Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 469 Dawu’s return needs to be reviewed

Just when I called Dewen Company, Dawu Zfuqi answered the phone directly.

"I've been waiting for your call."

Taiyi smiled: "How do you know? I want to call?"

Daigo's hearty voice came over: "Speaking of which, what's the problem? Don't forget that nature journals are also sold in the Fangyuan area, and they are right at the headquarters of our company. I can overlook the journal sales point now. That hot state, I haven’t seen anything like this for a long time.”

"I think with this popularity, all your issues should have been sold out."

"Then it must be printed. I have even made arrangements and all the materials are ready. As long as you place an order here, I will immediately arrange to print out 200,000 copies in one day."

This speed is not slow, but it is not too fast either.

Considering the sales situation of the journal, it may not be as popular as imagined.

Some of the people who are waiting to buy journals now really want to buy journals for their children at home, so that they can nourish their researcher minds.

In addition, some may just follow the trend. Human beings are social creatures and especially like to follow the trend.

He thinks it's good for others to buy it, and he doesn't care whether it's useful to him or not, and whether it's expensive or not, he just buys it anyway.

This group of people do not consume rationally enough.

The number is still quite small.

Taiyi nodded and said: "Okay, place the order immediately, but I still need your help with transportation."

Dawu laughed: "In fact, Dewen Company has printing plants all over the country, but the business is not very big and has never been carried at full capacity. I will distribute these 200,000 journals to various points, and in half a day We will print it out within a short period of time and ship it to the sales points in various places. I will contact the sales points in various places about this."

This is an unexpected surprise. If I had known this, these journals should have been distributed to various places for preparation.

However, Taiyi thought again that this time it was not just about printing periodicals. The reason why they were printed in Zhenxin Town before was distributed to various places.

First, it is the first time to establish a journal. The contents of the journal need to be kept confidential to avoid spreading the news and causing unnecessary trouble to all parties.

In addition, he just wants to trick the Sato family.

Yes, Taiyi deliberately printed it from Zhenxin Town and shipped it out in batches, during which he lured the Sato family into taking action.

He had told Daiwu about this a long time ago. In fact, Daiwu and the others also used their tactics this time. Otherwise, why would they hire these king-level trainers to protect them in advance?

Daigo nodded in the direction of the door, turned back and smiled at him again, and said: "I have already arranged it and will follow the procedures immediately. In addition, this time the compensation from the Sato family has been sent to those who are employed by the king-level trainers. The cost was paid by Devon Company.”

Taiyi laughed: "This is an unexpected surprise. I saved a lot of money. Okay, I'll remember your favor."

The hiring fee for a king-level trainer is not a small amount, and Taiyi is mentally prepared to be ripped off.

Unexpectedly, there was such an unexpected and thrilling incident. The final payment was paid by Dewen Company. This was something Taiyi had not thought of before, but since it was a benefit, he naturally accepted it with a smile.

Daiwu also laughed: "This opportunity was provided by you. If you hadn't hinted us, this time the strategy of putting the king in the urn would not have been implemented."

"Since Dewen Company has received all these benefits, naturally the expenses should also be paid by us."

"And this time, Dewen Company will give away free shipping for the extra money spent on printing the journal!"

"You don't need to pay the fee, but this time the compensation from the Sato family will not be shared with you. You know, my father is not the only director in Dewen Company. We are also responsible for the board of directors. .”

Taiyi is not greedy either. He will get as much harvest as he has the ability.

Taiyi nodded and said: "It's good enough to just waive these fees, okay. Speaking of which, I also want to thank Dewen Company for giving me such a great convenience."

Dawu laughed, and suddenly a man came in and gave Dawu a document and asked him to take a look.

Daigo frowned. At this time, he and Mr. Taichi were talking, and his subordinates brought in documents. This was a very impolite thing.

However, his subordinates insisted that he browse the document, so Daigo gave him an apologetic look.

He stared hard at the employee who was delivering the documents, and thought to himself: "If there is nothing too important, you will not be able to escape the next punishment."

The employee smiled coquettishly, nodded, and pointed at the file. Dawu picked up the file and read it.

In fact, this is not a document, but a note.

Above is a message written by hand.

At this glance, Dawu's expression changed drastically.

Just as he turned his head and was about to speak, Dr. Omu walked in and said, "Taiyi, we are in trouble."

After discussing it for a while, Dr. Oki returned to his research institute.

In any case, this research cannot stop any day.

As life continues, so does research.

But during his return, Dr. Omu received some bad news.

Daigo said solemnly: "It seems that Dr. Omu, you have also received the news."

Dr. Oak nodded, he was not surprised that Daigo received the news.

After all, Daigo is also a king-level trainer in the region, and he is expected to win the championship.

The Sato family wants to organize an influential team, and apart from the doctor, there is no more important person than the King.

Daigo said: "Since you know it, Doctor, let me tell you, Doctor. I will contact some people here and I will support you when the time comes. Don't worry."

After hanging up the phone with Dawu, Dawu immediately contacted his friends.

The employee asked curiously: "Master, we just have a cooperative relationship with each other. Is it necessary to go so hard to help them?"

Daigo looked at him and smiled: "This is why you are always just an employee, but my family can open a company."

"Not to mention that Mr. Taiyi's achievements have already helped Dewen Company a lot, and we should do our best to help him in return."

"Let's just say that Mr. Taiyi's future is limitless. How much benefit will it bring to us during this period? What we pay now is to wait for a thousand-fold return in the future. This is called investment."

In my mind, I was still thinking: "As long as I give Taiyi more benefits, I will be able to make a lot of money from Dewen Company just by guarding Taiyi in the future. In the remaining time, he can go around mining ores."

Fortunately, this employee didn't know what Daigo was thinking. If he knew, he would probably laugh or cry and not know what to say.

But I thought about the several conditions for the evolution of ugly fish in one of the articles in this journal.

The employee nodded in understanding: "As long as Dewen Company can obtain this patent, and cultivate a few Meenas, the money will be considerable."

He nodded clearly, knowing why Daigo insisted so much.

Probably no trainer can resist this kind of Pokémon without pressing it to death, right?

Daigo rushed around for Taiyi, and Taiyi turned to look at Dr. Ohki: "Doctor, what happened? I looked at Daigo's expression a little strange. Maybe there are some recurrences in this journal, but now it is on sale normally. Look The other party has no way to contain this situation. Is it still necessary to fight to the death?"

Dr. Oki shook his head and said: "It's not that the enemy is dead or the enemy is dead. The other party has organized a team, including doctors who are very authoritative in the research community. They want to come over and review our paper."

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