Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 389 Xiaochi’s concern, the critical state of the ugly fish

Faced with Dr. Ohmu's worries, Taiyi smiled: "Doctor, you don't have to worry about me. This little bumpy situation won't break me."

Dr. Oki looked at him deeply for a long time, and Taichi showed no timidity at all.

After all, it was the child he watched grow up. Dr. Omu still understood Taiyi. After a long time, he nodded and said: "I have met many people. There are many people who have accepted some ups and downs and cannot overcome the obstacles in their hearts." . He originally hated the darkness the most, but in the end, he embraced the darkness."

Taichi didn't know who Dr. Ohgi was talking about, maybe Sakaki.

When Sakaki was young, he must have been a sunny boy, otherwise there would be no way to get the blessing of Tokiwa Forest.

Besides, it’s impossible for Sakaki to become the alliance’s gym trainer, right?

Taiyi didn't know what Sakaki had gone through, or whether the previous performance was just a performance.

We also need to know whether Dr. Oak knows Sakaki's true identity again, or in other words, whether Dr. Oak knows the true situation of Team Rocket. Does he know that the mid-level boss of Team Rocket is Sakaki?

Of course he couldn't spoil it because there was no way to explain it.

Taiyi suddenly said: "Doctor, there is so much injustice and darkness in the alliance, wouldn't the doctors do something to change this?"

Dr. Oki sighed: "Why not? Many of us are like-minded and want to change, but how easy is it?"

Taiyi breathed a sigh of relief and said to Dr. Oak: "In that case, let's start with the paper. Let's change this reality together."

Dr. Ohki was startled and looked at Taiyi: "What do you want to do?"

Taidao: "Since the alliance's paper review department is so dark, I don't know how many people have been placed in it. Then let's start a journal by ourselves and compete with the alliance's paper review department, so that the alliance feels the danger. They will naturally change . This kind, I call external factors changing the internal."

Dr. Oki smiled and said: "You don't think that it is so easy to apply for a journal, do you? Not to mention that the application for this journal itself is very difficult. Without the permission of the alliance, there are not people with enough weight..."

Having said this, Dr. Omu's eyes widened and he looked at Taiyi: "You are waiting for me here."

In other words, who should be in charge of this new journal?

Of course it must be Dr. Ohki.

Even if Taiyi himself is willing to do it, others will not believe in Taiyi, and he does not have that appeal.

For a journal to be published, it naturally needs someone to submit articles.

Taiyi alone cannot support a journal.

Even if this journal is a quarterly journal, it is the same.

There can't be an entire journal that only contains elf food, or some additional elf potion papers, right?

That's what makes people laugh.

In this case, a journal cannot be produced.

However, as long as Dr. Ohki comes to take charge, not to mention Dr. Ohki’s appeal, many doctors and researchers will choose to believe in Dr. Ohki and choose to submit articles.

Dr. Ohki's own papers alone can support half of the journal.

Really, don't think it's impossible, Dr. Oak is just that strong.

Coupled with the researchers who studied with Dr. Ohki, this journal has confidence.

Dr. Oki thought it was funny, but after a while, he felt that it was not impossible.

When Taichi saw Dr. Oki like this, he knew that his persuasion had the possibility of success.

He struck while the iron was hot and said: "Doctor, just as the smartphone was released, smartphones will definitely be indispensable in people's lives in the future. We can try it first and experiment on the smartphone."

Dr. Omu smiled self-deprecatingly, and finally said: "I'll think about it."

This decision is definitely not easy to make, and it will cause a series of consequences.

Dr. Oki is not Taiyi. Dr. Oki's relationship within the alliance is intricate. Once any decision is made, it will have a lot of impact.

Taiyi will not consider these, but Dr. Ohmu must.

Afterwards, Dr. Oak left, and Taichi and the elves cleaned up the scene.

In the following days, Taiyi returned to his previous days.

Play with elves and do elven research every day.

The elf food must be matched every day. The elf food with eighteen attributes, at least the basic formulas, have been determined.

Individual elves have different tastes, but most of them are fine.

On this day, Taiyi happened to be observing those ugly fish.

Taiyi discovered that there was something different about the ugly fish that was the first to be conquered.

The scales on its body became brighter and brighter, and Taiyi always felt that this ugly fish seemed to be in a critical state.

It seems that as long as there is something, there is some opportunity to break this state.

This ugly fish should evolve.

For the first time, in the hands of a human trainer, if this ugly fish evolves, it will be the first time that humans have seen the evolution of the ugly fish, and the artificial cultivation of Menas was born.

But unfortunately, this critical state does not seem to be so easy to break.

Anyway, the scales and condition of this ugly fish are already in excellent condition.

All Taiyi has to do is wait patiently.

Shu Lao stroked his beard: "It seems that the evolution of this kind of elf also requires a kind of self-confidence to a certain extent."

In the elf world, there are many examples where magical power is needed to evolve.

For example, the evolution of Pichu requires intimacy.

The power of intimacy cannot be seen or touched, but it has been proven to exist.

This is an emotional power.

Tai nodded and was about to speak when Xiaozhi ran in: "Brother Taiyi, Xiaochi called and asked you to answer the phone."

Taiyi frowned, why did Xiaochi call at this time?

He immediately returned to the breeding house, and on the video phone, Xiao Chi's figure stood there in high spirits.

Taiyi was slightly relieved. As long as Xiaochi was safe, as the son of the world, there was a high probability that nothing would happen.

"Xiao Chi, how are you doing lately?"

On Xiaochi's shoulder, stood a Pikachu.

It was amazing that the previous Pichu had evolved.

"Very good, Pichu was cultivated by you." Tai nodded. If the intimacy was not enough, how could Pichu evolve?

Xiao Chi touched his head: "It's okay. It's all because of the great auspicious eggs you lent me, Brother Taiyi. I have a lot of knowledge that I don't know, and the cultivation of auspicious eggs is so amazing."

Tai nodded, and after waiting for a while, Xiao Chi said, "Well, I heard about the thesis."

Taiyi was stunned, but he thought that since the Junsha family had said they would hold a press conference, it was not impossible for Xiaochi to know about it.

People in Zhenxin Town were very angry about this matter. Neither Taiyi nor Dr. Ohmu mentioned this matter before.

Afterwards, everyone in Zhenxin Town said they would go to the Alliance to get an explanation.

Taiyi is the glory of Zhenxin Town. How can it be allowed to be slandered and robbed of Taiyi's experimental results?

It was Dr. Taimu who calmed these townspeople.

Taidao: "Don't worry, this matter is not in the past. Dr. Omu and I will take action. What you have to do now is to strengthen yourself. Don't worry about other things. I..."

Just when Taiyi was about to say the following words, a cute elf jumped up from the ground and landed on Xiaochi's shoulder.

"That is?"

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