Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 439 Confirming the contract and date, mysterious thoughts

Akagi Yanghei said: "Mr. Taiyi, please wait a moment. I will go in and arrange for them to be on duty and then take you to the printing factory."

Tai nodded and stood outside waiting for Akagi Hinata to hand over the work. He just stood there, watching Akagi Yangping arrange the work so neatly.

Compared with a few months ago, Akagi Yanghei's work efficiency has also improved a lot, and his abilities have also been greatly improved.

After a while, Akagi Yangping came out and said to Taiyi: "Boss, you can leave."

Akagi Yangping also felt something about Taichi's gaze. However, Akagi Yanghei did not bring it up or ask anything.

Hailing a car on the roadside, Akagi Yangping opened the door first and asked Taiyi to get in the car. Then he got into the car, told the address of the printing shop, and the car started running quickly.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, one tree after another kept retreating, Taiyi thought that if possible, he could actually do a business of sharing elves in the elf world.

For example, elves such as Duduli and elves like the little fire horse can be used as shared elves.

Forget about Kentero, Kentero's temper is so bad that he can easily get out of control of the customers who rent the shared elf. It is easy to cause riots in the city.

In fact, speaking of mounting a lamb, you can actually do this.

There are actually many types of elves that can be shared, but either the number is too small or they are bad-tempered.

After comprehensive consideration, Duduli and Little Fire Horse are more suitable.

Akagi Yohei was sitting in the front and saw Taichi thinking in the rearview mirror. He didn't know whether Taichi was thinking about research or business.

For Taichi Amuro, Akagi Hinata admires him very much. Such a young or young child has already achieved such great achievements.

Many people will not be able to achieve such achievements in their lifetime.

This is an achievement that people look up to, yet elusive.

Compared to himself, Akagi Yangping was a little ashamed.

However, compared to civilian trainers of his own age, Akagi Yanghei feels that his achievements are quite acceptable, and he is a little proud.

Just as Tianyi was thinking quietly, and Akagi Hinata was looking at Taichi, time passed by, and in less than ten minutes, the car arrived outside the Joban City Printing Factory.

"Two gentlemen, the Printing Factory in Joban City has arrived."

Taiyi reacted, opened the door and walked out. Akagi Yanghei paid the money very wisely.

After checking in with the people in the communication room at the door, soon the person in charge of the Joban City Printing Factory hurried out.

"Mr. Akagi, eh, this must be Mr. Amuro! Please come in, please."

The person in charge had a smile on his face, but Taiyi saw a trace of incongruity in the smile.

Thinking of the news recently passed on by the Joey family, it seemed that not much was wrong.

Just based on all the news, Taiyi actually has some thoughts in his heart. Maybe the Sasaki family does have some thoughts about him.

From Taiyi's point of view, the Sasaki family initiated everything, but the result was not good for the Sasaki family.

Putting himself in his shoes, Taichi also knows that people are selfish. The Sasaki family will definitely not think that it is their own problem, but will blame all the problems on Taichi.

In this way, it is inevitable that the two sides will become enemies.

The person in charge looked like he was smiling brightly, but in fact he didn’t know what he was thinking.

Taichi didn't care. Anyway, he wasn't going to take the real sample of the journal and deliver it to the Sasaki family for printing.

This trip was just a cover-up. He did bring a journal sample, but this journal sample was a fake made by Taiyi himself.

The papers contained in it are indeed true, and are also some of the research that Taiyi usually does, as well as some of the results of the researchers at Dr. Ohmu's institute.

The paper is true, but the effect is not very good.

Not much commercial value.

However, Taiyi just used it to make up the numbers, and promised them to insert them into unimportant positions in the journal in the future to help them publish these papers.

In this way, these researchers have no opinions.

Anyway, given their strength, it is not that easy to get published in journals. Now that there is a highway for them to take, will anyone still dislike it?

The person in charge invited Akagi Yanghei and Taichi into the conference room, and asked people to bring drinks. Then he smiled and said to Akagi Yanghei and Taichi: "Two gentlemen, are you here to see the samples during the delivery period?"

Of course, it is impossible for the printing house to help with typesetting. Taichi and Akagi Yohei made these by themselves and delivered the samples to the printing factory. The printing factory just printed them as usual.

Akagi Yangping looked at Taiyi. He didn't know this, but since Taiyi came to the printing factory today, he must have brought samples of the journal.

Tai nodded, took out a sample of the journal from his bag, and handed it to the person in charge of the printing house.

The person in charge took it and took a look. The layout and cover of this journal were good. As for the content, he didn't understand it very well.

It doesn't matter if you can't understand it. All you need to do is give the sample of the journal to the Sasaki family.

In this matter, the Sasaki family has already made a decision, and the person in charge of the printing house has no more say.

I looked through it hastily and the person in charge pretended to understand. In fact, all they did was print it out exactly according to the sample given by the customer.

Looking at this pretentious look, Taiyi sneered in his heart, but said calmly on the surface: "How about it? I ask you to print it out within a week, and the number will be the same as the first issue of 50,000 copies mentioned last time. Follow-up instructions will be as follows Market conditions increase again.”

For a journal, 50,000 volumes is neither too much nor too little.

The number of journals published by the alliance's paper review department would be larger, reaching two to three hundred thousand volumes.

Journals are not widely purchased for purchase. Generally speaking, they are purchased by PhD students and various researchers for reference.

Or you can look at the research results of other colleagues to see if you can draw parallels to help yourself. This is also a way to improve your knowledge and insight.

In addition, various scientific research institutions and schools purchase them, but these people only account for a small part of the social population.

Most people don't need a journal to improve their knowledge because they can't understand it themselves.

The conversation went smoothly. The person in charge confirmed the contract again with a smile, and then wrote a receipt to show that he had sent the sample of the journal. During this period, Taiyi also took photos and processed the pictures, taking pictures of the process of the person in charge signing the receipt. Come down.

The smile on the person in charge's face was a little stiff. Taichi had taken so many steps, and if the Sasaki family regretted it afterwards, the printing factory in Joban City would bear a great responsibility and have to pay a large sum of money.

The smile on the person in charge's face was a little awkward. The compensation mentioned in the previous contract was very harsh and the amount was large. In case you need compensation. Things are getting serious.

He even thought of the fishy smell mentioned by the Sasaki family. After that, the printing factory in Joban City must have a bad reputation no matter what.

Shaking his head inwardly, the person in charge had no choice but to send Akagi Yangping and Taiyi out with a smile on his face.

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