Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 398 The Evolution of Ugly Fish

At last count, two Slowpoke were willing to evolve into Slowking.

Others want to evolve into Slowpoke.

This is the elf's own choice, and Taiyi will not interfere. If you want to plan to become a Slow King, it's easy to do.

Taiyi has a lot of certificates of kings in his hand. This thing, many kingdoms in the ancient elf world have a lot of certificates of kings.

Passed down from generation to generation, even if some of them are lost, most of them can still be found.

This is also the reason why the King's Certificate was not expensive before, well, it is very expensive now.

Because Taiyi discovered the second evolutionary direction of Slowpoke, its prop is the proof of kingship.

This item immediately increased more than tenfold.

At present, the price is still rising, there is a price but no market.

Take the two Slowpoke and go directly to the Elf Center to borrow the Elf Exchange Equipment.

This requires communication evolution, and there are exactly two Slowpoke, so no help from other elves is needed.

After some operations, Taiyi took the elf ball and let Slowpoke come out.

Oh no, now he has evolved into a Slow King.

Slow King: The King Pokémon

Level: 47

Attributes: Water/Superpower

Characteristics: Slow

Qualification: Green

Gender: Male

Skills: Water gun, scream, impact, telekinesis, teleportation, telekinesis, sleep, snoring, wall of light, power stone, trick, water ring, water wave, bluff, rain

When we first conquered these Slowpoke beasts, only the leading one had green qualifications.

So far, the Slowpoke has broken through the green qualifications and become an elf with cyan qualifications.

These Slowpoke beasts have yellow qualifications.

Now, he has also broken through the yellow qualification of the seven colors of the rainbow, and is now an elf with green qualification.

Because of this evolution, the level has been improved a lot, and the qualifications are also much higher.

The green qualifications are about 70% full. If you work harder, you are expected to break through the green qualifications of the seven colors of the rainbow and become an elf with cyan qualifications.

As your qualifications increase by one level, you will have a greater chance of breaking through the constraints of strength.

As for the few Slowpoke that want to evolve into Slowpoke, they can only wait.

There's nothing you can do about it, right?

The big tongue in the world of Tianshu is unwilling, so can Taiyi still force him?

It's okay when the time comes. Anyway, evolution only requires the Big Tongue to bite the tail of Slowpoke to trigger the opportunity for evolution.

But Taiyi does not rule out the dangers involved. If the giant-tongued clam strongly resists, will it have any negative impact on evolution?

Moreover, it is impossible for Taiyi to do such a thing. If there is one, there will be two. Other elves in the world of the Book of Heaven will also be worried. Will Taiyi do something detrimental to them in the future?

After dealing with this matter, Taiyi returned to the breeding house, ready to see the group of ugly fish again.

When Taiyi came to the small lake, he happened to see the salty fish, the King of Goldfish, chasing the ugly fish to show his courtesy.

The ugly fish with the brightest scales was like a proud queen and ignored the goldfish king.

Taiyi felt a little strange. He had a strange feeling that this ugly fish was in a strange state.

Taiyi: "Shu Lao, come out and take a look."

Shu Lao came out and was just about to ask what happened when he stared at the ugly fish.

Ugly Fish: Fish Pokémon (evolutionary gene is active)

Level: 32

Properties: water

Traits: Adaptability

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Female

Skills: Water Splash, Crash, Crazy, Sleep, Wall of Light, Hold, Frozen Wind, Charming, Rain

This ugly fish doesn't have the moves yet, and its aptitude is also cyan. After a period of cultivation, it has reached a state of 100% cyan.

But what Taiyi saw was that the evolutionary genes of this ugly fish were active.

Does this mean that this ugly fish is about to evolve?

Shu Lao touched his beard: "It seems that the approval of other people is still useful. Well, other elves. It should be the approval of other elves, which makes Chou Chou Fish feel confident and increases her own charm. This can Mobilize the evolutionary genes in the ugly fish. The world is so big and full of wonders."

The conditions for elves to evolve are all kinds of strange.

This kind of person who thinks he is beautiful can also mobilize his evolutionary genes and then evolve in the direction of beauty?

It's a pity that maybe the Chou Chou Fish was too aloof, and the Goldfish King didn't know what was going on, so he suddenly retreated.

The charm of the ugly fish also fluctuated.

For a moment, it seemed like all the charm had been lost.

When Tai looked again, that state disappeared.

The activity of evolutionary genes was canceled and fell silent again.

Shu Lao sighed: "It's a pity. If I had persisted just a little longer, maybe this ugly fish would have really evolved."

Taiyi nodded affirmatively: "Yeah, it's a pity. But there's nothing we can do about it. The Goldfish King probably persisted for too long. He hasn't received a reply, so he's a little frustrated?"

"Chou Chou Fish, you are the best!"

Taiyi gave a thumbs up and shouted to the ugly fish.

Chou Chou Yu was stunned for a moment, but saw sincerity in Tai Yi's eyes.

The charm that had fallen from her body seemed to rise again.

Taiyi was happy in his heart: "It is indeed useful. Not only the pursuit of the Goldfish King, but also the recognition of human trainers. Maybe the pursuit of opposite-sex elves will be more useful, but the recognition of human trainers is also important."

Taiyi has already planned to praise the ugly fish more in the future.

One's own recognition plays a very important role in building the Chou Chou Fish's self-confidence.

He gave a thumbs up: "You are the best. If you work hard and persevere, you can increase your own charm. When your strength is still in a slump, you never give up. Work hard to change yourself and strengthen yourself..."

That state suddenly came out again.

Tai's eyes lit up, and the evolutionary genes became active again.

The ugly fish accepted the compliment and built up its confidence in itself again.

Taiyi stretched out his hand and took out a bottle of incense from the World of Heavenly Books.

Taiyi lit it and said to Chou Chou Fish: "My bottle of incense can increase the brightness of your scales, strengthen your energy, and slightly purify the energy in your body. Come and enjoy the incense."

The beauty incense has not been successfully researched yet, but after being smoked with this bottle of incense, the scales can indeed become brighter.

This is also very good for fish.

To other elves, shiny fur is a symbol of good nurturing.

For fish, the light of their scales is also one of these indicators.

The ugly fish swam over and enjoyed the incense.

Taichi could see that the scales on her body were starting to sparkle.

This is actually a physical method. Some water droplets from the incense fell on the scales of the ugly fish, washing away some dust.

Of course, there are also scales that absorb the essence and become even brighter.

However, this change is not permanent, but has a certain time limit.

During this period, the effects will slowly diminish until you can enjoy the incense again.

The effect will be restored to its best state again.

At this moment, the ugly fish was slowly attracted by its own scales.

While still ugly in appearance, at least the scales are attractive.

There were also male ugly fishes around, who gathered around and looked at this ugly fish with envy and pursuit.

At this moment, the ugly fish shone brightly.

Taiyi was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Chou Chou Yu, congratulations."

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