Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 387 After all, return and understand the nature of the world

The inquiry meeting is over, which means that Taiyi's paper has no problems and can be published immediately.

But at this time, it was already past the beginning of the month, and this issue of the journal was already on sale.

Taiyi was very unhappy about this, and from the bottom of his heart, he had given up the possibility of sending a paper to the Alliance Paper Review Department again.

Even if the paper review department sends a paper invitation again, Taiyi will never do so.

He plans to start a journal of his own and publish papers in his own journal in the future.

Moreover, didn’t this just happen to be the launch of a smartphone?

Perhaps, we can also develop an electronic journal, which will always set off some revolution in this world.

Afterwards, Dr. Omu took him to meet those doctors.

In any case, most of the doctors still lent a helping hand to Taiyi.

Regardless of whether he saw an opportunity later, he knew that if he supported Murayama at this time, he would be cast aside by the alliance sooner or later.

People gave me a helping hand, that’s true.

Therefore, Taiyi passed by doctor after doctor.

But when he arrived at Dr. Sato, Taichi didn’t show any courtesy. He just stood there and said to Dr. Sato, “Dr. Sato.”

This is a stark contrast. Taichi has no intention of respecting Dr. Sato at all.

Dr. Sato snorted coldly and said to himself: "When you are promoted to senior researcher or doctor in the future, I will definitely vote against it."

As a veteran doctor, Dr. Sato has this right.

As long as there are more doctors involved, the way for Taiyi to rise can be eliminated.

Then, Dr. Sato was stunned. He subconsciously felt that Taichi could be promoted to doctor.

This realization made Dr. Sato a little anxious.

It's a bit bad to have a doctor rival, especially an enemy.

He can ruin other people's affairs, and others can ruin his affairs, right?

But there is no good solution now. In his heart, Dr. Sato is also thinking about it.

Yes or no?

Taiyi didn't have much respect for those seven doctors.

But for the other doctors, at least he could maintain a polite face.

Only for this Dr. Sato, Taichi could tell that this time it was Murayama who was causing trouble.

In fact, this person must have participated, and his participation was not low.

Naturally, Taiyi didn't have a good look towards him.

Dr. Ohmu also sighed softly: "Why are you doing this?"

Taiyi smiled and said: "Why repay kindness with hatred? So I want to repay hatred with kindness."

Dr. Omu has no choice about this.

He just said quietly: "In the future, I'm afraid it won't be so easy for you to be promoted to senior researcher or doctor."

The meaning is beyond words.

Taiyi was stunned. He didn't expect that Dr. Oak had really high expectations for himself.

Dr. Ohki didn't know that Taiyi had a heavenly book and had knowledge of another world, including heaven.

There is another world in the Book of Heaven.

All of this is Taiyi’s confidence.

Taiyi himself is very confident, but Taiyi dare not come out and say casually that he will definitely become a doctor.

But is Dr. Oki so sure that he can become a doctor?

Taiyi waved his hand: "After this time, I no longer care about whether I can become a doctor. I have been disappointed with many of the alliance's systems."

Dr. Ohmu was stunned and a little worried.

But there are some things that are hard to talk about here. Let’s have a good talk with Taiyi after we go back.

Afterwards, say goodbye to the other doctors.

Damucheng is also preparing to go back to the Alola area: "It's been a long time since I left there, and it's time to go back."

Dr. Oki nodded, and Taichi and Dr. Oki sent Omu Chengya to the flying field and watched him leave the Kanto region in the aircraft and return to the Alola region.

Sometimes, Taichi also wonders, is it because the Omu family is a new family, so in the old areas, including the Kanto region, Johto region, and even the Orange Islands, there is no place for the Omu family to expand its influence?

It’s not that it’s impossible, it’s that it’s too difficult.

Therefore, the Omu family sent one of the king-level trainers to the newly discovered area to develop.

This is not impossible.

There is no way internally, so we have to seek external development?

In other words, the Damu family is actually a good target to win over.

After that, Dr. Oak and Taiyi returned to Zhenxin Town directly on their flying mounts.

The elves warmly welcomed the two back, and a banquet was indispensable.

The Joy family came over and expressed their apologies.

"I'm really sorry. The Joey family owes a favor to the elder, Dr. Murayama. The other party is using this favor to keep us from interfering."

Joy Ying was really embarrassed, but it was really hard to repay this favor.

Taiyi was also surprised that with the connections of the Joey family, if he really wanted to help, it would definitely not be like this.

After all, Murayama is just a named doctor, and his real influence should not be so strong.

Then, the other doctors who were watching should have seen the performance of the Joy family.

Taiyi waved his hand: "It's okay, this is my own business."

Joy Ying nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

But she didn't know that for this favor, the Joy family also lost an excellent opportunity.

Originally, Taiyi had recently planned to open up the purchase of some of the heavenly materials and earthly treasures to the Joey family.

Because the cooperation between the two parties has always been very good, this cooperative relationship is very harmonious.

But after this time, Taiyi discovered that even he was the object of support from the Joey family.

But when it comes to the interests of the Joey family, the Joey family still chooses to look after their own interests first.

This is understandable. How can people not be selfish?

Even the Joey family can't get away with it.

This is just human nature. If the Joey family is not interested in profit, how can they choose so many talented people to invest?

Why doesn't the Joey family invest in ordinary civilian trainers who have no channels for promotion?

That's why.

Thinking of this, Taiyi felt like his beauty collapsed.

Originally, in Taiyi's mind, the elf world naturally contained all kinds of horrors, such as Team Rocket, Team Ocean, etc.

There are also many mythical beasts, which are extremely dangerous.

But in Taiyi's mind, the elf world has more beauty.

The beauty of elves, as well as the Joey family, the Junsha family, Dr. Omu, etc., are all representatives of simplicity and beauty.

But it wasn't until this moment that Taiyi truly understood the truth of this world.

Where there is so much beauty, it is all one-sided cognition without real contact.

How can one be naive in a real world?

Therefore, everything is real and reasonable.

Taiyi suddenly laughed, as if he had grown up suddenly from childhood and ignorance.

Shu Lao nodded, feeling very pleased and a little distressed.

The previous Taiyi was still too naive.

Now, we have truly realized the essence of a world. In fact, it is no different from the original earth.

The only difference is that there are elves here with extraordinary power.

The sad thing is that when a person understands this clearly, he grows up.

Those senseless happiness disappeared with it.

But this is the process of a person’s growth and is essential.

Joey Ying always felt that Taiyi's smile was strange, and his laughter was inexplicably sad, but from the looks of it, she couldn't tell what the reason was.

After all, Taiyi is smiling.

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