Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 390 Ibrahimovic sent by Xiaochi in exchange for auspicious eggs

This is a very cute elf, like a fox.

This aspect is very different from Casey.

"Ibrahimovic." Taiyi shouted in surprise. What surprised him was not the spirit like Ibrahimovic, but the appearance of this Ibrahimovic in the heavenly book.

Eevee: Evolved Pokémon (genetic disorder, evolutionary genes are extremely unstable)

Level: 22

Properties: General

Features: Prediction of danger

Qualification: Blue

Gender: Female

Skills: desire, cry, impact, flash of light, high-speed star

This Eevee's level is not high, it's just level 22, and it's not very good to look at.

The qualifications are also blue. Taiyi secretly cursed his luck. Xiaochi is worthy of being the son of the world. He can get an elf with blue qualifications so casually.

There are not many moves, but you can see that he has mastered them well.

This Eevee has quite a lot of energy, at least unlike those Pokemon, which has more energy at the same level.

The amount of blue qualifications is not too high, only about 30%.

This is different from the 10% blue Pikachu next to him. When he was still Pichu, this was a 10% blue elf.

After evolving once, I still haven't broken through the blue qualification.

From here we can know that the bottleneck of Rainbow Seven Colors is still very strong.

Especially the higher you go, the harder it is to break through.

The Big Needle Bee and Bad Butterfly have already reached the blue qualifications, and their improvements are limited.

What makes Taiyi strange is what is displayed on the panel of this Eevee.

The gene is disordered and the planned gene is extremely unstable.

Judging from the situation in the anime, this is probably the Eevee who can evolve and degenerate at will.

This was the reason why Taichi exclaimed.

Xiao Chi touched Ibrahimovic, and Ibrahimovic also touched Xiao Chi's face intimately.

This made Pikachu a little jealous, but because the other party had just been rescued, Pikachu restrained his jealousy a little.

Xiaochi said to Taiyi: "It seems that, without me telling you, Brother Taiyi, you also know what's special about this Eevee. She is following me, and I can't take care of her well, and something special happened to her." . I found her in the Rockets' base. At that time, she was trapped in a cage by the researchers and doing experiments, that kind of biochemical experiments. I don't know how long she had been treated like this, but I know that she was very hard. . Moreover, she often has some strange pains on her body, and she is in pain. My abilities are not enough, so I want to ask Brother Taiyi to take her in and help her treat the pain on her body."

Taiyi was stunned, Xiaochi was going to give this blue-qualified Eevee to him?

This is a blue qualification!

As for the strange ailments?

Um? At this moment, Ibrahimovic suddenly hugged his body and fell to the ground in pain, still rolling on the ground.

There was a look of pity in Pikachu's eyes, which was why he was not jealous. He cherished this Eevee very much.

Xiaochi quickly called Miss Joy and asked Miss Joy to help give Ibrahimovic a sedative, which calmed him down.

When Ibrahimovic was taken away by Miss Joy, Xiaochi said to Taiyi with red eyes: "This is the situation. I also contacted Dr. Ohki before, but he was not sure that he could cure Ibrahimovic. But Dr. Ohki asked me to contact you , he thinks you might have a way."

Taiyi was startled, so he asked, why didn’t Xiaochi contact Dr. Omu?

Dr. Ohki is naturally much more famous than Taichi in the field of research.

But Dr. Omu was not sure yet, but he recommended himself. What did Dr. Omu think?

Xiaochi asked: "Brother Taiyi, I can only ask you now. I really have no choice. Ibrahimovic has to endure this kind of pain many times every day. I think she can still persist until now and insist on me." It's so pitiful that she was rescued. Please help me, brother Taiyi."

Tai nodded: "Of course it's okay to help, but you have to know that this Eevee has excellent qualifications and may have unlimited achievements in the future. I can help treat her problems, but do you really want to give her to me? ?”

This Ibrahimovic is not very old and was transferred due to physical reasons. This is allowed by the league's laws.

But this elf has very good qualifications. Will Xiao Chi regret it in the future?

But Xiaochi immediately laughed: "Of course I know. I saw the qualification appraisal of this Eevee in the Rockets base. It has blue qualifications. But I feel that since she is in pain, she can only ask Taiyi Brother, then give it to Brother Taiyi, I know Brother Taiyi will also be kind to her, right?"

Seeing Xiao Chi's happy smile, this innocent smile, Taiyi once again came into contact with the simplicity and beauty of this world.

In this world, there is darkness like Cunshantuo, and there is also simplicity and beauty like Xiaochi.

He doesn't know the future Xiao Chi, but at least the current Xiao Chi is definitely very pure and beautiful.

It is precisely because of the existence of people like Xiao Chi that the world seems beautiful.

For some reason, Taiyi suddenly felt as if his soul had undergone a baptism.

Tai nodded and agreed: "Okay, I promise you, I will try my best to find a way to treat her."

Xiao Chi immediately laughed: "Then I will teleport her over with the elf ball. In addition, Miss Joy has prepared Ibrahimovic's physical examination and will give it to you, Taiyi brother."

This is growth. If it was Xiao Chi before, I might not have thought of this.

Elf trading is expressly prohibited by alliance law.

Taiyi's auspicious egg was only lent to Xiaochi and did not belong to Xiaochi. That was an exception.

Tai nodded and said: "That's right. During this period of time, a lucky egg here has evolved and gained more knowledge. In addition, Grandma Joey's happy egg is working as a teacher in my breeding house. You will be lucky If the egg is sent back, I will send another auspicious egg to you. After this auspicious egg has learned more knowledge, we will exchange it back."

Xiao Chi was stunned. Although he was a little reluctant to give up, he also knew that this was a good thing for the lucky egg.

They exchanged Pokémon, and Taichi got the lucky egg and Eevee's Pokémon Ball.

At this moment, Ibrahimovic was still asleep.

Hang up the phone, not to mention that Xiaochi and the new Geely Egg are in touch with each other over there.

In fact, when we were in Zhenxin Town, Xiaochi had contact with all the elves in Taiyi, and their relationship was very good.

This time, it's just a little more familiar.

On Taiyi's side, Ibrahimovic has been summoned and a series of studies have been conducted.

Taiyi: "Shu Lao, what do you think will happen?"

Shu Lao stroked his beard, thought for a while, and then said: "I guess it was the Rockets researchers who, while studying the evolution of this Eevee, destroyed her genes. This caused the evolution of her genes. Chaos, this situation is very difficult to deal with. Elves like Eevee originally had too many evolved forms due to the scattered evolutionary genes. Now, after being destroyed, we have no way to stabilize it. "

Taiyi: "Then what do you think should be done?"

Shu Lao said: "Give her the treasures of heaven and earth to let her evolve as soon as possible. This will help her stabilize her evolutionary genes. But I think this one should be the Eevee in the anime whose genes are not stable enough. Even after evolution, I'm afraid It will also degenerate, so the pain and suffering should be with her for a long time.”

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