Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 399 Then let’s get a journal and read it

Shu Lao stroked his beard and said, "This is probably the first time that a human trainer has witnessed the evolution of an ugly fish and witnessed the birth of Menas."

Tai nodded: "Indeed. But it's really gorgeous!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the light disappeared.

In fact, the light of evolution is very short-lived, so short-lived that they can't say more than two words.

When he reappeared, he was already a beautiful Menas.

The smooth scales and mermaid-like body are simply mesmerizing.

Taiyi: "Why is Happy Planet so fascinating to people?"

Skin it, very happy.

Taiyi knew that Menas was very fascinating among trainers.

Many people even offered high prices to reward Menas.

In other words, if Taiyi is willing to give up this Meenas, he can get an extremely high return in an instant.

Of course, Menas itself is already a very powerful elf.

Every Menas, like the newly evolved Gyarados, is at least an elite level elf.

The Minas' natural color is mostly cream, with red eyes and three black spots under its neck, which may be its gills. Its head is relatively long, with a slight protrusion at the end, and red "eyebrows" that extend from above the eyes and out of the fur.

This appearance earned Menas the title of the most beautiful elf.

Well, except for the Phoenix King.

The mythical beast does not participate in the competition.

Menas: Loving Pokémon

Level: 47

Properties: water

Features: Charming body

Qualification: Blue

Gender: Female

Skills: Water Splash, Crash, Crazy, Sleep, Wall of Light, Hold, Frozen Wind, Charming, Rain, Water Wave, Leap, Water Gun

This is the elf with the biggest difference between before and after evolution that Taiyi has ever seen.

Before evolving, he had just reached professional level strength.

After evolving, his strength suddenly jumped to the elite level.

If you work harder, you can become a gym leader level elf.

The qualification also successfully broke through the cyan qualification of the seven colors of the rainbow and reached the blue qualification.

And it has 20% fullness.

The qualifications of this Menas are really very good.

I also learned several moves, and my energy skyrocketed.

After Menas got used to it a little, he mastered the surge of energy.

It can be seen that the qualifications and talents of this Menas are indeed very good.

"Meinas, congratulations!" Taiyi congratulated Menas, and Menas nodded shyly, accepting the offer.

The goldfish king came over to kneel and lick it again. Unfortunately, Menas, who had evolved now, looked down upon the salted fish even more.

Menas got used to it and sank to the bottom of the lake.

This kind of elf still prefers life in the water.

Taiyi did not disturb her. The evolution of the ugly fish and the appearance of Menas made Taiyi's research on the evolution of the ugly fish a big step forward.

Taiyi recorded all these thoughts, and then went to study the latest Long Eye Fruit Nutritional Solution.

Later, he will also upgrade this nutrient solution.

However, for now, let’s do more research on how to improve the absorption efficiency of dragon eye fruit.

Casey took the phone and asked Taiyi to see the recent task completion rate.

Taichi was also shocked after seeing it.

Don't know what happened?

"A single dragon eye fruit nutrient solution can improve this much?"

Tai said bluntly, and then Casey pointed to the supplies and said: "There are too many things, you should save some first."

Too many herbs and tree fruits are left outside and tend to spoil.

Happy Egg and Lucky Egg, in addition to working every day, they also work overtime to help make potions.

Taiyi now has a batch of potions in his hand.

Every few days, Taiyi would transport some medicine to Akagi Yanghei.

Taichi doesn’t have to worry about Akagi Hinata being greedy for ink, as everything is there.

Akagi Yanghei's management seems to be quite qualified so far.

At least, the popularity has picked up a bit.

Taiyi put away the things and only put the amount of daily happy eggs they could use.

He also sent a message of praise to Akagi Yohei: "It's been great lately, and everyone's atmosphere is very high. This is great. You work hard, and your bonus this month will be doubled."

Akagi Yangping was stunned when he received the message.

But I soon thought of something. In fact, most of the credit for this belongs to Xiao Chi.

Akagi Yangping sent a message to Xiao Aka to express his gratitude.

Moreover, Akagi Yangping also said that he could give Xiaochi some potions as a thank you gift from him.

But Xiao Chi quickly replied: "No, brother Taiyi gave me a lot of potions for free. I don't need them."

He really doesn't need it. Taiyi has a good relationship with him and they provide it for free.

Of course, Xiaochi will often complete some tasks for Taiyi and collect some things.

In the past, I gave it directly to Taiyi, but now that I have applied for an account on the Rising Sun app, I handed in the task in the app.

Xiao Chi never thought before that he was like a catfish and activated this group.

Xiao Chi really doesn't need the potions sold in the app because he has better ones.

What can be sold in large quantities is naturally different from the results obtained in the laboratory.

Moreover, every time a version of the idea of ​​etheric one comes out, there must be a higher version.

This is for replacement.

Akagi Yangping understood, but he was still very grateful to Xiaochi.

Xiaochi replied with a message and was about to go out.

Akagi Yanghei will say no more.

He was actually very passionate. With so many people doing tasks, he accumulated points very quickly.

He is also very greedy for that bottle of nutrient solution that can increase the defense level.

Moreover, when he got the points, he would redeem them directly.

This can serve as a demonstration.

Xiaochi's previous performance inspired this group of people.

Xiaochi's map made this group of people even more excited.

This gave Akagi Hinata a good demonstration that he could follow suit.

Over there, Dr. Omu and Omu Cheng also discussed for a long time. They were still a little unsure about Taiyi's proposal to start a journal of their own.

Dr. Omu and several doctors who had good personal relationships exchanged opinions with each other.

Surprisingly, Dr. Yamanashi was the first to agree.

"I also feel that there is a lot of unfairness within the alliance. Many aristocratic families control most of the positions in the alliance. In these positions, corpses are not available. This time the plagiarism incident, although Murayama's reputation has been hit to a certain extent. But the public They didn't pay too much attention to this person. In fact, it was because the alliance's paper review department was fighting. They didn't feel the pain, so they definitely didn't feel how serious this matter was. This is because they were complacent and felt that no one could threaten them. Their reasons.”

Although Miss Junsha held a press conference, the matter did not attract much attention.

The reason is that the thesis review department wants to protect internal personnel for its own sake.

In addition, Dr. Sato is working hard to suppress those TV stations and not broadcast relevant information.

It's not that Dr. Omu didn't know this, it was also the reason why he was shaken.

Now, Dr. Yamanashi's words made Dr. Ohki make up his mind.

Dr. Oki: "Okay, let's try to get a journal."

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