Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 459 The first water drop badge issued

Xiaoju's Charmander aptitude is very good, reaching more than half of the fullness of cyan. It can be said that among the highly qualified Pokémon Taiyi has seen, the aptitude of this Charmander is not bad. , and the level has reached the professional level, and he has learned many moves.

Charmander: Lizard Pokémon

Level: 38

Attribute: fire

Features: Fierce

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Male

Skills: Grab, Shout, Sparks, Flame Jet, Flash Charge

Xiao Ju never expected that Tai Yi would see most of his Charmander's strength as soon as he appeared.

Xiao Ju was very confident, and although Slowpoke was said to have superpowers, this kind of elf always looked dull and slow to react. He immediately shouted: "Charmander, run; use it on Slowpoke." Grasp."

The release of Pokémon by both parties represented the beginning of the challenge. Xiaoju's taking the lead was not considered a violation, but rather a very good reaction ability. Taiyi nodded silently.

He always remembers that the gym competition is not to attack the challengers, but to screen the challengers to a certain extent. In this process, the gym trainers should play the role of cultivating or at least guiding the trainers.

This is cultivating rising stars for the league!

"Slowpoke, use teleportation, and then attack with water gun." Although gym trainers have the obligation to guide novice trainers, this does not mean that Taichi needs to let go.

The sudden disappearance of Slowpoke made Charmander a little confused. He looked back at his trainer. At this time, Xiao Ju was feeling a little impatient.

Isn't this Slowpoke supposed to be very stupid? Why did you react so quickly? This was completely different from other Slowpoke he had seen before.

But Xiao Ju didn't give up. He quickly reacted and shouted: "Little Charmander avoid it."

in anime. You can see many such miracles. As long as the trainer shouts avoid, the Pokémon can easily avoid the opponent's attack.

But in reality, although this method is useful, it is not that magical.

After Xiaoju shouted, Charmander did react and rushed to the side. Slowpoke's water gun attack had already considered this situation in advance. Even because the venue was a water venue, Slowmon still moved in the direction of blocking Charmander's movement. direction of the water cannon.

Because there is a pool on the other side, the direction of the Charmander's movement will most likely be in a direction away from the pool.

There is an everlasting flame on the Charmander's tail, which is the embodiment of the Charmander's life. The higher the Charmander's life constitution, the more vigorously the flame will burn. The Charmander in front of him burned very vigorously.

But that's exactly why. This little fire dragon is more and more afraid of the water environment, I have to say. Although choosing Charmander can restrain water-type Pokémon, the water-type field is very disadvantageous for fire-type Pokémon.

Slowpoke's water gun successfully hit Charmander, causing a good effect. However, the Charmander also avoided some in time. Although the effect was good, it was not fatal in one hit. The Charmander quickly rolled and ran out from the side.

"Charmander get out of there, use it on Slowpoke, scream."

Xiao Ju just said this, but Taiyi noticed that Charmander obviously understood the implication of Xiao Ju's command. On one side use the cry side. Also used the Flash Charge move. He quickly rushed towards Slowpoke.

The cry move is supposed to prevent Slowpoke from using teleportation, and the Flash Charge move is to allow Charmander to quickly approach Slowpoke, so that it can get close to Slowpoke or use fire-type moves. Attack the Slowpoke.

This move is not a popular one.

Flare Charge will also cause some damage to Charmander itself, making it a bit desperate to deal with.

Taiyi nodded with understanding, this is the level of a trainer. Although it is not very good, it is still good from Taiyi's point of view. It should be from family education. There should be some good trainers among the elders.

Although Xiao Ju's commanding ability is pretty good, and Charmander is very good at a novice level in terms of physical fitness and energy, but in the face of Tai Yi's Slowpoke, it ended in failure. During this period, Xiao Ju had several He tried to change out Pokémon for the first time, but was interrupted by Taichi.

Interrupting your opponent's Pokémon changes is allowed. If this doesn't even affect it, it would be too disadvantageous for gym trainers.

"The challenger's first Pokémon has lost its fighting ability. Please change the challenge Pokémon." Acorus shouted at the right time.

Xiao Ju bit his lip. He felt very frustrated. He really wanted to change Pokémon before, but failed in the end.

However, the momentary failure did not defeat Xiaoju. Xiaoju thought for a while, took out another Poké Ball, and released the second Pokémon.

Because gym trainers cannot actively change Pokémon, Taichi did not ask Sakura to change the Slowpoke. The second Pokémon released by Xiaoju turned out to be a Miss Lip, which surprised Taiyi.

Taichi had also met Miss Lip once before. She was the Pokémon of Kouki Ochiai of the Water Fleet, and it was very powerful.

It can be seen that the trainer named Xiaoju has done his homework. At least the Pokémon he brought this time are all water-type Pokémon. This Pokémon is an ice-type Pokémon with superpower attributes. , which is also restrained for Slowpoke.

However, after several battles, Taiyi's command always appeared at the right time, allowing Slowpoke to use the light wall or teleportation to leave, which made Xiaoju a little annoyed. She always felt that it was just a little short of being able to attack the opponent, causing Not a weak effect.

It's a pity that Taiyi is obviously much higher than him in commanding the battle, and the bond between Taiyi and the elves is much higher than that between Xiaoju and her own elves.

With just a voice or a look, Slowpoke can understand Taiyi's meaning.

In this regard, Xiao Ju is much worse. This is also a problem that many novice trainers who have just started traveling have. If nothing else, even the stupid Xiao Zhi had the same problem when he started traveling.

"Both the challenger's Pokémon have lost their ability to fight. This time the winner is Mr. Taiyi, the acting gym leader." Acorus told the result, and Xiaoju felt a little annoyed. She collected the Pokémon and was about to leave. .

This time the battle against Taiyi was still under control to some extent. Although the opponent's two Pokémon lost their fighting ability, they were not seriously injured. They only needed to be treated at the Pokémon Center and replenished with some nutrient solution to restore health.

Looking at Xiao Ju's leaving figure, Tai Yi shouted: "This challenger, please stay."

Xiaoju turned around, not knowing why Taiyi stopped her. Is it to ridicule him? Some anger appeared on his face unconsciously?

Taiyi turned around and nodded to Acorus, who smiled and said: "Challenger, although your challenge was unsuccessful, this blue badge is still given to you."

As he said this, Chang Pu took out a badge from his body and handed it to Xiao Ju.

Xiao Ju looked at Chang Pu and Tai Yi strangely and said, "My challenge was not successful, and I have been suppressed by the acting gym leader. Can I get this medal?"

Taiyi laughed and said: "You seem to have misunderstood the meaning of the existence of the gym leader. The existence of the gym leader is not to defeat you, but to guide you to do some training. Today your challenge is to select Pokémon. At least in terms of attributes, you have an advantage, and in battle, your command is also remarkable. Although you have not completed the challenge, it is only because you have just come out for a trip and the relationship between Pokémon The bond is not deep enough, and the strength is still quite different."

"But this does not mean that you are unqualified. On the contrary, I think you are still qualified as a Pokémon trainer, so you deserve this blue badge. Take it."

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