Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 410 Happy Egg Breakthrough

This ball of lightning essence looks scary, but in fact, when the elf egg is absorbed, there is no burning feeling at all.

Taiyi knew that Shu Lao was probably just joking with him before.

But this is lightning. Well, the essence of electricity is definitely not simple.

Shu Lao took back his hand and said to Taiyi: "The next step is up to her. It takes time to absorb the lightning essence."

Dragon Riding: Riding Pokémon (too much vitality is lost, the hatching probability is very low) (Lightning Essence is being absorbed, vitality is being restored)

Level: Egg form

Properties: Water/Ice

Characteristics: moist body

Qualification: Blue

Gender: Female

Skills: None

This is the latest panel of this elf egg. Looking at this situation, Taiyi nodded.

Shulao handed over his hand: "There is still the last bit of lightning essence left. It is too meager to increase vitality. But you can still use it."

Taiyi smiled and cursed: "My body is so small, so I don't have to worry about this, right?"

Then, when Taiyi saw Shu Lao's expression, he was stunned: "Oh, you mean the happy egg."

Shu Lao was referring to Grandma Joy’s happy egg, even though Grandma Joy was a bit unkind before.

But Grandma Joy’s intention is good, and with Dr. Omu’s presence and Dr. Omu’s connections, it’s impossible for Taiyi to lose.

Even if you can't win, at least make sure you don't lose.

Needless to say, there is no need to talk about the wrangling behind.

But Grandma Joy has no ill intentions towards Taiyi, and these days she often calls him over to teach him the knowledge of being a breeder.

Taiyi also learned a lot of cultivation knowledge from Grandma Joy, as well as some more secret knowledge about medicines.

I even came across some knowledge about incense.

Taiyi knew that the body fluids of elves could indeed be used to make incense.

For example, pollen from the smelly flowers and saliva can be used to make incense.

Don't feel disgusted, bird's nest or petrel's saliva, isn't it also sought after by a lot of people?

Besides, this is just incense, it just smells good.

Taiyi guessed that the lucky incense was probably made from the body fluids of mythical beasts mixed with some things.

Although Grandma Joey didn't say it, Taiyi guessed it.

Taiyi used a bottle to catch the lightning essence. He didn't dare to catch it with his hands. If it fell to the ground, it would be gone.

Many elves around looked at Taiyi, well, at the thing in his hand.

Many elves in the Heavenly Book world have felt that this is a good thing.

Taiyi nodded: "That's it for now, it's not of much use. If I have the opportunity in the future, I can give you a taste of other essences of heaven and earth. Don't worry about this."

With Tu Tuyun's body and level, it would take half a year to gestate.

And it also requires an extremely large amount of electricity, which is very precious.

Even with Taiyi's ability, there is no way to generate so much electricity.

"Should I get some power-generating device back and let the elves use their moves, or physical energy, to generate electricity for Shu Lao to suck on?"

Shu Lao rolled his eyes: "I can tell by the look on your face that you have no good intentions."

Taiyi said teasingly: "Isn't it time that you learned how to absorb electricity?"

Absorbing electricity is also good for land clouds.

When Tai came out, he placed the Book of Heaven on the bedside, inserted a wire into the plug, and Di Yun's body absorbed electricity inside the Book of Heaven.

"Suck it slowly, don't trip it."

Shu Lao rolled his eyes, but his movements were much gentler.

Tai nodded, sucking like this must be very slow.

"So how long do you have to smoke?"

He was also ready to pay the electricity bill, but a ball of lightning essence was better than many alliance coins.

I was just a little worried because I was asked about electricity consumption by the electricity bureau.

"No, small generators still have to be put on the agenda."

When I came out, I saw Happy Egg helping to make potions.

Grandma Joey's happy egg is not only of high grade, but also very professional in its professional knowledge.

In this process, Happy Egg is also teaching Taiyi's Happy Egg a lot of knowledge.

In addition, those auspicious eggs are all students and are undergoing secondary learning.

As for the one following Xiao Chi, when it comes back, it will definitely have to be remade.

"Happy egg." Taiyi shouted to Grandma Joey's happy egg, and everyone understood.

"Happy." Xingfudan didn't know what Taiyi was going to say, but he still looked at Taiyi seriously.

Taiyi smiled and said: "This is the potion I made. It should be of some use to you. You can try it."

This is the latest bottle of vitality potion. Before Taiyi came out, the lightning essence was integrated into this potion. It was difficult for Happy Egg to see the raw materials directly.

With the potion level of the Happy Egg, I definitely know that there is something good inside.

But you can't let Happy Egg know the true appearance of the good things.

In this regard, Taiyi still has to stick to his principles.

Xingfudan naturally knew that this thing was a good thing. She was a little embarrassed but didn't want to refuse.

She had hidden injuries on her body due to a previous injury.

The Joy family also tried their best and used a lot of good things on her, but in the end they still couldn't completely cure her, and she also developed antibodies to those good things.

Those things are of no use to her, and Happy Egg will have a lot of trouble if she wants to break through to the championship.

I almost broke through last time, but in the end I fell short due to a hidden injury.

Happy Egg almost wanted to give up, but thinking that Grandma Joy was about to reach the end of her life, she didn't dare to give up.

This is the bond between elves and trainers.

Taiyi smiled and said: "Drink it. Although I only have so much of this stuff for now, I will have more in the future."



Taiyi's happy eggs and lucky eggs tried their best to persuade the teacher.

Don't they know this is a good thing?

Nature knows.

But they also knew the situation of Happy Egg, and they all tried to persuade her.

Taiyi smiled and said: "They will have it later. You drink it first."

As long as the book is there and as long as you are willing to spend money, you will definitely have this lightning essence.

Happy Egg nodded, took the bottle, opened it, and drank it in one gulp.

Almost as soon as Happy Egg drank it, the vitality potion and lightning essence began to make up for the hidden damage of Happy Egg, giving her a warm and cool feeling.

This feeling is the feeling of scars being repaired.

She had never felt so comfortable, as if she had just hatched from an egg. At that time, she was still a little lucky egg.

An aura of momentum exuded from his body involuntarily.

Taiyi smiled and nodded: "It's begun."

He took the potion bottle dropped from Happy Egg in an instant and said with a smile.

At the same time, several people in Zhenxin Town also felt it.

Dr. Omu was stunned: "This momentum, champion? Is it Grandma Joey's happy egg?"

In Zhenxin Town, the only elf that can break through at this moment is probably Grandma Joey's happy egg.

Dr. Omu actually knows about the past of Happy Eggs. In fact, Dr. Omu doesn't have much hope for Grandma Joey's breakthrough in Happy Eggs.

All the treasures that can be found in the elven world have been used.

If you can't find it, such as holy ash, you really don't have to think about it.

"However, I feel that this momentum is getting higher and higher, and this feeling of joy is actually successful this time? Is that direction the training house of Taiyi? What did this kid do again?"

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