Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 385 Question Meeting (3)

This involves the writing of the paper.

The alliance's paper format requires clearly written materials, but it does not require a detailed production process.

So, this is the biggest loophole.

Although experienced people can roughly restore the production process based on the materials, there is no way to restore it 100%.

A patent application is required, but that is only required when applying for a patent after the paper is published.

But at this time, the patent has not yet been applied for.

Dr. Sato's expression changed a little. He had restored the production process before and was quite confident.

The effect is similar to Murayama's antidote, but the raw materials are nearly half the price.

This is such huge economic value that Dr. Sato couldn’t help but participate.

But looking at Taichi's expression at this time, Dr. Sato began to wonder: "Could it be that there are still mistakes in the production process that I restored?"

But in the blink of an eye, Dr. Sato firmed up his thoughts: "No, I am a doctor, he is just a child, and he is still a mid-level researcher. This can only be judged with the support of Dr. Ohgi, and my restoration is definitely no problem. This Taichi, He must be scaring the villagers."

Dr. Sato glanced at Murayama and saw that he was slightly panicked.

Murayama can't do research, is there still a problem with the operation? But when Dr. Sato looked at it, he saw that Murayama was a little panicked.

Dr. Sato felt a little regretful and cursed secretly: "It's true that mud can't hold up a wall."

Taichi smiled and said: "Then, Mr. Murayama, doesn't he know how to operate?"

Murayama glanced over and said: "Of course I know. I advise you to surrender as soon as possible. When the results come out, you will not be able to survive in the research world. Young people, with Dr. Oki's care, will have a bright future. It’s so big, there’s no need to ruin your future here.”

Taiyi smiled and said: "If the alliance is so indifferent to right from wrong, then there is no need to continue working as such an alliance researcher. The alliance is doomed to have no future."

With that said, Taiyi said to Miss Junsha: "Please prepare two sets of tools and rooms, Miss Junsha. I want to conduct practical operations with Mr. Murayama to determine the ownership of the paper."

With that said, Taiyi turned back to Murayama and said, "By the way, since you are sure that you are the author of this paper, you won't make a potion that is not as effective as mine, right?"

Murayama said, "How is that possible? How can I be inferior to you, a brat?"

Taiyi chuckled: "Then we'll see."

It is actually a very simple matter to prepare tools and materials for such a large alliance.

Soon the two were taken to two different rooms. Taiyi looked at the props, which were still very new.

Taiyi was not in a hurry to start, but sat there, waiting for the time to pass.

In the other room, the village has not started yet.

He was also a little scared, so he just winked at Dr. Sato and asked someone to go see if there was anything fishy about Taiyi.

If it is true and is better than Dr. Sato's, then he must be informed in time.

At this time, the doctors were sitting in their seats, looking at the two people in the two rooms who had not started, a little strange.

Dr. Sato said: "Look, this is plagiarism. That's it. When it comes to practice, there is no way."

Dr. Omu said calmly: "Neither of them started, so who do you think plagiarized this paper?"

Dr. Sato glanced at Dr. Ohki and knew that what he did had angered Dr. Ohki.

The little affection that existed before is completely gone.

But compared to interests, what is this affection?

Dr. Oak didn't do him any favors.

Even worse than...

Soon, Miss Junsha asked someone to come over to inquire about the situation. Taiyi said: "I want to apply for the alliance to monitor both parties. During the production period, neither party is allowed to communicate with the outside world."

To put it this way, I don’t believe in the credibility of the alliance.

Miss Junsha glanced at Taiyi, and although she was a little unhappy, she still agreed.

Moreover, Miss Junsha personally dispatched people from the Junsha family and assembled a batch of equipment to block the signals in both rooms.

In addition, there are some elves that block the possibility of communication between the two rooms through elves.

Dr. Sato doesn't know about this yet. He is still with the old god and feels that the other party cannot be much better than his own restoration.

After Miss Junsha finished doing this, Taiyi started making it.

He started picking out the material, quickly and smoothly.

The materials here are very fresh, and you can see the strength of the alliance here.

Taiyi started to deal with the materials. These materials were not just for use.

Taiyi did not mention these steps in the paper.

I just did it just in case, but I didn't expect that this kind of thing would actually happen.

Therefore, this is also made to prevent counterfeiting.

Outside, Dr. Sato was already frowning a little. He found Taichi doing something he hadn't done before.

But his strong self-confidence kept Dr. Sato expressionless.

Over there, Miss Junsha is already urging Murayama: "Please start production as soon as possible. All the doctors are watching."

But Murayama asked back: "Has that kid started?"

Miss Junsha said: "Whether he starts or not has nothing to do with you. Please start production as soon as possible."

Murayama said, "I'll recharge my batteries first. After all, I'm still showing off at my age."

This left Miss Junsha at a loss what to say.

In the room, all the doctors were watching.

There are already some neutral doctors who have begun to deflect.

I had planned to worry about the doctors' face before, not to mention that Taiyi had ridiculed the doctors before.

But seeing this, all the neutral doctors also feel that they are all doctors, so they have no shame.

The contrast between Taichi and Murayama is too great.

Here Taiyihe started to make it smoothly, and the process was very pleasing to the eye.

There have been improvements in many small details.

Dr. Sato looked at it carefully, his face changing color slightly.

As a doctor, he could still see these small details.

There is nothing like this in the movements he restored.

It's just a pity that there is naturally no such thing in the alliance's papers.

This is also set up to prevent some people from plagiarizing the paper.

Those companies that want to purchase patents can only go to the Patent Management Department to obtain these details if they reach an agreement with the patent owner.

Alternatively, inquire directly with the patent owner.

But the patent hadn't been applied for yet, so even if they had connections, they wouldn't be able to ask.

In fact, Dr. Sato already knew about it when the paper was published.

But he didn't say anything. In fact, he was waiting for Taiyi to apply for a patent so that he could create a complete set of fake experimental data.

Unexpectedly, Taiyi went to the secret realm and failed to apply for a patent at all.

Coupled with Murayama's urging, he had to start taking action in advance.

Who knew, something would go wrong.

Dr. Sato winked in one direction, and someone nodded, then walked towards Murayama's room.

But outside the room, I met Jun Sha who was guarding the door.

"whats the matter?"

When Junsha asked, the man had no choice but to say: "I'm here to urge Dr. Murayama to make it quickly. Dr. Sato and the others are watching."

Junsha rejected the man's request: "I have already asked people to urge him. During the process of making the potion, neither of them is allowed to communicate with the outside world."

The man said anxiously: "I am from the Alliance."

Jun Sha said coldly: "People from the alliance won't allow it either. This is the greatest fairness to the two of us."

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