Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 379 Comparison of the status of Chou Chou Fish

Taiyi didn't take the doctor to heart, because this formula was not Taiyi's trump card.

Rose Leiduo has worked harder and harder since she evolved.

Because she was not strong enough, Sirona did not take her there, which made Roseredo very sad.

However, she had no idea of ​​blaming Sirona. She just felt that she did not work hard enough and was not strong enough, which led to this happening.

Therefore, Rose Leiduo was more active than before when training.

Taiyi was a little worried about Roseredo's situation, but Sirona couldn't be contacted these days.

Taiyi doesn’t know what Sirona said to Roseredo after she evolved one day, and there’s no way to explain it.

Strength cannot be improved in a day, just like Kanto was not built in a day.

It just so happened that these days, the elves of Taiyi were all engaged in enthusiastic exercises.

Taiyi asked Roseredo: "They don't have a clear goal for training, and they don't have a good method. Can I entrust you to be their instructor?"

Roseredo happily accepted this assignment. She was already very grateful to Taiyi for helping her evolve and improve her strength.

It's just that she has never found a way to repay Taiyi, and Roseredo still feels a little pity.

Now, Taiyi asked him something, and Roseredo quickly agreed.

She is indeed very responsible and does her best for every elf.

Taiyi felt relieved. She really didn't know how to solve Roseredo's problem.

It is also a good thing to be able to use this method to make Rose Redo relax.

In addition, after all, this is an elf who has been training with Sirona, and for a long time.

Sirona, who is that?

That is the future champion, and even among champions, few can match him.

Although Rose Leiduo's strength is not as good as other king-level elves, his experience is still good.

It just so happens that Rosredo can train these elves of his to help them improve.

Then, Taiyi went to record the ecology of the ugly fish.

The Goldfish King, this Salted Fish King, has no idea of ​​improving his strength.

The current life span of the Goldfish King has been eased to a certain extent, and there is no need to worry that he will die in a short period of time.

But the Goldfish King is still so urgent about the idea of ​​reproducing offspring.

This also resulted in the Goldfish King always chasing behind those water elves.

Not even Slowpoke was spared.

But what Taiyi doesn't understand is, isn't there any reproductive isolation between Slowpoke and Goldfish King?

One can't stay away from the water, and the other, well, seems to be able to go into the water.

Don't be discriminatory about that kind of interracial love, it can still happen.

However, the Slowpoke beasts here in Taiyi are obviously looking at the Slowpoke King. As for the Goldfish King, they are not even willing to look at it.

The goldfish king had no choice but to chase those ugly fish.

Taiyi numbered each ugly fish. Although he couldn't identify every ugly fish just by their appearance.

However, the Book of Heaven can.

After marking, Tianshu can easily distinguish each ugly fish.

Shu Lao chuckled: "Everyone's soul is different, and the elves are the same. So, it doesn't matter if you stupid humans can't recognize the appearance, the soul must always recognize it?"

Tai rolled his eyes and ignored him.

Shu Lao continued: "There is also a waveguide in the elven world. In fact, the waveguide is the derivative of the soul. Everyone's soul is different, so the waveguide is naturally different."

People in the elven world believe that everyone has waveguides, but some people have stronger waveguides and can interfere with reality.

Well, this knowledge spreads among a very small number of people.

Most people actually don't know what a waveguide is.

For most people, the waveguide is too weak to even feel it, let alone interfere with reality.

Taiyi suddenly thought: "It seems that silly little thing Xiaozhi will become a waveguide messenger in the future, right? This silly thing's soul is very powerful? It's obviously a single cell."

How can such a person, who has no understanding of the world and no skills, have a strong soul?

Shu Lao rolled his eyes: "What does a strong soul have to do with whether he is pure or innocent? Can't a person with a strong soul be pure? There are many goddesses in heaven who are single all their lives."

Taiyi glanced at Shu Lao: "I always feel like you have something in mind? Are you no longer pure after getting married? Are your thoughts dirty?"

Shu Lao was startled: "I didn't say it. I just said... forget it, pretend I didn't say it. I just want to say that it is easier for people with simple thoughts to grow their souls. For example, meditation..."

Taiyi asked back: "In other words, if you keep meditating, you can actually create a waveguide messenger?"

Shu Lao rolled his eyes and said something.

"As long as you have a strong enough meditation method and can persist in it, it is not impossible for you to be compatible with the meditation method."

It's just possible. As for whether it's feasible, the result is not certain.

While talking to Shu Lao, Taiyi recorded the status of each ugly fish.

The data from these experiments are very important and precious.

I don’t know if others have the ability to do this experiment, but there are so many cherished ugly fish, so I can’t find them.

Chou Chou fish are not precious, but Chou Chou fish with extremely high qualifications are definitely very precious.

With the capabilities of Dewen Company, it took quite a while to collect these.

Taiyi pointed at some of the ugly fish and said, "Shu Lao, look at these ones. Is their condition a little different?"

Shu Lao observed it carefully, nodded, and said: "It is indeed different. It seems to have some confident charm."

Both of them felt this way, and Taiyi knew that he must not be blind.

He recorded all the data and paid special attention to the ugly fish that the Goldfish King was pursuing.

But not every one can be like this, it still depends on the character of the elf.

Some of them are slightly more outgoing and have more confident charm, and some clues can be seen on their scales.

Taiyi recorded all this, and was thinking in his heart that he originally saved this goldfish king just because he felt sorry for him.

Unexpectedly, there is such an unexpected gain.

He didn't stop the Goldfish King from pursuing the elf of the opposite sex, he was just doing some research here.

Although sometimes, Taiyi will feel a little sad.

There are so many ugly fish, but they can't even look down on one goldfish king.

He is still an elf at the level of a gym leader. How can you, the ugly fish and the five scum, despise him?

The more I thought about it, the more sad I became, and Taiyi had no good solution.

You can only bless silently, but it is impossible to suppress someone by force.

Emotional matters cannot be forced.

After recording, Taiyi left the ecological park.

The Goldfish King has been living here now. If the Ugly Fish doesn't leave, he won't leave either.

Of course, after a while, Taiyi will rotate some elves to live in the world of the Book of Heaven.

There, you can also slowly improve the elves' qualifications.

In addition to the wave radiation of the mythical beast, there is also the transformation function of the Book of Heaven world.

The energy inside is relatively abundant, and the vitality is also very abundant. If you often live in it, your physical fitness will be strengthened.

Taiyi doesn't need to go in, the Heavenly Book will naturally transform his body.

After coming out of the breeding house, Taiyi was just about to go to the orchard to have a look when he saw an acquaintance walking in the distance.

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