Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 388 Don’t bow to darkness

Dr. Ohmu actually sighed inwardly. After all, Joey Ying was still young, so it was normal that she didn't notice.

But Dr. Omu knew that after experiencing this frame-up and almost having his paper snatched away. Taiyi is mature!

He has grown up.

Even more, the Joey family had to sit back and watch, as well as being reminded of it afterward.

Dr. Ohki doesn't know why the Joy family does this. Is a favor really so important?

But Dr. Ohki knew that it was the Joy family that helped Taiyi grow up.

This time, the Joy family has a lot to lose.

But, inexplicably, Dr. Omu also felt a little melancholy in his heart.

A child just grows up.

If possible, Dr. Omu still hopes that Taiyi and the children in Zhenxin Town can enjoy a happy childhood.

It's a pity that he single-handedly brought Taiyi into the adult world.

This is a world full of interests and intrigues.

However, Dr. Omu just sighed and felt melancholy in his heart.

Dr. Oki didn't think much about it. Due to Taiyi's talent, Taiyi quickly entered this world even without him.

Simply speaking, Taiyi did not suffer much damage.

After Joey Ying left, Dr. Oki said to Taiyi: "When I was in Viridian City, I felt that you seemed to have become different. Now I know that you have grown up."

Just a short sentence, just the word "grow up" can explain a lot.

Growing up means heaviness and responsibility.

Although Taiyi had already shouldered the responsibility of Zhenxin Town before.

Taiyi said to Dr. Omu, "Recently, I have planned to expand the production of tree fruits. I wonder if the Omu family needs it?"

Dr. Oki was stunned for a moment, and then he understood in his heart that this was Taichi's action.

The cooperation of the Joey family may cause problems in the future.

Taiyi seemed to have seen through Dr. Ohki's thoughts. He smiled and said: "After all, this is part of the deal between the Joey family and me. There will be no problems with the previous cooperation. I will also give the Joey family the first right to choose in future transactions. But the monopoly rights are gone. Maybe this is what the Joey family wants to teach me, right?"

Dr. Omu was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

The Joey family are not fools. How could they not know that such a choice would create a gap between them and Taiyi?

However, they still did it, even saving a warning in advance.

The purpose may also be to urge Taiyi to mature.

Monopoly is good, but the cooperation between the two parties cannot be limited to this.

Dr. Oki can see that Taiyi's future is very bright.

The Joey family is known for their sharp eyesight, how could they not see this?

Therefore, this time, it should be Grandma Joy who takes the initiative, with the purpose of urging Taiyi to grow.

As for any loss, maybe the Joey family can still bear it.

The Joy family is not short of money, and they have always stood firm in the elf world.

Other families have risen and fallen, but only the Joey family and the Junsha family have survived. Why?

It’s this vision and courage.

Admittedly, this is also the reason why the Joey family and the Junsha family are united and the two families help each other.

But the Joy family’s attitude is also relevant.

Taiyi understands this and may have some thoughts about the Joey family in his heart, but he will not be resentful.

In the future, the Joey family will also cooperate with Taiyi, and the cooperation will be a win-win situation for both parties.

As long as this is still there, this is fine.

Dr. Oki understood and once lamented the thoughts and practices of the Joy family.

But if he was given a choice, he would still be willing to let Taiyi spend these years happily.

Perhaps, this is the difference between Dr. Oak and others.

This is why the Omu family is dominated by Dr. Omu, but he does not let Dr. Omu do specific things.

One is Dr. Damu who still focuses on research and cultivating elves. As long as he is strong and has a wide network of contacts, this is the best choice for the Damu family.

In addition, is it also related to Dr. Ohki’s temperament?

Dr. Omu is thinking about Taiyi, and Taiyi is also thinking about Dr. Omu.

Over there, Joey Ying returned to the elf center and went to find Grandma Joey.

Joy Ying said: "I told Taiyi about the matter."

Grandma Joy: "Then how did he behave?"

"It's nothing special." Joey Ying guarded, then frowned and said, "I think it's quite normal. But when he suddenly laughed, I thought it was normal, but at the same time I felt it was not normal and I didn't understand it."

Grandma Joey sighed and looked at Joey Ying helplessly.

This child hasn't grown up enough.


But in addition, Grandma Joy knew that her approach was still useful.

"I'm just afraid that Dr. Omu will think that I'm too meddlesome. But if I don't do this, Taiyi's qualifications will be in vain."

Grandma Joy sighed several times in succession, and Joy Ying asked: "Ancestor, what's wrong with you?"

Grandma Joey said: "I don't know if this decision is right or wrong. It's just a favor, and I've missed Taiyi's friendship. I'm afraid our family's exclusive purchase right will be gone in the future."

Joy Ying frowned and asked, "But our ancestor, we didn't do anything bad to him."

"But we didn't help, did we?"

Not only was it not helpful, this gesture was also a disservice.

Grandma Joey explained: "The transactions with us are just fair transactions. He doesn't owe us anything. If he continues to trade with us in the future, he doesn't owe us anything in this matter."

Those fruits and vegetables have brought many benefits to the Joy family.

As long as the transaction is maintained in the future, the transaction of a few lucky eggs is not a big favor.

Joey Ying didn't seem to understand, so Grandma Joey let her go about her business.

When Happy Egg came back, Grandma Joy looked at her old friend and didn't know if she was doing the right thing.

It would be bad if Taiyi's character was worse and he was completely defeated.

Although the Joey family is full of talents, it still lacks top talents.

She can't leave just yet.

If Taiyi and the Joey family were separated because of this incident, it would be a bit troublesome.

The happy egg matter has not been resolved yet.

If Happy Egg can break through, it can be considered as leaving a trump card for the Joey family.

A champion-level happy egg is more useful than any other champion-level elf.

Especially for a family.


Grandma Joey's emotions infected Happy Egg, making her a little confused.

Grandma Joy smiled: "It's okay, I just have something to think about."

As for how Taiyi would change, she didn't know, so she could only look forward to it.

However, judging from past events, although this child has not grown up yet, he still has a certain tolerance.

At the very least, he wouldn't be at odds with the Joey family.

What Grandma Joy didn't know was that this Taiyi was not the Taiyi they imagined.

The reason why he seems immature is not because he himself is immature, but because Taiyi came from another world and still carries the impression of this world from another world in his heart.

Therefore, he did not grow up in the first time, and did not adapt to the darkness of this world in the first time.

Over there, Dr. Omu looked at Taiyi and said: "Although this incident has shown you the darkness of this world, I still hope you can keep a little light in your heart. There may be many problems with the current situation of the alliance, and these are all We need to work hard to change instead of giving in to the darkness, do you understand?"

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