Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 383 Question Meeting (1)

When Taiyi and this Taiyi and Dr. Omu arrived, the other party had also arrived.

Taichi had seen Dr. Murayama's image on the website. He didn't know why, but maybe it was a matter of perception. Taichi felt that Dr. Murayama looked a little wretched.

When Taiyi and Dr. Omu arrived, the other party came over with a smile and said to Taiyi: "Young people, it's normal to want to make a name for yourself. But in academic matters, you still have to be realistic and you can't plagiarize or steal other people's works."

Taiyi almost couldn't hold back and punched him. Rolling his eyes, Taiyi asked: "I wonder, Dr. Murayama, when was the last time you published a paper one year ago or five years ago? I'm a little confused. I remember. I haven’t seen your work on the alliance website.”

Murayama was stunned for a moment, then became furious.

His research level is average. In the past, he could recruit assistants and help them "publish" papers.

But as time went by, everyone understood that almost no one was willing to be an assistant to Murayama.

However, when the man opened his mouth, he immediately restrained himself and said with a smile: "That's why it took me ten years to sharpen my sword and polish this paper. I didn't expect that people's hearts are not ancient, and you would plagiarize them. I think you are the one." When you took the cultivator exam last time, did you come to my institute and steal my thesis? I had called the police before, but unfortunately the Jinhuang City Police Department did not catch the thief."

After saying a few words, Taiyi and Dr. Omu entered, and Dr. Omu also sighed.

When did the alliance's academic circle become so chaotic?

Both sides have many friends and form three circles.

Yes, there is also a neutral circle that does not involve both parties.

But relatively speaking, Dr. Omu's circle is relatively large.

It can also be seen from here that Dr. Omu's head and face are much stronger than his opponent.

After all, one started on his own and is a good person.

another one? Just don’t say it.

The question meeting began, and the host was a middle-aged Jun Sha.

Taiyi noticed that the middle-aged Junsha nodded slightly to him, which was very subtle and not seen by others.

Taiyi felt a little more relaxed, which meant that the Junsha clan would be closer to him.

Although there is no way to influence the direction of things, it is at least a help.

Jun Sha asked: "The questioning meeting has begun, so what do both sides want to say?"

Taichi raised his hand first, and Murayama simply sat down and waited.

This time, he was bound to win, and for this, he promised a lot of benefits.

Taiyi asked: "When I entered the door just now, Mr. Murayama mentioned that when I was taking the cultivator exam in Jinhuang City, his research institute discovered a theft incident. Among them, papers were stolen. I want to ask Ask, Miss Junsha, did the Jinhuang City Police Department receive an alarm from Mr. Murayama during this time? Did the missing items include the thesis?"

Murayama was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that the other party would catch him using his words to flatter him from the very beginning.

But in his heart, Murayama was still a little relieved.

Miss Junsha asked someone to check. Soon after, a Miss Junsha came over and said: "Mr. Murayama did call the police, but the date was three days before Mr. Taichi arrived in Jinhuang City. In this regard, there are airlines Company’s itinerary records.”

Taiyi was stunned. Unexpectedly, the other party was actually stolen?

However, the timing was wrong, which was enough to prove that Taiyi did not steal.

Murayama stood up and said: "In this regard, I believe that trainers with flying mounts can arrive three days in advance. And then leave after stealing."

Miss Junsha warned: "There is no definite evidence, please don't slander."

Murayama said: "I didn't say who it was, I said it was a trainer with a flying mount."

The other party spoke very tactfully, and there was no way to grasp this.

But the fact that the other party stole it has no way to prove that it was Taiyi who did it.

Of course, the other party has no evidence at all, and Taiyi has never been to the other party's research institute.

Taichi added: "So, what about the surveillance system at Murayama Research Institute? Oh, the other party will definitely say that it just happened to be broken."

This time, Taiyi didn’t even bother to add Mr., as this man’s character was really bad.

Murayama was angry in his heart, but he couldn't say much.

He nodded, indicating that the surveillance in his institute was really broken.

Taiyi added: "Any paper is definitely not something that can be written just as soon as the head is hot. During this period, including the preliminary preparation, as well as the experimental steps, experimental equipment, and experimental data, I have detailed records. These are all in my handwriting. I can ask the alliance to conduct a comparative investigation."

After Taiyi finished speaking, he looked at Murayama, only to find that the other party's old god was there, not worried at all.

Taiyi sighed inwardly, this is indeed a sophisticated person, even though the other party has not published many papers.

But the other party must also know these details of the paper.

This man looks to be about sixty years old. Because people in the elven world generally live long lives, he does not look old even at sixty years old.

Miss Junsha asked someone to put away the information prepared by Taiyi and have someone check it out.

Many doctors read it and nodded.

But there are also some doctors among them, with gloomy expressions, but there is still some sarcasm on the corners of their mouths.

Taiyi sighed inwardly, it seems that interests can really corrode people's hearts.

Among them, there is also a doctor who I met in Hualan City before.

It was the doctor who was followed by researcher Kengo Sato. It was said that he seemed to be his uncle or someone else.

They are relatives anyway.

Taichi and researcher Kengo Sato also exchanged gifts with each other.

Taichi gave his recipe for making elf food to Kengo Sato, and Kengo Sato also gave Taichi his experience in elf potions.

This was originally a better side, but at this time, the other party actually chose Murayama, which was the opposite of Taichi.

Tai Yi secretly sighed: "Human heart. Interest is the eternal topic."

Taiyi was not too sad. The doctor's choice might seem to be an advantage at this time.

Who can say for sure about the future?

The doctors nodded one after another, but Murayama was not worried at all.

After the doctors finished passing it on, Murayama stood up and prepared quite a lot of materials.

He handed over the materials, and Miss Junsha frowned: "Dr. Murayama, why are your materials printed?"

Taiyi was stunned and immediately thought of the reason why the other party did this.

It's really watertight.

Murayama said with a sad face: "This is all my fault for that thief, who stole my information and burned my database with fire. I am here to strongly condemn the thief. However, he does not What you know is that although my database is where my experimental data records are, I still made another copy in the computer to save it. Therefore, I can only submit such a report."

Taiyi sighed inwardly, blocking what he wanted to say next.

Taiyi wanted to say, identify the handwriting, and the time to identify the handwriting.

At this point, the approximate age of the handwriting can be determined through testing.

There are some differences between the manuscript I just wrote and the handwriting I wrote a few months ago.

But after Murayama said this, there was no way to proceed.

Taiyi directly gave up on this point, and looked at the process of the doctors watching, and there seemed to be no loopholes.

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