Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 457 The first gym battle is coming

Coming out of the incubator, Taiyi was about to do some research. Recently, he has fallen into a bottleneck with regard to Ibrahimovic's treatment.

The research on gene inhibitors is not that easy. Taiyi had obtained the authorization from Dr. Oki before. It is only the most basic gene inhibitor. It is still useful for Ibrahimovic, but gradually the use of this gene inhibitor will also bring about Drug resistance will slowly render it useless.

After that, Taiyi needs to improve the quality of the gene inhibitor and improve the drug's potency to curb the activity of this evolved gene again.

This is a bit like the methods used to treat tumors similar to those in previous lives, constantly improving the lethality of drugs.

But Taiyi hadn't reached the laboratory yet. As soon as he reached the door, his hand grasped the handle. Casey received a message, a call from the Zhongsen family of the water gym in Cerulean City.

Taiyi was a little strange. The call from the Water Gym in Cerulean City should be from Xiaoxia's parents, perhaps to contact Xiaoxia.

"Kathy, go and tell Xiaoxia to answer the phone. I guess it's Xiaoxia's parents or sisters who want to chat with her."

Casey will naturally inform Xiaoxia, and Taiyi holds the handle. Open the door to the laboratory and go in, and start immersing yourself in research.

Research on gene inhibitors must be accelerated. Ibrahimovic's evolutionary genes are very unstable. Under such circumstances, Casey's body is in great pain every day. If there are higher-level gene inhibitors, it may be completely cured. Part of this situation.

As for the fact that Ibrahimovic is unable to evolve due to the use of gene inhibitors, Taiyi doesn't really care about this. Maybe Ibrahimovic will lose some combat effectiveness because of this, but at least Ibrahimovic's body will not be in pain.

Compared with the Pokémon's body, Taichi felt that its combat power was negligible.

He has no shortage of powerful Pokémon. Whether it is Earth Cloud or the mythical beast spirit, they are all Pokémon with very strong strength or potential. These high-end Pokémon Taiyi alone have both.

In addition, Taiyi now owns a king-level turtle, and several quasi-king turtles and ivory pigs. He is not lacking in high-end combat power.

In addition, the blue-qualified elves that Taiyi has on hand have a very high upper limit, although for the time being. Casey is still only a Gym Leader level Pokémon. As long as he evolves into Yongjira, Casey's strength will be further strengthened, reaching the ceiling of the gym level.

If he works harder, Casey may be able to break through the gym leader level and become the first quasi-king elf in Taiyi's hands that he has cultivated.

Tu Tui Yun does not count, because Tu Tui Yun is the knowledge of this world that Shu Lao himself absorbed, and thus slowly improved his strength.

There was a knock on the door, but Taiyi was immersed in research and didn't notice it. Casey used his superpower to contact Taiyi and told him about the knock on the door.

Taiyi frowned. No one was allowed to disturb him while he was researching. Not only the people in Zhenxin Town, but also Xiaoxia knew this.

Who would bother him at this time? Researchers need to be very dedicated in doing research, so why would anyone bother them?

With such a mood, Taiyi opened the door and saw Xiaoxia.

"Xiaoxia, what's going on? At this time, I think you're either on the phone or studying, or cultivating your Pokémon."

Xiaoxia stuck out her tongue. She respected and liked the teacher Taiyi very much.

It's just that during research and class, Taiyi's attitude was a bit serious, which made Xiaoxia uncomfortable.

Sticking out her tongue, Xiaoxia said cutely: "Brother Taiyi, it's from the gym. It's said that someone has reserved a challenge. I need you to direct the battle."

Taiyi raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect that his first gym stop would be today.

That's not right. Taichi went to the water gym in Cerulean City when he was suffering from the Elf Virus, and he replaced the Zhongsen Gym Leader as a gym trainer.

However, this matter has been promised to the Nakamori family before, and it is also good for Taiyi, because it can take the opportunity to fight different opponents, and it is also cultivating its own Pokémon.

"Okay, when is the time? I will answer the challenge on time."

Anyway, it can be commanded remotely, and Taiyi does not need to be present in person. With the projection equipment, he can use the projection equipment to reach the Cerulean City Water Gym, and then direct the Pokémon to fight in projection mode.

"Tomorrow afternoon, there will be a total of seven challengers." Xiaoxia told Taiyi the news she just heard from the housekeeper.

Taiyi nodded in agreement, and then asked Xiaoxia to tell the Hualan City water system gym what he meant, and he devoted himself to research again.

Seeing Taiyi studying so hard, Xiaoxia bit her lip and felt that she was wasting her time. She had been playing for so many days. She should also be studying.

"Xiaoxia Xiaoxia, I'm here to play with you." Before she could finish speaking, the voice of that silly thing Xiaozhi came. Xiaoxia was convinced. There was really nothing she could do about Xiaozhi. Xiaoxia was simply a He's just a stupid guy who doesn't understand anything except passion.

However, Xiaoxia did not dislike Xiaozhi. She went to the phone first and told Taiyi's decision to the housekeeper before she came out. Xiaozhi couldn't wait: "Xiaoxia, let's watch the elf anime together. It seems that there is a The new elf anime is super nice.”

Xiaoxia rubbed her brows, there was nothing she could do about Xiaozhi's passionate state.

After a while, the two of them arrived at the place where they were watching TV, and found that Pikachu and Menas were already sitting here and watching.

This Minas has been very low-key since it evolved. He and Pikachu watch various elf anime every day. As a result, Yu Taiyi forgot about this Minus. He is also a blue elf. The strength is very good.

When Taiyi came out and saw this scene, he was also stunned. He suddenly remembered that when he counted the blue-qualified elves before, he actually forgot about Meas. This one is very beautiful and can be said to be a beast. Menas, the most beautiful girl outside, was actually ignored by him.

Glancing at Shu Lao, Shu Lao was also embarrassed. He seemed to have forgotten this Menas.

Fortunately, Happy Egg came in at this time, made a happy gesture, and shouted: "Happy."

Happy Egg is here to inform everyone that you can eat when the rice is ready.

With Happy Egg as the co-ordinator, Taiyi's normal life is really very leisurely. He only needs to complete his own research. Happy Egg is coordinating everything else, and there are many similar dolls to help. This family doesn't need Taiyi to do anything anymore.

Happy Egg broke the awkward atmosphere before, and Taiyi called the two of them to eat. "Xiaoxia, Xiaozhi, don't go back. Let's eat together here."

Xiaozhi had no idea of ​​refusing. The food here was better, so he naturally didn't want to go back.

"That's fine. Mom seems to have gone to Dr. Omu's research institute to cook. I'll eat at Brother Taiyi's place."

Taiyi was confused, and he didn’t know how Aunt Hanako and Dr. Omu got connected. It seems that teaching cannot leave Meng, and Meng cannot leave focus. Among them... I don't want to think too much about it.

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