Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 440 He was the one who caused the evil, Zhenxinzhen used electricity

After Taichi and the others left, the head of the printing house immediately returned to the office and called the head of the Sasaki family.

"Yes, they just brought the sample of the journal, and I already have the sample in my hand."

"Go and copy the sample right away. No, just scan it and send it over."

Scanning and mailing pictures is a very common thing in the elf world. The level of science and technology has already far exceeded this level.

The person in charge immediately went to copy and scan the sample of the journal, and then sent it to the Sasaki family.

This kind of thing should actually be considered a violation of the contract.

Printing houses are not qualified to scan and copy samples sent by customers to others.

But this printing house is owned by the Sasaki family. What is their internal practice? Others don’t know and have no way to control it.

At this time, Taichi and Akagi Hinata were walking on the streets of Joban City, looking at the trees on both sides. The trees in the Elf World grew very fast, so there was no need to worry too much about the greening.

Akagi Yangping hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Boss, I always feel that the person in charge of this printing factory is a little strange."

Taiyi raised his eyebrows and said, "You finally brought this issue up."

He looked at Akagi Yanghei and said: "In fact, this person in charge is really strange, and you know, the families behind the printing factory are actually the Sasaki family."

"Sasaki family, Sasaki Taro?" Akagi Yangping said in surprise.

Taiyi nodded and said: "Actually, Dr. Omu told me this news. I didn't know it before. In fact, before this, I did plan to contact the printing factory to print directly at the last moment. Because of the cost of transportation Not too small, my original plan was to distribute the journal samples to various regions, and then print them out by printing plants in each region."

"Then what?" Akagi Yohei asked: "Boss, since you know this is the property of the Sasaki family, why are you still contacting them? Isn't this giving them money?"

And in his heart, Akagi Yohei is also worried that the Sasaki family is up to something.

That Taro Sasaki left a very bad impression on Akagi Hinata. This man didn't have much ability, but he had a lot of speculative ideas.

In the secret realm, they were blocked by the elves in the secret realm and could not get those sand scale fruits at all. He was even surrounded by Team Rocket and Team Ocean.

In the end, it was Mr. Taiyi who turned the tide and rescued them from danger.

Instead of being grateful, Taro Sasaki was concerned about Mr. Taichi's achievements and wanted to instruct Mr. Taichi to complete the task for them and snatch more of the neighboring countries.

Although he was strongly rebutted by Mr. Taichi, Taro Sasaki still used his brain several times.

If it weren't for Mr. Taiyi's good luck, and the trust of the Joy family and the Junsha family in Mr. Taiyi. Maybe Mr. Taiyi really knows how to get his way.

Taichi laughed: "Except for the printing factories in the Kanto region, other than those owned by his Sasaki family, other families really can't find printing factories that can print such a large number of journals."

Akagi Yangping asked: "So Mr. Taichi, aren't you worried about them causing trouble during this period?"

Taiyi smiled heartily and said, "I was originally here to cause trouble for them."

Akagi Yangping wanted to ask more, but Taichi already stretched out his hand and said, "We're already outside the city. I'm ready to leave. You can go back too."

Akagi Yanghei opened his mouth, but Taichi summoned the leather sculpture without giving him a chance to speak.

"I'm going back, so you should go back early. Over at the printing factory, you can give me some snacks and ask three questions a day."

Akagi Yangping put away all his questions, nodded and said, "I will do a good job."

Taiyi rode the Bi Diao and left very quickly. Akagi Yangping looked at Tai Yi sitting down on the Bi Diao with some envy.

"When will I have such a powerful power? My elf is really far behind and needs more cultivation."

Taiyi spent about another hour here and returned to Zhenxin Town. As soon as he came back, Xiaozhi came to the door: "Brother Taiyi, Dr. Omu asked you to come over."

Taiyi touched Xiaozhi's head and stroked the future protagonist, still feeling secretly happy.

But on the other hand, Taichi also secretly criticized Dr. Oki.

"I'm really used to using this stupid little thing Xiaozhi as a tool. Don't you know that I can just call him every time? I also want the stupid little thing Xiaozhi to make a deliberate trip."

I don’t know if the stupid Xiaozhi went out to play last time, but Dr. Oak couldn’t be found, so Dr. Oak came directly by himself.

He was cursing in his heart, but Taiyi showed no signs of it on the outside. He walked out of the incubation room and walked towards Dr. Ohki's research institute.

After taking a few steps, Mayor Yusuke came towards me.

Taiyi probably knew what the purpose of Mayor Yusuke's visit this time.

However, Taichi did not take the initiative to talk about it. Instead, he greeted Mayor Yusuke and said, "Mayor Yusuke, why are you here? Are you here to see me?"

Taiyi's breeding house and tree orchard are on the edge of Zhenxin Town. It would be false to say that Mayor Yusuke didn't come to see Taiyi.

Mayor Yusuke nodded, touched his nose, and didn't know how to speak for a moment.

Many elves were queuing up nearby, waiting to use the generator set.

Needless to say, this generator set is still very popular in Zhenxin Town.

This is also a physical exercise project. The elves here use the generator set as a treadmill, which can effectively exercise their leg strength.

Of course endurance and so on are also trained.

Looking at those lively elves, Mayor Yusuke's eyes lit up and he asked: "Taiyi, your treadmill, oh no, how much power can your generator generate in a day?"

Taiyi chuckled and said, "I knew you were here for this matter, mayor. It doesn't matter. The electricity generated by my generator set every day is completely enough to supply Zhenxin Town."

The elf's physical strength is long, and the generator unit works for more than 16 hours a day.

Even some night owl elves will exercise here at night and generate electricity by the way.

Because they know that electricity is very important to Taiyi, and they probably know about the existence of Diyun.

Just because Taiyi and Tutuyun wanted them to keep it secret, these elves didn't reveal anything.

This is an elf. If it were a human, I'm afraid this secret would have been leaked long ago.

Mayor Yusuke's eyes lit up and he said: "Our Zhenxin Town receives electricity from Joban City, but there are often power outages. It would be very inconvenient at this time. I don't know if we can get it from Joban City." Are you using the electricity here? Don’t worry, we will all pay the electricity bill, just because it is more convenient to use your electricity here, and there is no danger of power outage."

It is really inconvenient to have no electricity. Whether it is cooking, washing clothes, etc., electricity is needed for daily life, as well as making food for the elves.

Taiyi did not say that there is no need to pay. The electricity bill is actually very cheap. Of course, the electricity received from Joban City is not that cheap.

Tai nodded and said: "Then the electricity bill will be calculated according to the electricity bill used in Joban City."

Mayor Yusuke breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I was afraid that you would say you didn't need money. You can't make such an opening for this kind of thing."

As the saying goes, no reward will be given for no merit, and Yusuke is also afraid that the citizens of Zhenxin Town will use free things. Once they do not enjoy such free rights in the future, there will be a huge psychological gap.

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