Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 441 Dr. Ohki’s discovery

Speaking of which, Taichi also felt that the electricity bill charged to Zhenxin Town by Joban City was a bit high.

The electricity bill for residents in Joban City is only one Union coin per kilowatt hour, but for the residents of Zhenxin Town, they charge more than two Union coins per kilowatt hour.

This price is indeed a bit expensive. In other words, it does cost a lot to connect the wire from Joban City to Zhenxin Town at the beginning, so it is appropriate to charge a little more.

But after so many years, no matter how much equipment costs are spent, they should be recovered. However, the electricity bills charged by the Joban City Power Supply Bureau to Zhenxin Town have never been reduced. This makes the residents of Zhenxin Town feel that every time Some people complain even though they complain.

Now that Taiyi has agreed to supply power from his generator set, the residents of Zhenxin Town are naturally very happy because the price is cheap.

"Then I'm leaving, uncle mayor. Dr. Omu is looking for me because he has something else to do."

Mayor Yusuke nodded and said with a smile: "Go quickly, go quickly, don't delay your business."

This is one of the few promising people in Zhenxin Town. Just like Dr. Omu, before Dr. Omu, Zhenxin Town didn't even have electricity.

It was only after Dr. Oki became famous that he discussed it with the Power Supply Bureau of Joban City. I picked up a wire from Joban City.

Zhenxin Town is really too remote, far away from the nearest Joban City.

Objective factors naturally exist, but after so many years, electricity prices still have not been reduced. This is because the Joban City Power Supply Bureau is a little unkind.

In a world with elves, it is really not difficult to generate electricity. For example, buying some generator sets here in Taiyi and letting the elves generate electricity is really a very common and easy thing to do.

Maybe no one in the elf world thought of this before, and Taiyi was the first person to try it.

But there are many electric elves in the elf world, such as Magnemite and this wheel set. They are all elves that can easily chase lightning from nature to replenish their power.

Taichi had seen an anime in his previous life where an old man drove a car driven by Kentero and drove a group of little magnets to chase lightning to provide power to the city.

What's more, if someone can conquer the Lightning Bird and provide power to a city, it will be easy.

Of course, this is purely Taiyi's reverie. Conquering the Lightning Bird is not that simple.

From the last trip to the secret realm, Taiyi had not met the Frozen Bird head-on, but Taiyi knew that the Frozen Bird was very powerful.

Apart from anything else, the two king-level trainers Mikri and Kona sent by the alliance to support them were no match for that frozen bird.

What's more, there are two king-level trainers from Team Rocket and Team Ocean.

These are what Taiyi heard from Dr. Omu and Mikri afterward, and Mikri has experienced it personally. You can’t do anything fake.

Arriving at Dr. Ohki’s research institute, Dr. Ohki happened to be eating cup noodles.

Taichi was a little surprised: "Dr. Omu, although Aunt Hanako has not been cooking at the institute recently, hasn't your Picoxi learned cooking skills?"

Dr. Oak previously tamed a Pixi as an assistant elf. This Pixie learned cooking skills from Happy Egg.

Not to mention how much it can be made, but at least it tastes pretty good.

Dr. Oki said: "You don't know that Kirbymon's appetite has increased greatly recently. I really have no choice."

Because Taiyi promised Dr. Oak before that he could provide Dr. Oak with these elf foods, all the elves including Kirbymon came to Taiyi.

Although Taiyi knows that there are definitely not all the elves of Dr. Oak.

Because the former king-level trainer cannot only have two teams of main elves, he must even have many other powerful elves hidden. Otherwise, how can one person protect such a large area of ​​​​Zhenxin Town?

So it is possible that Picosi is tired.

Besides, recently, Taichi has been busy with journal matters, so Kirbymon and other elves have not come over again.

Of course, Happy Eggs and Dolls will prepare food and deliver it to them, but for Kirbymon, a large-capacity elf, the daily food is really beyond human imagination.

Kirby claims that as long as it has enough food, it can eat all the time.

Shaking his head, Taiyi was too lazy to think about these things. Happy Egg and the others would get things done anyway.

Dr. Oki put down the cup of noodles, raised his head, looked at Taiyi and said: "Is everything done?"

Dr. Ohki knew Taichi was wary of the Sasaki family, and Dr. Ohki also knew about the preventive measures Taichi took.

There is no way, most of the papers in the fake journal sample were produced by the researchers led by Dr. Ohki. Since Taichi wants to use the researchers from Dr. Ohki's institute, this matter cannot be hidden from Dr. Ohki.

Besides, this journal was originally co-founded by Taiyi and Dr. Ohki, so there was no need to hide it from Dr. Ohki.

Taiyi nodded and said: "I just went over to meet with the person in charge of Joban City Printing Factory, and I found that he really has some problems. I guess he must want to leak the papers in my journal."

Dr. Omu was a little anxious and asked, "What proper arrangements can you make?"

Tai nodded and said with a smile: "I took photos and videos at that time. In addition, I have handed over the papers in the journal to the Joey family and the Junsha family for backup, so no matter what they say, as long as they dare to reach out, this time There is no way for the Sasaki family to escape unscathed. I really look forward to them reaching out."

Dr. Oki sighed and said, did you say there was anything wrong with Taichi's approach? In fact, Taichi didn't do anything. He just took a precaution. As long as the Sasaki family doesn't reach out, this matter will end here.

Moreover, the Sasaki family can also receive a printing fee, which is quite a lot.

If the Sasaki family really abides by the law and doesn't engage in petty tricks, at least they can make a small fortune this time!

This is the so-called fishing law enforcement, or it is to guard against villains but not gentlemen.

However, there was no need to specifically call Taiyi over for this matter, so Taiyi asked: "Dr. Omu, do you have anything else to do?"

Dr. Ohmu nodded and said, "When Xiaozhi went to play in your breeding house before, he found Xiaoxia meditating. Is this the case?"

Xiaoxia was born in the Water Gym in Cerulean City and is a descendant of the Zhongsen family. This family has never had superpower talents before. Moreover, Xiaoxia is already six years old, and she has not discovered any superpower talents before. So it is definitely a strange thing for Xiaozhi to discover that Xiaoxia can meditate.

The stupid Xiaozhi naturally wouldn't find anything wrong with it, but Dr. Oak was shocked when he found out.

There is a superpower gym in Golden City that also accepts superpower apprentices, but those who can become masters are really rare. And most people can’t even get started.

The so-called superpower exercise, the basic method is to bend the spoon in your hand with your mind.

This step may not require a lot of superpowers, but people without talent may not be able to get started.

But this has happened to Taiyi before. Dr. Oki doesn't know about Taiyi's ancestors and father's side, but Taiyi's father does not have super powers. There has never been a person with superpowers on Taiyi's mother's side.

Therefore, we do not rule out the possibility that some individuals may suddenly develop superpower talents.

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