Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 386 Question Meeting (End)

When the staff member returned to the room, Dr. Sato looked over.

He shook his head, and Dr. Sato immediately frowned.

He moved his fingers, and the man nodded, and went out to find the elf to try.

After he left, Miss Junsha frowned and said: "This guy is really right. It's really hard to say within the alliance now. Afterwards, there must be an internal review of the alliance. Even the thesis review department, Such things can happen, but what about other places?"

Then, another Miss Junsha said: "Captain, we found that there are elves who want to break through our blockade and contact the people in the room."

Miss Junsha looked ugly: "Who does the other party want to contact?"

"I don't know, but there is a high probability that I will contact Dr. Murayama."

Miss Junsha made some arrangements, then returned to the room and said to the doctors: "Someone wants to use elves to contact the two people in the room, and I have sent people to arrest them. Here, I would like to thank Dr. Omu for providing the King of Heaven The superior Kyuubi helped us seal off two rooms, otherwise the villain would have succeeded."

Miss Junsha's words were naturally directed at Dr. Sato.

Although she didn't know who sent this person out, he must be related to someone here.

When Taiyi asked before, Miss Junsha didn't take it seriously.

Who knew, this would be a slap in the face.

Dr. Sato's face looked slightly ugly, but he didn't show it.

He knew that even if that person was caught, he would not be confessed.

It's just that when things don't get done, it's not worth it to have someone come in to help.

He then heard that it was Dr. Omu who provided the elf, and his face became even darker.

Dr. Sato questioned: "The elves provided by Dr. Ohki, will Dr. Ohki cheat?"

Miss Junsha rolled her eyes and said: "The nine tails provided by Dr. Ohki are only responsible for arresting people. The ones responsible for monitoring are the elves from the police station, or Dr. Sato thinks that our Junsha clan, together with Dr. Ohki, will Want to cheat?"

Dr. Sato didn't dare to accept this. The Junsha clan is famous for abiding by the law and would never do anything that violates the law.

This point is recognized by everyone as the integrity of the Junsha clan.

Dr. Omu smiled and said: "Use your own heart to save your belly. Haha."

This is very useful. Those neutral doctors were still hesitant at first.

Dr. Sato and Murayama both promised considerable benefits, but they are still in a dilemma.

On the one hand, there is the dignity of scholars, and on the other hand, there are considerable benefits.

Doctors are also human beings, they also need to eat, drink, and have a family to support.

But at this time, these neutral doctors were no longer swayed.

There is no doubt who the person who was going to cheat just now was.

Taiyi has already started making it, and is even halfway through it.

Whoever hasn’t started yet is the one who needs to cheat.

Are those people also surprised that even with the status of a dignified doctor, it is impossible to restore the production of a not-so-difficult potion without flaws?

There was a lot of confusion in the room, and I couldn't wait for contact from outside for a long time.

Murayama was a little worried, but comforted himself: "There is no contact, which means that the guy opposite is probably bluffing. I am a doctor, am I worse than an eleven-year-old boy?"

With this in mind, Murayama started making it.

But after all, I was worried. When making the potion, it was not in good condition. There was a small mistake in the production.

When he successfully made the potion, the quality of the potion was not very good, and the effect was obviously not very good.

But there was no way to wait forever, so he had no choice but to take out the potion and return to the room where the doctors were, amidst Jun Sha's constant urging.

Taiyi had finished making it a long time ago, and he happened to be standing there at this time, looking at the village and the mountains with his free time.

Seeing the potion in Murayama's hand, Taichi laughed loudly: "If this is not enough to explain the problem, then I really don't know how to explain it."

Dr. Sato defended: "It's not surprising that everyone has bad days."

There is no need to check the effect of the medicine, everyone can clearly see it at a glance.

Taiyi talked eloquently: "In fact, you don't know many details of the medicine. That's because you don't know the habits of these ordinary herbs. In my experimental records, there are many descriptions of this aspect, as if they were mine. It was mentioned in the paper on elf food. Many common herbs seem to have ordinary effects, but if you follow the principle of a monarch and his ministers, and use these herbs in combination, you can create effects that far exceed those of the raw materials."

He looked at the doctors, and they all showed studious expressions.

This is a talent that every doctor should have and have.

Live and learn.

This is the kind of qualified doctor, not the doctor like Murayama who relied on loopholes in the alliance to become a doctor in the past.

But Taiyi immediately stopped explaining, and instead said: "Actually, in addition to this version of the antidote potion, I also have several extended versions of this antidote potion. This version is for removing ordinary toxins. In addition, there are heat I have not yet published several versions of Poison, Light Poison and Cold Poison. One is to prepare to publish one article every month, and the other is to prevent some vicious villains from plagiarizing and rake it up. I can use it as evidence. Murayama Hey, you don’t have a similar version, right? Otherwise, let’s take it out and compare it?”

As soon as these words came out, cold sweat broke out on Murayama's forehead.

Miss Junsha came out and said: "Now, let's ask all the doctors to review whether this paper on antidote is Dr. Murayama's invention or Mr. Taichi's work."

Dr. Sato naturally voted for Murayama, and at this time, he will not jump back. But there were a total of twenty-seven doctors present, and only five of them turned against the villagers!

Two of their own seven abstained from voting.

Dr. Sato's face was ugly, and sweat broke out on Murayama's forehead.

The rest of the people, including the neutral doctors, all voted for Taiyi's name.

Miss Junsha smiled and said: "Then. The result is that Dr. Murayama's questioning failed. This paper is the original work of Researcher Taiyi. The alliance will issue a press conference to explain the results of this questioning meeting."

Miss Junsha's words made Murayama faint from fear.

Taiyi didn't have any pitiful thoughts. He raised his hand and said: "In addition, I would like to question the alliance's paper review department as to why my paper was leaked. Before this matter is completely resolved, I refuse to report to the alliance's paper review department. Submit any paper!”

Dr. Sato's face turned even darker. The person who revealed the paper was a member of his family.

It is an unspoken rule to convey news to one's own family, but the reason why the unspoken rule is an unspoken rule is because it cannot be seen in the light.

When Taiyi raised a question here, Miss Junsha immediately accepted it.

"Very good. The Junsha clan will file an application for review with the Alliance on this matter. A major inspection is indeed needed within the Alliance. During this inquiry meeting, there were actually people who planned to use power for personal gain. This time, we must Catch the worms within the alliance."

She said it with great determination and determination.

But Taiyi did not hold out any hope for this, and he was no longer willing to submit papers to the Alliance Paper Review Department.

"Perhaps, that plan needs to be started in advance. Besides, who said that to publish a paper, you have to submit it to the alliance? We can do it ourselves."

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