Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 381 Oki Chengya’s worries and Taiyi’s doubts

After saying this, Taiyi understood.

It's nothing more than a battle of interests. If Tai touches his cheese, he will naturally fight to the death.

Taiyi didn't know before that this doctor was so inferior that he only had one patent that could be used to make money.

But this person was able to become a doctor, even though he achieved it before the harsh conditions came into being, which is also remarkable.

It’s not about the other person’s research ability, but about the other person’s background.

In any case, to become a Ph.D., you must first publish papers that are influential enough.

And this amount cannot be less.

Such as Taiyi previously announced, another evolution of Slowpoke.

Papers of this type can barely be considered influential enough.

However, at least more than fifteen, or even twenty, papers of this type must be published in order to be eligible for doctoral nomination.

In addition, these are just some basics. To become a doctor, many other conditions are required.

Even before the league adjusted its rules, this was quite difficult.

The fact that this doctor can become a doctor already explains his background.

Whether it's the doctor's elder or something else, it can explain the problem.

Even though this doctor's elder has passed away, his connections are still there.

And since this doctor has been in office for so long, Taiyi doesn't believe that this doctor won't manage his own connections.

Being able to become a doctor means that the doctor's methods are not too bad.

If there was a real doctor, maybe the worldliness wouldn't be too serious.

But this kind of doctor without real materials will definitely have a wide network of contacts.

Otherwise, there would be no way to spend such a long time and be so leisurely.

Do you really think it is difficult to innovate this antidote?

It’s nothing more than giving everyone some face, saying hello to you and me.

That is to say, other doctors have other ways to make money, so there is no need to offend other doctors for this.

After all, the connections are still here anyway.

Perhaps you doctors are still acquainted with the elder of Dr. Murayama?

Taiyi was silent for a while and then said: "I understand."

He did not express regret. Even if he had known about this matter, Taiyi would probably have chosen to publish this paper.

However, a more prudent approach may be chosen.

Damucheng also looked at Taiyi with admiration. At this point, he could still be so stable?

Taiyi asked: "How will the alliance handle it?"

Dr. Oki said: "The alliance will hold a question meeting in a week. At that time, Dr. Murayama and you will be present to explain your views in person. This will be listened to by the doctors and finally made a judgment. "

Speaking of which, among the doctors, Taiyi only knows Dr. Oki and Dr. Yamanashi, and the others are the ones he met in Cerulean City before.

Taiyi didn't know what his image was in the eyes of those doctors.

He didn't know what judgment those doctors would make, but he knew one thing.

"That is, when writing a paper, you must have detailed experimental data and related logic. Can Dr. Murayama do all of this in such a short period of time?"

To forge a paper, it’s not just about writing the paper.

There are also related experiments and experimental data.

In addition, the content of the paper writing also requires some related experiments.

For example, using elves as experiments, or mice.

Doesn’t the alliance really want to put an end to all elf experiments? Otherwise, if there is no real data to support these products, then there will be no way to innovate, right?

The alliance only stipulates that harming the lives of elves is not allowed.

In addition, similar to this kind of experiment with antidote potions, you can choose some elves with poison attributes for experiments.

Because this type of elves are relatively resistant to toxins, relatively speaking, there won't be any major problems.

Dr. Oki said in a deep voice: "Taiyi, don't underestimate any doctor. Even if his name is not worthy of his name, there are still a group of people helping him. Although I believe that most doctors will stick to the bottom line of plagiarism. But Don’t have too much hope in human nature, because sometimes interests can blind people.”

Taiyi was speechless. This kind of thing could happen in any world.

It is nothing more than power, which is what the elders have worked hard to achieve.

"So, it's no wonder that there is a soil for evil organizations like the Rockets to survive. The league is not clean inside, and the channels for advancement are solidified. There is also this kind of person who steals other people's patents and is aggressive. How can the Rockets be eliminated? Even if it has been almost eliminated before, as long as this soil remains, there will continue to be water fleets and earth fleets."

He just casually said that he naturally knew about the water fleet, commonly known as the ocean fleet.

But the water fleet here is just a joking name for the Rockets.

The Turkish fleet was completely made up.

Dr. Omu looked strange, but he couldn't say anything to object.

This is also the reason why Dr. Oki has always cared so much about Taiyi.

Even the cleanest ranks of scholars will have some bugs.

It's like a mouse droppings ruining a pot of porridge. This kind of situation is not unheard of.

Taiyi asked again: "By the way, Doctor. Why did the thesis review department tell others about my thesis in advance? Could it be that the alliance's thesis review department has become a pawn of some people?"

If the paper review department had not disclosed the experimental data of the paper in advance, even if the other party wanted to cheat, there would be no way.

Dr. Omu was startled. He had really ignored this problem before.

Ohmu Chengya said: "It seems that the alliance really needs to be rectified."

However, the importance of the Damu family is still not enough, which is why people look down on the researchers of Zhenxin Town.

There is nothing that Omushige can do. Does he really want to stay away from the Kanto region and go to the Alola region to be the principal?

Maybe he really has the spirit to go out for adventure, but it is also a reality that he is forced to have no choice but to do so.

Dr. Omu comforted him: "Taiyi, don't worry. No matter what, I will definitely work hard to protect your rights and interests."

Taiyi shrugged indifferently: "I actually have a lot of evidence that this is my thesis, but if it really gets to that point, then the identity of this alliance scholar will not matter."

Taiyi said goodbye, and Dr. Omu also sighed. In desperation, he sent Taiyi out.

Damucheng also sighed and said: "The alliance is indeed rotten. Even though there was a major overhaul before, as time goes by, the big families control the upper levels of the alliance and monopolize the entire alliance's promotion channels. The corruption within the alliance, It’s also inevitable.”

Dr. Oki also sighed in the same way: "But isn't this the reason why we gave up martial arts and followed literature in the first place? We want to change this alliance!"

Damucheng also pointed outside and said: "But if such a young and enterprising young man cannot even keep his paper, then what hope does this alliance have? I'm afraid!"

Dr. Ohki asked: "What are you afraid of?"

Damuchiye said: "Didn't you hear him say that the Rockets exist just because the league is like this? This sentence is not unreasonable. I'm afraid that this kid will defect to the Rockets!"

Dr. Omu was dumbfounded: "Isn't that true?"

Damuchengye: "Let's go and see."

Taichi didn't know it yet, but because he had made a few complaints, the two brothers, Dr. Omu, were worried that he would defect to Team Rocket.

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