hundred thousand, several other doctors were stunned and couldn't believe it.

The best issue of the journals sold by the alliance's paper review department only has a few thousand copies.

Comparing it with nature journals, there is a huge difference. The fireflies compete with the bright moon, and several people's faces don't look good.

"Then can we also lower the price of the journals published by the Alliance Paper Review Department to the same price, and maybe sell such a large number? I did a rough calculation. Although their operating profit point is small, but The overall profit is very impressive. If the alliance follows the same announcement, the profit amount will definitely be greater than that of the other side. After all, we occupy the orthodox position."

Orthodoxy is not wrong on this point.

After all, it occupies the name of the alliance, and this bit of legitimacy is still controlled by the other party.

Otherwise, what right do they have to organize a paper review team?

Dr. Sato thought for a while and nodded: "Maybe we can try it."

In his heart, Dr. Sato was still sneering. If he occupied the orthodox position, he would not be afraid of their tricks.

They have the power to enforce the law. If they say you can do it, you can do it, and if you don't do it, you can do it; if they say you can't do it, you can't do it, and if you do, you can't do it.

After this time, Dr. Sato will see if their journal can still be published!

Affected by this paper, the reputations of other doctors will also be implicated. It will be seen if they can still firmly support Damu.

Nothing happened. I didn't realize that there were so many people behind Damu. This time I could see their position clearly.

It’s not that there is nothing to gain, but can the alliance succeed in doing this?

Dr. Sato was a little worried, but he soon became determined again. They can all succeed. If we occupy the alliance's orthodoxy, can't we still succeed?

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