Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 378 The news brought by Dr. Oak

But there is no point in doing so.

Because of the alliance's regulations, after reaching senior researcher level, you can apply for the alliance's research funds.

There may have been people who did this in the past. In the beginning, there were indeed many PhDs who used their own abilities to help their juniors seize the status of senior researchers for a small amount of research funds.

But as a doctorate, that is no longer possible.

Because promotion to a doctorate requires a debate in front of many doctors.

Only with the approval of all the doctors can one be promoted to doctorate.

Because this happened many times, many forward-looking doctors joined forces and formulated a rule.

All senior researchers must publish their own papers at regular intervals.

This paper must be novel.

In other words, we cannot publish papers similar to those in the past. The thesis review department will not approve this kind of paper.

There is a points system for senior researchers. If you publish a paper, you can get a number of points.

The number of points is calculated according to the importance of the paper.

Well, points will also be accumulated for papers published before being a senior researcher.

However, before being a senior researcher, this point is temporarily useless.

And every once in a while, a senior researcher's points will decline.

If there are no new papers published and the decline reaches a certain level, the senior researcher will lose his status as a senior researcher if he does not have enough points.

After that, if you want to be evaluated as a senior researcher, the threshold will be higher.

Of course, when you reach the position of doctorate, there is no such requirement.

But if a doctor gives his thesis to his juniors, his status will be questioned.

Moreover, doctors also need to be dignified.

If it were publicized, I would not be able to see anyone in the future.

Dr. Murayama pondered for a while but did not express an opinion.

But inside, I was still a little angry.

He published a small number of papers and was originally questioned by doctors.

Many of the projects I applied for were not approved.

Because his own abilities are not very good, there are some tricks in being promoted to doctor.

This exists in any world.

And this one was promoted before those harsh terms came out.

This paper on antidote was one of the few that he could use to make money.

Don't mention it, just this one, you can eat it all over the world with just one trick.

Therefore, Dr. Murayama didn't have much ambition, so he only received the alliance's subsidy every month to complete his work in one month.

Dr. Murayama thought for a while and started contacting people.

As a doctor, he also has his own connections.

Even in the past, before the harsh terms came out, it was not that simple to become a doctor.

Taichi didn't know it yet, but Dr. Murayama already knew that he was going to publish a paper and was preparing to cause trouble.

Taiyi picked up Pikachu and Paraster from the hospital, and also had a lot of exchanges with Joy Ying.

Anyway, the paper has been sent to the paper review department, so it will definitely be published, and he has nothing to worry about.

Back home, many elves also welcomed the return of the two elves.

In fact, if the elf center wasn't too small, they might have to visit it every day.

A feast is indispensable, including the metal monster and the gem starfish, who are all major contributors and the protagonists of today's banquet.

How could such a grand program not include Dr. Omu and Aunt Hanako?

Stupid Xiaozhi: "Why do you always put my mother and Dr. Oak together?"

Taiyi: "It's just a coincidence, literally, they came together."

Shu Lao: →_→

While eating, Dr. Ohki whispered to Taichi: "I have a PhD friend who told me that Dr. Murayama seems to intend to impeach the thesis review department."

"Dr. Murayama? Who is he?" Taiyi didn't know all of these doctors.

Based on the number of years, a doctor can be born every year or every few years. In addition, humans in the elven world have relatively long lifespans. Dr. Omu's body is still so good despite his age. He produces a lot of papers every year. .

Dr. Oak: I kindly tell you, do you understand me now?

Dr. Oki said: "The most common antidote currently on the market is the patent of Dr. Murayama."

Taiyi knew clearly that he had touched the doctor's interests.

This doctor's reputation is not good, and he didn't come to the last incident in Hualan City.

Taichi didn't know if it was because Dr. Murayama was too busy or for some other reason.

Although it is the most common detoxification potion, because of its large dosage, it can be regarded as making a lot of money.

There is still great value here.

Taiyi was not too worried: "It's okay. Anyway, the paper is mine. How can he accuse me of plagiarism?"

After the banquet, every elf was satisfied with their meal.

Tonight, Taiyi used a lot of good things.

Taiyi used all the stocks of Guishui Essence and Yimu Essence.

After this time, the elves here will have some significant improvements.

Moreover, after what happened this time, the elves in the family worked much harder than before.

Whether it's the mastery of energy or the learning of moves.

Many grass-type families have learned the moves on the grass field.

Although, this move has not mutated yet.

This was not done so diligently before.

On this day, Taiyi looked at the elf eggs in front of him in the world of heavenly books.

Taiyi: "Her vitality seems to have made up for it a lot, right?"

Shu Lao touched his beard and nodded: "Yes. Fortunately, the ice marrow this time is good, but it's still a little worse."

Tai nodded and said, "That's right. Where are the good things you gave birth to after absorbing Thunder? When can you successfully give birth to them?"

That thing was reserved by Taiyi for Chenglong to use.

Of course, Goldfish King would have used some too.

However, after accidentally getting the ice marrow, the Goldfish King was not so anxious.

Things born from the land cloud are not normal and require a lot of electricity every time.

It still needs the earth cloud to digest and nurture slowly, which takes too long.

Therefore, for general things, it is better to use other things that you have in larger quantities.

Shu Lao said: "Because of my breakthrough in strength, the time has been advanced a lot. It will probably take about half a month to be conceived."

Taiyi immediately became interested and asked with a smile: "What on earth is it? It can't be some thunder essence, right?"

Shu Lao looked grim for a moment, and then said, "You will know when the time comes."

Taiyi was a little bored and didn't ask any more questions.

Since Shu Lao decided not to say it, he really wouldn’t say it.

It’s not that Taiyi can’t use the power of the Heavenly Book to let Shu Lao speak directly.

But in that case, the relationship between the two would become awkward.

And it’s not necessary, I don’t know, I can still have some sense of expectation.

So for the sake of this sense of mystery, Taiyi would not use this privilege.

Anyway, it never hurts.

Taiyi came to Lazy Otter again and took a look. This elf really lived up to its name. It was really lazy.

Taiyi doesn't have time to study this yet, he just lets Happy Egg drink enough nutrient solution every day.

As for food, lazy otters are too lazy to eat it, so it is better to drink some nutrient solution, which is easier to digest.

However, a lot of Guishui Essence is also added inside, which is enough to ensure the growth and development of lazy otter.

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