Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 384 Question Meeting (2)

Dr. Ohki is also sitting on the review seat, as is Dr. Ohki Seiya.

In addition, Dr. Yamanashi was also invited, which should have been invited by Dr. Ohki.

In fact, there are only so many doctors in the Alliance, and you can meet acquaintances wherever you go.

Looking at Dr. Ohki's expression, Taichi knew that there shouldn't be any big holes in this record.

But Taiyi still raised his hand and asked: "I wonder if I can see this record?"

Miss Junsha glanced at Curayama, who nodded: "Although you must have a copy in your hand, I'll show it to you."

Taiyi didn't even bother to pay attention to this kind of verbal cheapness.

After receiving the information handed over by Miss Junsha, Taiyi started to read it slowly. It was a big pile.

The other party could also sit still. Taiyi looked at it, but Zhou frowned.

Since the other party dares to ask questions, he naturally has a certain degree of confidence.

From the moment Taiyi saw that the other party had hired a doctor for help, he knew that the other party's forged experimental records would not have too many loopholes.

But gradually, Taiyi's face showed a smile.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with this experimental record.

But what is fake is fake. After all, the other party has not done any real experiments, and the most important point is that in this new formula, there are a large number of materials that are not used in the original antidote formula.

This is the ultimate trump card.

No upgraded version or extended version is the ultimate trump card.

Murayama looked bad at first when he saw Taichi, but he was in a good mood.

Seeing how this young man dared to compete with me for a patent, it was really shameless.

However, his own patent was about to expire, so this one came at just the right time.

But gradually, Taiyi actually smiled.

This made Murayama a little puzzled, which was a bit strange.

Murayama is very confident in the record he forged.

Although there was not enough time, only about a week, he invited several doctors to help.

Among them, Dr. Sato contributed the most, and Murayama promised the most benefits.

Thinking of the benefits he had to pay, Murayama still felt a little sad.

But then he thought about it, this was a free benefit, and his mood improved again.

But seeing Taichi's face, Murayama was in a bad mood: "What? What did you think of when you saw my experimental records?"

Tai nodded: "Exactly!"

Murayama was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Taichi to admit it.

Just as he was about to speak, Taiyi turned around and said to Miss Junsha and the doctors: "After all, I did not do the experiment myself. Although there are not many loopholes in this experiment report, there are definitely many. Among them, the third Pages, page 7, and page 35, these data are obviously made up. No normal experiments have been done. I suggest that the alliance paper review department do some experiments, just, um, according to this Let’s do Dr. Murayama’s experiment. Although this experiment is actually full of loopholes.”

Taiyi emphasized the word "doctor" with a very mocking tone.

Taiyi originally respected the word "doctor" very much.

Even Dr. Sato and others, he respects them very much.

But what happened today, the word "doctor" has become stained with dust in Taiyi.

The originally extremely high status has now fallen to the mortal world.

The doctors also heard the sarcasm in Taiyi's tone, and many of them lowered their heads.

A few doctors also frowned, but thinking about what happened to Murayama, there was nothing they could do.

Dr. Oki sighed. The child had lost his original admiration for the alliance's doctors, and his admiration for the doctors had turned into ridicule.

But whose fault is this?

Isn’t there someone like Murayama in the alliance?

After this time, the alliance must be rectified, and the points system is not exempt from Doctors.

It is because you are exempted from thesis after you get a Ph.D., that is why many people like Murayama are created.

Dr. Oki said: "After carefully calculating the experimental data in these places, there are indeed problems. So, Murayama, what is your explanation?"

Dr. Oki also reduced the title of doctor to Murayama.

All the doctors have heard this.

But they have no way to accuse. In fact, everyone knows the real situation.

It's just because of his identity as Murayama that he had to come here.

There was a little doubt on Murayama's face. He didn't remember the data.

Most of those data were made up by other doctors, and he just looked at them briefly.

Seeing this situation, Taichi sarcastically said: "Perhaps, Dr. Murayama, you have even forgotten these data? After all, you didn't come up with it through your own experiments."

Murayama opened his mouth, but no words came out.

Dr. Sato suddenly said: "We are all Ph.D.s and we do experiments every day. Occasionally, one or two data errors are normal. It may be due to misremembering, or it may be that the condition is not good that day, or there is a problem with data recording. This is very serious. It’s normal. Besides, with so much experimental data, who would remember it so clearly?”

Murayama nodded quickly: "That's right. I'm not like you, who only need to record other people's experimental data. We do a lot of experiments every day. How can we remember all these experimental data clearly? Well, I remembered, if you didn't have my experimental data, how could you find the problem so quickly?"

He seemed to have found a loophole and started to get excited.

It seemed that he was already in sight of victory.

Dr. Sato frowned, feeling that agreeing to it was really not a good thing.

Taiyi sneered: "Just because you have a problem with your ability doesn't mean that others have the same problem. I remember all the experiments I did clearly. All the data is very clear to me. But what you said is strange, you There are many experiments, but what about the experimental results? If I remember correctly, Mr. Murayama, your last paper was when your last research assistant resigned. Going forward, every time you publish one or two papers, You need to replace a research assistant. How many years ago was that? Let me think about it, it seems like eleven years and seven months. What? Without an experimental assistant, you can't even publish a paper? Oh, by the way, you write a paper Your habits are also very strange. Your wording is even more changeable, almost every time you change an assistant, you have to change it. But your wording is very similar to the papers published by those experimental assistants who resigned. "

In a naked mockery, Taiyi directly expressed his disdain for this fake doctor.

And, a little disdain for the position of doctor.

All the doctors were a little embarrassed and a little angry.

For those researchers who study with them, they will also sign their names on the researchers' papers, and some will even occupy the first authorship.

This is the unspoken rule.

But today, Taiyi said this unspoken rule in a mocking tone, which slapped many people in the face.

Dr. Omu was also a little embarrassed, although he didn't do such things.

But even though Taiyi, the map cannon, didn't name anyone by name, when he said this, it slapped many people in the face.

We'll have all the doctors to review it later, why can't we help it?

Taiyi admitted that he was impulsive. This map cannon made many doctors unhappy.

However, he did not regret it. After thinking about it, Taiyi said: "In this case, let's judge by actual operation."

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