Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 411 Life Sharing

At this moment, in the elf center, Joy Ying was receiving a traveling trainer.

This trainer probably heard the story of Zhenxin Town, so he traveled here.

His elf took some damage, nothing serious.

But at this moment, Joey Ying suddenly saw Grandma Joey running out from inside, with some excitement on her face.

But isn’t grandma older and can’t run around easily?

Why, why did grandma run so fast?

Moreover, it seems that the white hair on the breasts has been reduced a little.

"Is it an illusion? Or?" Joey Ying suddenly realized something and immediately beamed with joy.

The male trainer said to Joy Ying: "Miss Joy, how is my elf?"

Joy Ying recovered quickly, and her good quality allowed her to focus on her guests first: "It doesn't matter, I'll just take her in to recover. It'll be over soon, in ten minutes."

But the excitement on his face disappeared, but his eyes were always very excited.

When Grandma Joey was young, she was attacked by hostile elves while rescuing several trainers and suffered serious internal injuries.

Later, the Joey family spent a lot of effort to find all kinds of treasures that could be obtained, and healed most of the hidden wounds of Happy Egg.

But there is still some left, which cannot be completely cured.

This is why even though Happy Egg has evolved to its final form and has such good qualifications, it has been stuck at the peak of the Heavenly King.

At this time, the happy egg breaks through, so Grandma Joy doesn't have to enter the countdown?

When Grandma Joy arrived at Taiyi's breeding house, the happy egg had already broken through.

Taiyi turned around, but was almost startled.

what happened?

He felt as if Grandma Joy was several years younger, and some of her hair had turned from pale to black hair.

This is a bit scary.

Mr. Shu: "Have you ever felt that there seems to be a special connection between Happy Egg and Grandma Joey?"

Taiyi nodded slightly and said in his heart: "There is indeed a connection, but what exactly is this?"

Grandma Joy hugged Happy Egg before she could say anything to Taiyi.

They seemed very excited and cried.

"There is a sharing of life between them."

Taiyi turned around, and he didn't know when Dr. Oak had arrived.

Taiyi asked strangely: "Life sharing? What is it?"

He understood the meaning of the words, but it was difficult for him to understand the matter itself.

Dr. Omu said: "As the name suggests."

Dr. Oak sighed with emotion, nodded slightly and shook his head: "But this matter is only possible after your elf reaches the championship level. This is the unique ability of the elf at the championship level."

Taiyi immediately thought of an ability that an elf must master to advance to the champion level.

That is, vitality!

No wonder, it turns out to be like this.

Dr. Ohmu said: "After the elves reach the championship level, their vitality will undergo a qualitative change, and they will be different from ordinary elves from then on. Moreover, the vitality of champion-level elves, no matter which attribute they are, will become extremely long. And if This championship-level elf has enough tacit understanding and bond with his trainer to form a life-sharing relationship. From then on, the elf's lifespan can be shared with the trainer. From this, the elf can share his life with the trainer. Trainers live and die together, there will no longer be a situation where the trainer dies and the elf lives alone in the world."

Taiyi thought a lot. Human beings only last a hundred years, and the lifespan of elves, except for insect-type elves, is relatively short and their peak period is relatively short.

Other elves are very long-lived.

At least, they all have a lifespan of several hundred years.

After the trainer dies, these trainers' elves will suffer extremely painful loneliness in their hearts.

Perhaps this kind of life sharing was invented by a certain elf? In this way, the lifespan of the elves will definitely be reduced, but they can get along with their trainers for a longer period of time, which they are willing to do.

Such a simple spirit is really touching.

But Taiyi asked strangely: "With the strength of the Joey family, it is impossible to find other high-quality elves. Also, I met a Joey before, well, it was a fighting Joey. She seemed to be related to La Di Yas has made a contract. Isn’t there any way for the Joy family to find another divine beast to make a contract with Grandma Joy? I think in this way, as Grandma Joy, we will definitely be able to successfully achieve the conditions."

Grandma Joey's identity is very important, otherwise, she wouldn't be so kind to Taiyi.

Even when these were some vitality vegetables, the Joey family made the decision to pay four auspicious eggs.

This is obviously an indication of Grandma Joy’s status.

Dr. Oki smiled bitterly: "How can it be so simple? The lifespan of mythical beasts is so long, I don't know how long. Anyway, in the alliance records, there are no mythical beasts that have died naturally. So no mythical beast is willing to share life with human trainers. You want You know, this is a restriction for both parties who share life. When a human dies unexpectedly, the other divine beasts will not be spared. So even the divine beasts who have a good relationship with the Joey family cannot agree to this. Even There are legends that indicate that a life-sharing contract cannot be reached between a mythical beast and a human trainer."

After a pause, Dr. Omu looked at Taiyi with a thoughtful look, and then said: "Moreover, this life-sharing contract is easiest to achieve with the initial elves. And the subsequent elves, no matter how close the relationship is, , it is difficult to reach this point. And Grandma Joy..."

"Besides, I don't want to!" Grandma Joy walked out. Although Grandma Joy still looked old, her body seemed to be much younger.

The skin alone seemed a little smoother, instead of the previous state of wrinkles and even age spots.

It seems that Grandma Joy has really established a life-sharing contract with Happy Egg.

It is hard to imagine that there would be human trainers who would not be willing to form a life-sharing contract with other elves.

This is the temptation of longevity.

Dr. Omu smiled and said: "It seems that you have completely emerged from the shadow of the past. Congratulations, Grandma Joy."

Grandma Joy smiled at the happy egg behind her, and the happy egg responded with the most charming smile: "Happy!"

She nodded to Dr. Omu, then looked back at Taiyi: "Thanks to you this time, I don't know where you got such good things. But I just want to tell you that the Joey family owes you a huge debt." The favor is greater than the previous favor from the Murayama family. In the future, you or your descendants can make a request to the Joey family, and the Joey family will do their best to help you achieve it. Of course, it cannot be something that harms the alliance. .”

Taiyi understood that Grandma Joy was still explaining the previous incident.

Taiyi waved his hand: "Actually, if Grandma Joy had told me in advance, I wouldn't care at all about that matter."

Grandma Joy smiled bitterly. It seemed that there were some cracks that could never be repaired.

But seeing that Taiyi was willing to give her such good things as happy eggs shows Taiyi’s character and character.

"You have to be careful. Two elves have been promoted to the championship next to you. I'm afraid you may be in some trouble in the future."

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