Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 382 Friends’ Concern

After Taiyi left, the two brothers, Dr. Omu, chatted for a long time.

They all felt that at least they couldn't let Taiyi be too disappointed in the alliance.

It's not that the alliance cannot lose Taiyi, but that once this kind of thing becomes the norm, the alliance will be in danger.

If this continues, the future of the alliance will obviously have no future.

Dr. Omu is also taking action, and he also has a group of good doctors.

And because of Dr. Oak's ability and Dr. Oak's humility, Dr. Oak obviously has many friends.

These doctors responded quickly. If Taiyi could prove that he was indeed the author of the paper, they would definitely support Taiyi.

Taiyi didn't care at all.

When he came back, he continued to experiment.

But the mood was still a little low after all.

Casey leaned against Taiyi and let out a low moan.

Tai turned his head, looked at Casey, and was instantly healed.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

As for the Rockets I just mentioned, it’s just a complaint.

Taiyi has no intention of joining Team Rocket at all. In this world, there are still many mythical beasts.

If he defected to the Rockets, it would definitely not end well.

Then, many elves came over to comfort Taiyi.

Even though they didn't know what was going on, it was a fact that Taichi was in a low mood.

Taiyi put down what he was doing and played with the elves to his heart's content. On this day, he did nothing but played with the elves.

Halfway through the game, Taiyi had actually forgotten this unpleasant incident.

When the day passed, Taiyi re-entered the research state.

As for the paper, he didn't care.

If it really doesn't work, the paper will be treated as unpublished.

From now on, it is impossible for the thesis review department to receive his papers.

Anyway, there are many things that can be done even without applying for a patent.

For example, the Coke brand in the previous life did not apply for a patent and was kept secret. They just did business like that. Don't you still have to buy it?

Because once a patent is issued, it has an expiration date.

After the deadline, everyone can use this patent for free.

Thinking of this, Taichi checked Dr. Murayama's patent and found that the patent's expiration date was not long.

"No wonder you are so anxious. It turns out it's because the patent expiration date is coming."

Taiyi sneered, if after Taiyi left, the two brothers, Dr. Omu, chatted for a long time.

They all felt that at least they couldn't let Taiyi be too disappointed in the alliance.

It's not that the alliance cannot lose Taiyi, but that once this kind of thing becomes the norm, the alliance will be in danger.

If this continues, the future of the alliance will obviously have no future.

Dr. Omu is also taking action, and he also has a group of good doctors.

And because of Dr. Oak's ability and Dr. Oak's humility, Dr. Oak obviously has many friends.

These doctors responded quickly. If Taiyi could prove that he was indeed the author of the paper, they would definitely support Taiyi.

Taiyi didn't care at all.

When he came back, he continued to experiment.

But the mood was still a little low after all.

Casey leaned against Taiyi and let out a low moan.

Tai turned his head, looked at Casey, and was instantly healed.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

As for the Rockets I just mentioned, it’s just a complaint.

Taiyi has no intention of joining Team Rocket at all. In this world, there are still many mythical beasts.

If he defected to the Rockets, it would definitely not end well.

Then, many elves came over to comfort Taiyi.

Even though they didn't know what was going on, it was a fact that Taichi was in a low mood.

Taiyi put down what he was doing and played with the elves to his heart's content. On this day, he did nothing but played with the elves.

Halfway through the game, Taiyi had actually forgotten this unpleasant incident.

When the day passed, Taiyi re-entered the research state.

As for the paper, he didn't care.

If it really doesn't work, the paper will be treated as unpublished.

From now on, it is impossible for the thesis review department to receive his papers.

Anyway, there are many things that can be done even without applying for a patent.

For example, the Coke brand in the previous life did not apply for a patent and was kept secret. They just did business like that. Don't you still have to buy it?

Because once a patent is issued, it has an expiration date.

After the deadline, everyone can use this patent for free.

Thinking of this, Taichi checked Dr. Murayama's patent and found that the patent's expiration date was not long.

"No wonder you are so anxious. It turns out it's because the patent expiration date is coming."

Taichi sneered, if Dr. Murayama really won the inquiry, then he would get nothing.

Taiyi will immediately launch a new antidote potion, and Taiyi has already prepared an upgraded version of the antidote potion.

Even the price won't increase much.

This was something Taiyi had just researched some time ago, and of course Shu Lao’s help was indispensable.

However, Taiyi also wanted to take advantage of the alliance, so he released the first version first.

In fact, this is something many companies do.

You should keep at least one version on hand, so that if your competitors release similar things, you can quickly upgrade and seize the opportunity.

This is also the trump card in Taiyi's hand.

Then, Taiyi started the experiment again.

He really let go of this matter, of course he just let it go in his heart. He still had to make preparations.

For example, prepare evidence, etc.

In this regard, Taiyi has to thank himself. Although there is a heavenly book to record, he still prepared another record.

He usually copies his experimental records by himself, because he can remember them better if he writes them down.

Although there is still a record in the heavenly book, Taiyi is thinking that that record can be accessed at any time.

The purposes are different, so two records are created.

Well, one copy can be viewed by the public, and the other copy can only be viewed by yourself.

Taiyi would like to thank himself for this habit, which allowed him to collect evidence smoothly.

Many friends called and asked about this matter.

Akagi Yohei was obviously a little worried, and Taichi comforted him: "Don't worry, Dr. Oki will help. Besides, even if the alliance is so rotten, the worst thing is not to use the paper. I still have a lot of patents, are you afraid that the platform will not be able to develop?"

Akagi Yanghei touched his nose and smiled. He was really scared.

Because he finally found a channel for rising, and if he lost it just like that, it would be difficult for him to find a better channel.

Not to mention better ones, something similar to this one is definitely hard to find.

In addition, Sirona also called from the Sinnoh region.

Taiyi smiled and said: "Don't worry. If the alliance is really impartial, there will be absolutely no problem. I have a lot of evidence in my hand."

Sirona is still a little worried: "I will put pressure on the alliance."

Although they are in different regions, the opinions of the Four Heavenly Kings must be taken seriously even by the alliance branches in different regions.

Mi Keli and Dai Wu also expressed their concerns and their positions.

Taiyi expressed his gratitude to them, and at the same time, he felt a lot better in his heart.

Although the alliance has some shortcomings, this generation of kings seems to be pretty good.

On this day, the day of the question meeting arrived. Taichi and Dr. Omu took flying mounts and headed to Joban City.

This time the inquiry meeting was held at the Spirit Center in Joban City.

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