Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 380 Dr. Murayama’s False Accusation

"Sirona? Why are you here today?"

Taiyi came over and felt a little strange. Why did Sirona come over without explaining it in advance?

Sirona smiled and said: "When the matter is over, I will come back."

I can't wait to come over and see Roseredo.

Taidao: "You can call me and I'll send it to you directly."

With the elf ball teleportation device, teleporting the elf doesn't actually have to be so troublesome.

Sirona said: "Rose Leiduo needs your help to evolve to the final evolutionary form. Besides, I have to thank you in person."

As she said that, Sirona took out a small package and handed it over: "This can be considered my thank you gift."

Taiyi took it, and he had no choice but to accept it. This helped, and it was appropriate to accept a gift.

But when Taiyi opened it, he saw the sand scale fruit inside.

This is a good thing, it can increase the speed of the elf, not only the speed of running, but also the speed of launching moves.

This is definitely good stuff.

But Sirona didn't know that she actually cultivated the sand scale fruit tree.

"Well, before I..."

"Needless to say, I know you also harvested the Sand Scale Fruit. But no amount of this kind of thing is too much." Sirona said. With her status, it is not difficult to obtain some Sand Scale Fruit. .

It seems that Sirona also heard about what happened in the secret realm before.

"By the way, where's Roseredo?" Sirona looked around, but didn't see Sirona.

Taidao: "Because a few days ago, people from Team Rocket hired traveling trainers to come to Zhenxin Town to snatch Paraster, so the elves blame themselves and want to train themselves. I think they are all at a loss. I don’t know how to improve myself, so I asked Roseredo to be their instructor and guide them in their training.”

Taiyi's words did not mention Roseredo's problem, but Sirona just thought about it and knew why Taiyi was like this.

Pointing at it, Sirona smiled and said, "I know."

As for what you know, there is no need to say it.

The two of them went over to find Roseredo. At this time, Roseredo happened to be teaching a Slowpoke. From the looks of it, it was a replica of Sirona.

Women's clothing and so on, people are inherently female, right?

"Roseledo." Sirona was also a little excited, and her voice was trembling.

They had only met before and hadn't been separated for long.

But when they met again, Roseredo had evolved, and she didn't even see this scene.

Although Sirona had this realization when she was given the evolution stone, but it really happened, Sirona still felt a little guilty.

Roseredo turned around and immediately smiled.

He ran over and rushed into Sirona's arms.

Taiyi turned around: "Don't look at anything inappropriate."

Shu Lao glanced at Taiyi with disdain: "You haven't even grown your hair yet, where are you looking?"

After that, Taiyi quietly waited for the man and the spirit to talk to each other, not to be disturbed.

I was planning to hold a banquet later and treat Sirona to a meal.

It can be regarded as a farewell to Rose Leiduo's departure.

When Sirona comes this time, Rose Leiduo has evolved and her strength is also very good.

Next, Sirona will naturally pick up Roseredo.

Rose Redo should also be trained by Sirona, and the trainer also has her own way of training.

Rose Redo: Bouquet Pokémon

Level: 54

Attribute: Grass/Poison

Features: spontaneous combustion recovery

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Female

Skills: Missile Needle, Sunlight, Sleep, Snoring, Hold, Ultimate Absorption, Rain, Sunny Day, Sword Dance, Stand, Sludge Bomb, Hard Hold, High Speed ​​Star, Noisy, Hold On, Grass Knot, Photosynthesis, Cotton Spore, Sleeping Powder, Flying Leaf Knife, Grass Slide, Poison Needle, Absorption Paralysis Powder, Petal Dance

The level has been improved by two levels, and the energy is much more abundant.

The qualifications have also improved a bit. After the original evolution, the cyan qualifications were not filled up much.

At this time, it also looked like 15%.

It has to be said that when you reach the cyan qualification, it is already difficult to improve.

The improvement of Big Stitch and Bad Butterfly is really thanks to the fact that they continued too much while in the cocoon state.

In addition, at that time, Taiyi was not stingy at all, so that these two elves could become blue-qualified elves when they evolved to their final forms.

That's still two evolutions, plus tons of goodies.

Xiaozhi hurried over: "Brother Taiyi, Dr. Omu asked you to go there."

Taiyi always felt that Xiaozhi was Dr. Oak's royal mouthpiece. He often went out with his mother without telling her, and even used his children as a mouthpiece.

Well, that’s the literal meaning, there is no other connotation, so don’t think too much about it.

Sirona and Roseredo also calmed down and looked over.

Taidao: "Well, Sirona, just talk to Roseredo here. I'll ask Happy Egg to cook you a delicious meal later."

Sirona waved her hand: "It's time for me to go back to Sinnoh. They are urging me urgently. I can't stay here for a long time, so I won't stay for dinner."

Taiyi realized that Sirona was leaving and taking Roseredo away.

But I didn't expect it to be so fast.

Tai nodded: "That's okay. I'll give it to you."

Sirona smiled and said: "No need. I left directly."

With that said, Sirona summoned the Biting Land Shark. As soon as the elf came out, it immediately let out a roar.

Heavenly king-level elves, I have to say, are very powerful.

The elves here were frightened by this momentum.

Even the group of wild Spearows that were about to invade and snatch some fruits from the trees hesitated and flew back.

Of course, Taiyi didn't know about this, but he didn't care about it.

"Then, let's say goodbye first. Goodbye!" Sirona said.

Then, she boarded the Biting Land Shark and left directly.

The fierce biting land shark took off and brought a gust of wind, ruffling a pool of spring water.

Taiyi turned around and took Xiaozhi towards Dr. Oak's research institute.

"Hey, Dr. Chengya, are you still there?"

This doctor doesn't need to go back to La Rolla?

It seems that Pichu has been staying here since I sent him here last time.

Damucheng also smiled and said, "Isn't it your boy's fault?"

Taiyi shrugged strangely, and Ogi Chengya said: "There are still some things to do about the smartphone. The family needs someone to take charge, so I will stay for a while. Anyway, there is no rush in the Alola region. Besides, I’m also studying Pichu, well, now it’s Pikachu.”

Taiyi suddenly realized that he had left the smartphone matter to Dr. Oki, and he would no longer care about it.

Anyway, just wait for the dividends.

As for the upgraded version of the smartphone, Taiyi can come up with it when the time comes, and Casey will be in charge of this.

Really, he is a hands-off shopkeeper.

As for things like the chips inside, Casey will be fully responsible.

Dr. Oki came out at this time, with a serious look on his face. When he saw Taichi, he said: "Dr. Murayama raised a question in the alliance paper department, saying that the paper you published in the next issue was plagiarized from him. This is a paper he will publish soon. A paper was deliberately stolen by you and published."

Xiaozhi opened his mouth wide. He would not doubt Taiyi, but this thing was too shocking.

Damuchi also frowned: "Dr. Murayama? This person seems to be lacking in strength. He became a doctor through loopholes before, right? What do you want to do? Suppress our Zhenxin Town?"

Dr. Ohmu shook his head: "He's not good at it. This is his only patent to make money. After being broken by Taiyi, he naturally refuses to let it go."

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