Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 458 The first challenger Xiaoju

After Taiyi got up early in the morning and had breakfast, he teleported the water-type elves he had prepared to the Cerulean City water-type gym. Among them were Slowpoke, Slowking, and several Magikarp.

Taiyi sent over the Gemstone Starfish again as the finale Pokémon. The Gemstone Starfish that had been stuck on the elite-level ceiling and the gym leader's threshold was Taichi, one of the water-type Pokémon here. Who knows. Pokémon.

The reason why I sent it there earlier was to let my Pokémon adapt to the environment there, so as not to be unfamiliar with the environment when the battle begins. This is a very unideal situation.

Taiyi has already purchased a set of projection equipment here. This was purchased from Dewen Company. It is worth a lot of money, but it cost him 1 million alliance coins.

Time passed quickly, and in the process of Taiyi's study and research, time never stopped. After a while, it was time for lunch.

Happy Egg informed Casey, and Casey notified Taiyi again.

During the meal, Tai said to the happy eggs and almost dolls: "I am so happy to have you here."

Almost all the dolls and Happy Eggs responded very happily. They were very happy for the recognition of Taiyi as a trainer.

The lunch was very good, and the Happy Eggs and the others are also very good at cooking. They have inherited the cooking skills of the eight major cuisines from the elf world and the flower growers in the previous life on Earth. These Happy Eggs and similar dolls will be very popular if they are released and open a restaurant. .

Not to mention that they also mastered the production of elf food. This theory of traditional Chinese medicine brought by Taiyi from the earth in his previous life, and the use of monarchs, ministers and envoys, made elf food more efficient, which also indirectly reformed the elf world. Elf food.

If he was willing to take action on these happy eggs and similar dolls, I believe those big families would be very willing to do so, even if they had to spend a lot of money.

After finishing the meal, there was no need to put away the bowls and chopsticks. These were all taken care of by the happy eggs and almost dolls. Taiyi felt that he was so happy.

Coming to the projection room, this kind of projection equipment takes up a lot of space. Because the technology used is relatively advanced, there is no very zoom-type equipment for the time being.

However, it is still very easy to use. You only need to sit on a chair to use the projection device. Taiyi turned on the projection device and Casey started to connect to the Internet and connected to the Cerulean City Water Gym.

I saw it just after China Unicom. The three Sakura sisters.

"Brother Taiyi, are you ready?" Sakura asked.

Tai nodded: "Okay, I'm all ready, but I still need to trouble you when we release the elves today. In addition, you also need to help us be the referee."

Acorus laughed: "This is what we should do, and we also really want to see your battle, Brother Taiyi."

This device directly projected Taiyi on the battle field. At this time, several Slowpoke and Gem Starfish were swimming in the battle field.

There are several battle arenas in Cerulean City's water gym, all of which are large pools. There are also some pedals floating on the pool, which are used for battles with Pokémon that are not water-type. In addition, there are many other areas next to the pool. The land is also a place for its type Pokémon to gain a foothold.

Although Cerulean City is a water-type Taoist temple, it does not mean that all other trainers who come to challenge must use water-type Pokémon. In fact, the trainers who come to challenge, except for the stupid Xiaozhi, are not familiar with Pokémon. For trainers who are very lacking in knowledge, other people will usually conquer some water-type Pokémon to challenge them.

For example, the moves of Pokémon with these attributes such as steel, fire, and ice are twice as powerful against water attributes. Pokémon that choose these attributes will undoubtedly have an innate advantage.

The alliance's gyms serve a screening role, not to attack challengers. Therefore, gym trainers allow challengers to use these obvious advantages, and even encourage them.

On the contrary, those trainers who do not know how to take advantage of these advantages will be considered inappropriate by the gym trainers.

Pokémon battle is not just about throwing two Pokémon and letting them fight each other. It involves the combination of moves, the use of the surrounding environment, and the restraint of attributes. It is also a very superior advantage. Those who do not use it are fools. .

Soon the first challenger was invited in. He was a novice trainer who had just come out for travel. This could be seen from the age of the trainer.

It can be seen that this challenger does have a good knowledge of Pokémon, and his background must be very good, because the clothes he wears are all relatively expensive styles and fabrics.

Acorus came out and said: "Then the next step is the battle between the challenger Xiaoju from Joban City and Mr. Taiyi, the acting gym leader of the water gym in Hualan City. The rules of the battle are 2V2. Until either side of the elves completely loses the ability to fight. Gym trainers are not allowed to actively change Pokémon, and challengers can change Pokémon at any time, so now both parties are asked to release their own Pokémon at the same time."

Taichi's Pokémon had been put away by Sakura just now, and now they were all in the Poké Ball. Taichi nodded to Sakura. Although there is no way to use super powers to communicate here, you can still design a set of eyes in order to use Pokémon to remind Sakura.

Although the challenger Xiaoju was a little surprised that Taiyi was using the projection mode here, he didn't seem to be very surprised. It seemed that he had been exposed to or watched this mode before.

The Pokémon released by challenger Xiaoju is a Charmander. This is a fire-type Pokémon, and it is one of the three royal families in the Kanto region. Its six-dimensional attributes are very good. Look at the fur. This Charmander was also cultivated by Xiaoju. Very good.

But thinking about it, the economic situation of such a person who can afford the elves of the Yusan family is not too bad. Looking at the clothes on this Xiao Ju, you can tell that he is not short of money. He should have consulted a specialized breeder to teach him how to breed. This is a little dinosaur.

When the children of some wealthy families begin to cultivate starter Pokémon, they will ask breeders to make a detailed breeding plan for their children's starter Pokémon. This requires a lot of alliance coins, but it is It's really worth it.

Not to mention others, someone here in Taiyi asked if he would accept this kind of order?

Although Taiyi is only a junior cultivator, Taiyi's other identity, that of an intermediate researcher, has given him a lot of bonuses, and Taiyi has published several papers. The papers previously published in alliance journals and the videos published on the Rising Sun app have led many people to believe that Taiyi is indeed a good breeder. However, the prices offered by these people were not high, and Taiyi had no such intention, so he did not take any orders.

The Pokémon released by Sakura was a Slowpoke, and the challenger Xiaoju frowned. Although this Pokémon is still a water-type Pokémon, it also has superpower attributes, which may hinder the challenge. There is a certain amount of trouble, but Xiaoju is still very confident, which comes from the little fire dragon in front of him.

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