Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 412 Be careful and be mentally prepared

Dr. Ohmu also said with a serious face: "Although it is really a new town, probably only a few of us can feel the momentum of Happy Egg's breakthrough championship. But the changes in Grandma Joey's situation cannot be hidden from others. In this way, Your situation is indeed somewhat troublesome."

With that said, Dr. Omu turned to Grandma Joy and said, "But how does Grandma Joy know about my Kuailong Breakthrough Champion?"

Grandma Joy said with a smile: "Before, in the secret realm, Joy Xin's Latias felt that the Kuailong brought by Taiyi was already at the peak of the king. But after the secret realm ended, when Joy Xin left his life, Latias Yas felt a trace of the momentum of the champion elf. Although it was only fleeting, the family guessed that it was probably brought by Taiyi, and the fast dragon belonging to you Damu broke through. Moreover, the fast dragon you owned Damu, In the Elf Center of Golden City, we made a breakthrough once, but failed, just like before Happy Egg."

The results are the same, but the reasons are different.

Taiyi felt a little bitter, he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Ordinary people may not know the inside story about Grandma Joey.

Even Taiyi only found out today that champion elves can form bonds with human trainers and share their lives.

But all the major families in the alliance should know it.

So, does Dr. Ohki also have such a bond?

Well, it seems that Kuailong is not Dr. Oak’s initial elf.

That Raichu is, but has that Raichu reached the championship level?

Taiyi looked at Shu Lao, who shook his head slightly: "For the time being, I have not felt that other elves, except Happy Egg, have broken through to the championship level."

The momentum of this breakthrough can be felt even from a distance.

This distance is about ten kilometers.

Dr. Oak's elves must be around, they can't be too far away.

In other words, Dr. Oak currently only has one champion-level dragon, and the other elves have not yet broken through.

Nowadays, he can only be called a king-level trainer, but not a champion.

After saying a few words, Grandma Joy finally said to Taiyi again: "Be careful."

Tai nodded: "Don't worry, I don't plan to leave Zhenxin Town. In all senses, it is safer to stay in Zhenxin Town."

Grandma Joy nodded and left with the happy egg.

Having just made a breakthrough, Happy Egg needs to go back and master its skyrocketing power, and make some adjustments.

Dr. Omu looked at Taiyi, and Taiyi said first: "Dr. Omu, how long are your Raichu and other elves until they are champions? Otherwise, these days, I have full authority to provide elf food. See if I can promote them?" There is only one champion elf, so it’s still a bit unsettled.”

Dr. Oak was dumbfounded, a little surprised that Taichi knew that he only had one elf to break through.

I also wanted to laugh a little at Taiyi being so afraid of death.

Dr. Omu nodded: "As long as you have this idea. Don't leave for a short time. No matter what method is used to make the elf break through to the championship, it will easily attract the covetousness of others. I came here mainly to give you some advice. That's your point. Fortunately, you have this idea, which is good. But as for elf food."

Dr. Omu paused, nodded and smiled: "Then I will let them come to your place to dine by themselves. You must be mentally prepared."

After saying that, Dr. Omu left.

Taiyi was a little surprised: "Why did he say that?"

Shu Lao scoffed: "I don't know why, but I think you might be in trouble."

Taiyi didn't know what the situation was, so he didn't think about it too much.

Back at the breeding house, Taiyi said to the old man: "Sharing the lives of the Champion Elf? In other words, if Casey and I reach a tacit understanding and bond, is it possible?"

Who wouldn’t want to live forever?

But Casey still needs to agree, and he will not force Casey.

Well, if the coercion could succeed, I'm afraid the elf world would have been in chaos.

This should come from the elf's heart and want to reach such a contract with the trainer.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so rare.

A fetter in this condition can be explained.

Bondage itself is a manifestation of emotion. If it is forced, it means that the relationship is not up to standard at all.

Shu Lao opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Your initial elf may not be Cathy.

Casey came by himself before Taichi obtained the Bulbasaur seeds from Dr. Oak.

Because of their superpower compatibility, Cathy and Taiyi are very compatible.

At this time, Casey seemed to hear Taiyi's heart, leaning his head against Taiyi, making a small sound.

There was admiration, reliability, and trust in that voice.

If Casey really breaks through to the championship, maybe life sharing can really be formed.

However, your initial elf should actually be Diyun.

So who can say for sure what mythical beast cannot form a life-sharing thing?

These days, no one can truly become a trainer of mythical beasts.

The battle between the Joey family and Joey is probably more of a cooperative relationship.

Taiyi said to himself, and seemed to be discussing with Shu Lao: "The so-called bond and emotion are the conditions for the champion elf and the trainer to share their lives. Perhaps, this is why only the initial elf can form a relationship with the trainer. Such sharing. In other words, it is not impossible for other elves, just because everyone must have deeper feelings for their initial elves. If the initial elves cannot meet the conditions, other elves may not be able to do anything?"

Shu Lao coughed: "Then, what do those trainers who don't like the original elves and abandon them say?"

Taiyi rolled his eyes at Shu Lao: "You said that he abandoned the original elf. Can such a trainer really have true feelings for the elf? Then, under such circumstances, can he really be with other people? The elves have achieved a bond? In other words, such a trainer may not even be able to reach the championship level, let alone think about other things."

After a pause, Taiyi sighed again: "It's no wonder that those big families always prepare highly qualified initial elves for their juniors. Because the initial elves are destined to put more effort and emotion into it, and it is easier to To achieve such a bond. Although they cannot guarantee that their descendants will definitely become champions, this does not prevent them from preparing. As long as one is born and forms a bond with the champions, this will be the guarantee of the family for hundreds of years. A champion With his protection and hundreds of years of development, even if he is from a commoner background, he is enough to raise a good family."

Perhaps, many of these big families in the elf world started like this.

Shaking his head, Taiyi smiled and said: "This matter is too far away, let's not think too much about it. Let's develop step by step and don't force this. If you can live a glorious life, a hundred years is actually enough."

But Casey on his shoulders had another idea.

She felt that she must break through to the championship level and share her life with Taiyi.

This way, she can spend more time with Taiyi.

century? Not enough!

It was only when he was cooking that Taichi realized what Dr. Ohmu was saying in his mental preparation.

"Is this? I can't afford it either. Dr. Omu, you are so stupid."

Taiyi looked at a huge Kirby and felt like crying.

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