Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 400 A great gift for the new journal

Dr. Oki's sudden agreement made Taiyi a little surprised.

At this time, Taiyi was conducting daily observations and records in the ecological garden of the nursery.

Dr. Oak actually didn't ask Xiaozhi to come over and call him over. Regardless of status or age, the other party had this privilege.

But today Dr. Ohki came in person and brought an answer that made Taiyi very excited.

Dr. Omu agreed, which means that this matter is still on the way.

A journal, among other things, must always have sources for papers.

Taiyi can handle two or three papers by himself, but a journal cannot only have two or three papers, right?

Moreover, the areas covered can’t just be elf food and elf potions, right?

Dr. Ohmu's research field will be relatively broad, and there is almost no direction that Dr. Ohmu does not research.

It’s just a matter of whether you’re good at it or not.

Well, Dr. Omu is good at most things. He is such an all-round doctor.

His level as a trainer is also pretty good, he is truly a winner in life.

Speaking of which, Dr. Ohki is the protagonist of this world.

Time travel, mythical beasts, research, what areas have others not touched upon?

Xiaozhi? That's just a false protagonist.

Xiaochi is more sincere than him.

Dr. Oki continued: "Including Dr. Yamanashi, I have contacted a total of seven doctors, and they will all publish papers in journals. The problem now is that I have to apply for permission from the journal. In addition, you also need to build a journal. The basic structure, as well as the remuneration for the authors of the paper.”

In fact, it’s not just these, but also the printing and sale of periodicals, etc.

There are many problems to be solved, and Taiyi has just received the answer, so he wants to start working on it, but within a month or two, he basically has no clue.

Fortunately, there is a kind of creature in this world called an elf. With the help of super-powered elf, this speed can be accelerated a lot.

Tai nodded and was about to speak.

An elf jumped up from the bottom of the water, and little waves of light flickered on its scales.

Dr. Omu happened to witness this scene, his mouth wide open: "This is Mikri's one... No, this is a new Menas, how did you tame it?"

Yes, after a few days, Menas still likes to come out of the water often to greet everyone's surprise.

This makes Menas's own charm even stronger. Unexpectedly, he still has a sultry character.

Taiyi spread his hands and said, "Two days ago, a Ugly Fish evolved."

"How is this possible!" Dr. Omu exclaimed. A problem that many doctors have not solved was actually solved by Taiyi in such an understatement?

But in front of me, this Menas was floating so lightly on the water.

This is real.

Dr. Ohki asked eagerly: "How did it evolve?"

This is a very beautiful turnaround.

Dr. Oki said excitedly: "Write the paper. This will be the first, most important, and most influential paper in a journal!"

How many trainers want a minas?

It should be said that most people in the elf world want one.

It's a pity that no one has been able to cultivate Menas in the past.

The ugly fish will not evolve at all.

Menas in the wild are extremely rare, and even if they are discovered, most people don't have the strength to conquer them.

The elite-level starting strength allows Menas to ensure his own safety.

Besides, most of the places where Menas appears are in the ocean. Even if they are seen and beaten, Menas still can't escape?

"Beauty!" Taiyi took the opportunity to put forward his concept. He said with a smile: "I think that after the ugly fish evolves, it is one of the most beautiful elves. The ugly fish state is dormant and continues to be beautiful. Degree. When the beauty gained by the Ugly Fish reaches a certain level, the Ugly Fish will be able to evolve!"

The value in the game is that when the beauty of the ugly fish reaches 170, it can evolve into Menas.

But in reality, there is no instrument that can test beauty.

Therefore, when it is proposed, it is just a concept.

Even the Heavenly Book, a cheating device, has no way to digitize the condition of beauty for the time being.

I don't know if there is still insufficient data, but if there are enough ugly fish evolving in front of Taiyi, the Book of Heaven can collect enough data to provide a reference for beauty.

"Is it beautiful?" Dr. Ohmu repeated the word. He thought deeply for a while and then said: "When you say that, it is not impossible. Tell me, how do you usually cultivate it? We can guess the evolutionary conditions of Ugly Fish based on the biggest changes between Menas and Ugly Fish. This perspective is very novel, but if you think about it carefully, it is indeed possible."

Taiyi said: "In fact, I usually cultivate the ugly fish regularly, but I also added a step. That is to discover the shining points of the ugly fish and strengthen these shining points. Constantly treat the ugly fish from the bottom of my heart. Ugly Fish praises."

Shu Lao glanced sideways: "From the heart? The Elf World owes you an Oscar. The statuette should be given to you."

Taiyi ignored Shu Lao at all. How could a weapon spirit know his great integrity?

Shu Lao: →_→.

Dr. Ohmu nodded and quickly grasped the key point of Taiyi's words: "Praise from the heart is correct, it must have real emotions. Elves are also highly intelligent creatures, and they can feel our sincerity. Fa Only praise from the heart can make Chou Chou fish feel sincere. When you say this, I understand a lot. In the past, our trainers lacked patience and would be disappointed after training for a long time, and then they would abandon them. Things. This is a problem for human trainers. As expected, we must have enough patience when dealing with elves."

Taiyi did not remind Dr. Omu that this patience may really be a bit long.

Taiyi here, although he usually praises the ugly fish a lot.

But I have to say that there is another most important reason, which is the power of the tool fish, the Salted Fish King.

Without this licking dog, the evolution date of the ugly fish may still be far away.

Oscar Taiyi's praise alone cannot achieve this effect.

Taiyi took out his homemade incense again and said: "Of course, this is also because of my incense. This kind of incense can make the scales of the ugly fish more shiny. This pair of ugly fish Beauty helps a lot.”

Dr. Omu took the incense, looked at it, and said, "Is it a new incense? A new formula that you made yourself?"

Tai nodded: "Yes. Some time ago, I began to study incense. By chance, I prepared this incense. This incense can enhance the brightness of ugly fish scales in a short time and can last for ten years. Two hours. After twelve hours, the effect of the incense faded, but there was still a very small part left, which was completely absorbed by the ugly fish. It is precisely because of these that the ugly fish I cultivated for several months became The tough ones evolved in the first two days.”

Thanks to the dog-licking goldfish king, I never expected that my momentary kindness would receive such a generous reward.

I have to say, people are better off being kind.

Doing good deeds may bring you good rewards inadvertently.

Dr. Oki nodded: "What's the cost? How do you plan to sell it? This is a big gift, a big gift for our new journal."

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