Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 471 Inability to do things well

Several doctors are passionate at heart.

"Let's do this. Their journals will be released at the end of the month, and the alliance's journals will be released at the beginning of the month. It's just in time to get them first. With this order, let's seize the time to print the journals, and print 300,000 copies first. We'll see then. Let’s talk about the sale situation.”

Another doctor said: "Is 300,000 copies a bit too low? I think they have sold more than 600,000 copies. Doesn't it seem a little guilty if we only sell half of them?"

Dr. Sato originally wanted to ensure that the number of copies of 100,000 copies was stabilized first, and then he would work overtime to print after seeing the situation.

But after listening to the words of these two doctors, Dr. Sato was full of confidence.

"There is no problem printing 500,000 copies first. We will talk about it later. Anyway, the printing factory is in the hands of the Sasaki family. The Sasaki family's printing capabilities are much stronger than the other party. They can print at least 500,000 copies a day and distribute them later. To various places, with the strength of the alliance, we can quickly deliver the goods.”

"Then I wish us success." Dr. Sato stretched out his hand, and several other doctors pressed their hands up and made a middle-class celebration.

Not far away, Dr. Sato's nephew was the one he sent out to buy journals before, and later came up with a breaking point.

Now he is immersed in the joy that he will soon receive a large amount of alliance coins and resources, as well as rewards from elf props.

It's just that these doctors are quite old, but they still do such stupid things.

There was also some contempt in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face.

"Come here, yes, it's you."

This man was still cursing in his heart when he saw Dr. Sato waving to him.

He immediately walked over and asked, "What's wrong? Uncle."

Now he can call Dr. Sato uncle very calmly. This time he has made great achievements and won rewards. The most important thing is that he has closer relationship with Dr. Sato.

Nowadays, no one in the family knows that most of the family's resources are in the hands of Dr. Sato.

As long as he has a good relationship with Dr. Zuo Teng, future resources are not a matter of his words.

"Uncle, if you have anything to do, just give me your instructions. Even if my nephew breaks his legs, I'll do it for you."

Dr. Sato chuckled and introduced to the other doctors: "This is a relatively promising nephew of our family. He has not met all the doctors yet."

They are about to attack Dr. Omu, and now they have found another point to make money.

Dr. Sato was very happy in his heart, and he was also in the mood to introduce other doctors to his nephew as a personal connection.

The nephew became excited. In doing so, Dr. Sato treated him as a very close nephew.

How could he be short of resources in the future? A little leakage from his fingers would be enough for him.

"I have met all of you uncles. They are all famous figures in the research world. From now on, I will support my nephew more, and my nephew will pay tribute to all of you."

After some greetings, Dr. Sato said: "Okay, you go and handle this matter first, and then come back and obey me after you finish it."

"We plan to increase the number of journals printed by the alliance to 500,000. You go and tell the Sasaki family and ask them to increase the number of printed journals to 500,000 immediately. There may be new ones in the future. When the time comes, discuss."

In fact, this person had heard it before. Now when he heard what Dr. Sato said, he immediately nodded: "Okay, I will notify them immediately."

The voice of these words was so confident, it was a notification, not a negotiation.

It can be seen that they have regarded the Sasaki family as their servants in their hearts.

With that said, the man turned around and left, found a video phone, dialed the Sasaki family's contact number, and immediately gave Dr. Sato's arrangements.

The head of the Sasaki family over there frowned.

One is that this person spoke in a very bad tone, as if he was ordering him to do something.

When you do things for him, it's like a servant doing things for your master. This tone makes people very uncomfortable.

In addition, this amount is too much. Half a million copies is not a small number.

Although the quantity has increased and the cost of printing has dropped, the other party asked them to print 500,000 copies without even paying a deposit. This is really unacceptable.

"Well, the assets of the Sasaki family have been frozen recently, and Taichi Amuro has been compensated tens of millions of alliance coins. There is really not much liquidity on hand, and I'm afraid it won't be enough. I don't know the requirements of the Sato family..."

The head of the Sasaki family had a troubled look on his face.

Dr. Sato's nephew immediately showed a cold smile: "The Sato family still needs this little money from you, just use it. The alliance coins will be replenished for you later, don't be verbose here, hurry up and make arrangements, the alliance's There are only a few days left for the paper to go on sale.”

The head of the Sasaki family really couldn't afford so much money, so he had no choice but to say awkwardly: "Now the Sasaki family's funds are only enough to print 100,000 copies. No matter how much more, they really can't come up with so much liquidity."

Of course, this is just an excuse. The Sasaki family has a monopoly on the printing business in the Kanto region and the Johto region.

I don’t know how many alliance coins I have earned over the years. Even if members of the family have used a lot, there are still not a few alliance coins left.

But several losses also made the Sasaki family feel a little sad.

So they don't let go of the eagle when they see the rabbit.

The Sato family doesn't give any deposit. If something goes wrong, the Sasaki family will have to bear all these things, and then the real estate will be sold, which will be a big hassle.

Seeing that the head of the Sasaki family is so ignorant.

The children of the Sato family were also angry: "I know, I'm going to ask my uncle to allocate some money to you. You are so stingy. You look like you know you won't get on the stage. I, the Sato family, can still owe you this little money. It’s just half a million copies. The cost is just a few million.”

The head of the Sasaki family looked at the video phone that was thrown angrily and laughed angrily: "It's only a few million, but you take it out. You look like a poor man in the clothes you are wearing. You can rant about millions." . It really leaves you speechless.”

The arrangement here was not going well. As Dr. Sato's nephew, his face didn't look good when he came back.

Dr. Sato was a little strange, and said coldly: "Why is it that things are not going smoothly?"

His nephew smiled coquettishly and said, "The Sasaki family member said that due to the recent compensation of tens of millions of alliance coins to Taichi Amuro, the family's liquidity is not enough, and they may only be able to print an additional 100,000 copies."

"You can't handle such a small thing." Dr. Sato looked a little stunned, and his enthusiasm for his nephew dropped a lot.

After thinking about it, he waved his hand coldly and said, "Okay, you go to the family to lend some money and transfer it to him. The Sasaki family is also not on the stage. They can't seize this kind of opportunity. It's no wonder that the Sasaki family has been around for so many years. It’s neither better nor worse.”

Several other doctors said a few words to cater to him.

After receiving the order, Dr. Sato's nephew rushed to the family.

This matter was not handled quickly enough, he lost some face, and he was not in a good mood. After sending the money, he called the Sasaki family and received another burst of reprimands.

Everyone in the Sasaki family looks bad

They followed Dr. Sato to trick Taichi, but in the end they had to fill the hole themselves.

Not to mention, the tone of the Sato family is simply too unbearable.

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