Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 397 Slowpoke wants to evolve

Taiyi didn't know that a bottle of potion could actually help these people unite and do tasks together.

But without thinking, he also guessed some.

It's just that there is no more care.

In front of me, a walking grass evolved after digesting the nutrient solution.

Taiyi also looked at it strangely, a little surprised.

Stinky Flower: Weed Pokémon

Level: 37

Attribute: Grass/Poison

Characteristics: leaf green

Qualification: Green

Gender: Male

Skills: Absorption, Growth, Sweet Smell, Dissolution Liquid, Super Absorption, Paralysis Powder, Hypnosis Powder, Moon Power, Grass Field, Moonlight, Petal Dance

This Stinky Flower's level has not broken through to the elite level, and although the grass field has also learned it, it unfortunately has not mutated.

Therefore, mutation is really something that can be encountered but cannot be sought.

Of course, here in Taiyi, it is also available.

It just takes more time.

It's like there is a probability for mutation. Whether it changes or not depends on whether there is enough radiation.

If it's not enough, just increase the radiation and lengthen the radiation time.

In this regard, as long as the land cloud does not actively collect radiation, these radiations do not require much energy from him.

After putting away the experiment and preparing to go out for a walk, Taichi met Slowpoke by the river.

This Slowpoke looked at the river in a daze, seeming to be thinking about something.

Although Slowpoke usually looks a little dazed, this one is really in a daze.

"Slowpoke, what's wrong with you?"

Taichi could tell that this Slowpoke seemed to have something on its mind.

This is a little strange.

Slowpoke was awakened by Taiyi's voice, and hesitated when he saw Taiyi.

Finally, Slowpoke said, "I want to evolve."

This Slowpoke's level is not low either, and it's time to evolve.

Slowpoke: the silly Pokémon

Level: 47

Attributes: Water/Superpower

Features: Regeneration

Qualification: Green

Gender: Male

Skills: water gun, scream, impact, telekinesis, teleportation, telekinesis, sleeping, snoring, light wall

These Slowpoke beasts were among the first elves that Taiyi conquered.

Except for the best one, as Taiyi's first echelon, so he always follows Taiyi when he goes out.

The other few stayed in Zhenxin Town.

Either help water the fruit trees, or protect the fruit trees from being snatched away by the elves in the wild.

However, they were also carefully cultivated, and Taiyi had never treated them harshly.

This Slowpoke's qualifications have also been cultivated, and it has successfully broken through to the green qualification.

At this time, the level has also reached, and Taiyi nodded: "Then which form do you want to evolve into? Slow King or Slow Shell Beast?"

Slowpoke has two evolved forms, and Slowpoke knows that now.

He thought for a moment and said, "It's still a Slowpoke."

To evolve into a Slowpoke, you need a Slowpoke. When the Slowpoke bites the Slowpoke's tail, the Slowpoke can evolve into a Slowpoke.

One way is to let Slowpoke catch a giant clam in the river and then evolve together.

This is the magic of the elf world. Two elves of different types can actually evolve together.

In this regard, since the evolved Slowpoke can be put into a Poké Ball, it can be seen that this is two elves merging and evolving into one.

As for some people who said that Slowpoke can be separated and become Slowpoke and Slowton, this has been proven to be wrong.

Alliance researchers have proven through research that the evolved Slowpoke and Bigtongue have become a brand new elf.

This is an independent elf, and it is impossible to separate and become two elves.

Another way is that Taiyi has subdued several big-tongued clams before.

All you need to do is find a big-tongued clam in the world of the Book of Heaven, and then combine and evolve.

Taiyi did not interfere too much with the elves in the world of the Book of Heaven.

But he has not given up on cultivating him. He originally had good qualifications and now his strength is also good.

Taiyi almost immediately thought of the second method, although there is no research to show whether the qualifications of the big-tongued clam will affect the qualifications of the evolved sloth.

But thinking about it, Taiyi must have had an impact.

Since it is a combined evolution, it naturally affects both parties.

Taiyi immediately said to Slowpoke: "Let's find a giant tongue clam and ask them if they are willing to merge and evolve with you."

Taiyi rushed to the breeding house of Slowpoke King, and he guessed on the way that the reason why Slowpoke was in a daze just now was probably because he wanted to evolve, right?

Otherwise, why would you be in a daze by the river?

Don’t you want to catch a big-tongued clam by yourself?

Slowpoke's tail is very delicious. If you use the tail as bait for fishing, you may be able to catch giant clams.

Of course, you may also catch other elves.

Like a Gyarados?

Then just stop eating, let alone the tail, I'm afraid even the body will be eaten.

A Gyarados' level will never be too low.

The lowest level of Gyarados that can successfully evolve is elite level.

This is the type of elf with the largest level span before and after evolution.

Like Gyarados, there is Menas.

These two kinds of elves are the kind that don't evolve, but once they evolve, they advance by leaps and bounds.

Arriving at the breeding house, Taiyi took Slowpoke to the lake in the Book of Heaven world.

There are several big-tongued clams here. Well, it seems like there is something strange at the bottom of the lake.

what is that?

Using his abilities, Taichi soon knew what it was.

An elf egg!

What species is it?

Several big-tongued clams sensed Taiyi's arrival, surfaced from the water, and said to Taiyi: "These are our descendants."

Needless to say, there aren't many big-tongued clams in the first place, and one of them has already formed a couple and even produced offspring.

Shu Lao glanced at Taiyi: "You don't even know that your own elf has given birth to offspring."

Taiyi rolled his eyes. There were so many elves in the world of the Book of Heaven, how could he possibly know this?

Unless he monitors these elves all day long, nothing will be done.

Taiyi: "It's okay, you can live a good life here."

The couple immediately made an appointment to leave together, as if they were laughing at Taiyi, a single guy.

With your disgusting looks, Taiyi felt that there should be a thunder strike at this moment.

There were only a few giant clams left, and Taichi asked: "Slowpoke wants to merge and evolve into Slowpoke. Are any of you willing to evolve with him?"

The big-tongued clams were stunned for a moment, but soon they all swayed. It seemed that neither they nor they were willing to evolve together.

There's no way around it. Taiyi can't force them to merge and evolve with Slowpoke, right?

The Bigtongues left, and when Tai turned around, he saw Slowpoke's somewhat hurt expression.

Taiyi smiled and said: "The big-tongued clam here is not willing, so we can just look for it. The big-tongued clam is not a particularly difficult elf to find. You were at the river just now, and you probably wanted to find a big-tongued clam, right? Don't worry Well, I will help you find a big-tongued clam who is willing to evolve with you."

If you want to evolve, you shouldn't be too anxious. You should always think about future development, right?

Big-tongued shellfish cannot have too bad qualifications.

In combined evolution, the qualifications of both parties have an impact.

Since this Slowpoke wants to evolve, what about the other Slowpoke?

Taiyi sent the Slowpoke away and asked the other Slowbeasts: "Do you want to evolve? I have the King's Certificate here, which can help you evolve into a Slowpoke King. Or do you want to evolve? As a Slowshell, I'm also going to look for the giant tongue clam."

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