Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 375 Leave them behind

"Really? You want to join Team Rocket?"

Yamato and Kosaburo walked over from a distance, flanked by their elves.

Team Rocket's logo of Arbor and Double Bomb.

Yamato smiled and said: "Looking at your elf configuration, I think you are destined to be a member of Team Rocket. By the way, where is Paraster you captured?"

Previously, Hideaki Inoue captured Paraster and fired a signal flare.

People in Zhenxin Town may not have noticed, but they have been paying attention to the members of Team Rocket in Zhenxin Town and have been staring at them.

Inoue Hideaki was a little embarrassed: "That one was rescued by them."

"Trash!" Kozaburo, who was still smiling at first, immediately drank.

"What should we do now?" Yamato asked.

She and Kosaburo have always been partners, and they always go on missions together.

Their strength is also very good, at the peak of elite level, and they are not far away from the gym leader.

Team Rocket didn't dare to send anyone who was too powerful, and there was some connection between the powerful elves.

This is why Dr. Omu dared to protect Zhenxin Town with two or three teams of elves.

As long as there are powerful elves from outside, Dr. Omu's elves will be able to sense something.

Even if the opponent restrains his strength, once he comes out and uses his moves, this kind of reaction will occur.

When the time comes, Dr. Omu's elves will quickly come to deal with it.

Kosaburo asked: "When? Why don't you insist?"

Inoue Hideaki could only say a few words to cover up for himself.

Yamato and Kosaburo naturally heard that there was some untruth in this statement, but it was true since the other party left shortly.

"How about we catch up and take a look?" Yamato suggested.

Hideaki Inoue didn't dare to go there, but he couldn't just keep his word here.

Kosaburo nodded: "Then let's go over and take a look."

They summoned it and carried them there.

Not long after walking, I saw the metal monster and gem starfish in front of me. I used my telekinesis to carry the two elves back.

Because the two elves couldn't match the speed of elves like Heiluga, and besides, they weren't in too much of a hurry. This place was not far from Zhenxin Town.

The two elves don't think the other can defeat them, and the worst thing they can do is delay the fight.

Therefore, the two elves were not too anxious.

No, Yamato and Kosaburo caught up with him.

"Trash, like this, can you still be rescued by the other party? Is your gym leader-level Abo monster just a decoration?" Yama yelled and cursed. He originally thought that the other party was stronger and even cultivated a Dao monster. A hall owner-level elf.

Yamado is still a little worried. If the other party joins Team Rocket, he will soon get on top of him.

Now it seems that the opponent can't even deal with these two elves, so he shouldn't be a powerful person.

I’m afraid the previous evaluations of the Rockets were all false, right?

Metal Monster: "What to do? They are catching up."

The person before had six elves, and they were all powerful.

Now two more have arrived, which means there are at least eighteen elves.

Even if they were all elites, they probably wouldn't be able to defeat them.

Gem Starfish: "Strike first is the strongest."

Before he finished speaking, the water gun was already fired.

He used a lot of water cannons, catching Team Rocket off guard.

The metal monster's destructive rays followed immediately, and gradually, their power became more and more powerful.

Yamato and Kozaburo's Arbo monsters and double-bomb gassers came out, as well as elves such as cross-shaped bats, and the two elves were immediately surrounded.

Under pressure, the Gem Starfish's attacks gradually increased, and the water gun turned into a water cannon.

"What a powerful elf, under such pressure, there is still progress." Yamato smiled and said cruelly: "Then, let us break this progress and let you all..."

Before he could finish his words, Gemstone Starfish's strong mental attack came, causing Yamato to stumble and fall to the ground.

The elves of Taiyi will not instill the idea that even trainers cannot attack.

Taiyi's request to them is that ordinary trainers cannot attack.

But if there is no other way, this kind of Rocket Team or Ocean Team trainer can still attack.

As long as he doesn't kill him, no one will say anything afterwards.

Kosaburo was shocked. Why would the alliance trainer's elves attack the trainer?

This is unreasonable!

But soon, he discovered another fact. Under their pressure, the momentum of these two elves was increasing violently.

"Is this? Such a powerful elf, he's actually trying to break through the gym leader!"

Among the three of them, only Hideaki Inoue has a gym leader-level Arbor monster. If the other party breaks through, they may not be able to succeed so easily.

Moreover, this place is already very close to Zhenxin Town, and they may encounter Dr. Oak's elves at any time.

That is a proper king-level elf!

At this moment, the sound of wings flapping came from the distance.

Kosaburo looked up and was startled: "Quick, retreat!"

On the opposite side, a fast dragon flew quickly, and there was also a eagle with a trainer on board.

This trainer also has an elf ball on his body, which means that there must be other elf on the other side.

Kuailong alone is no longer their opponent.

That's Dr. Oki's dragon. How could they possibly deal with it?

And that Bi Diao's aura seemed to be at the level of a gym leader, much more powerful than Hideaki Inoue's Abo Monster.

Kosaburo planned to put away the elf, but at this time, Kuailong was approaching.

Kuailong is indeed an extremely fast elf.

Kozaburo had no choice but to pick up Yamato and use the elves that had been recovered to escape in a hurry.

As for the remaining elves, Kosaburo had no choice but to let them escape on their own.

Whether they can escape or not is up to them.

"Leave them alone." Taiyi yelled angrily, and with a single oversight, Paraster was almost caught by them.

This is an absolutely unacceptable fact.

Pichu, um, Pikachu fell to the ground, and Parasite, he must have been poisoned, right?

This fact made Taiyi even more angry.

If he hadn't just brought Bi Diao here, he would be old.

Well, you can't let this go. It would be terrible if others knew about it.

Bi Diao landed a little further away and asked Tai to come down before he flew over and intercepted Team Rocket's elves.

Although the clothes he was wearing were not the iconic clothes of Team Rocket, looking at the configuration of the elves and his actions, Taichi estimated that the opponent must be Team Rocket.

He had just used his smartphone to record the faces of the three other people.

At that time, the alliance will have something to say.

With the arrival of Bi Diao and the fact that Kuailong was already the champion elf, except for a few elves who escaped, most of the elves were knocked to the ground and had no ability to resist.

Soon, many people came from Zhenxin Town, and the actions here had attracted people from Zhenxin Town.

Taichi had already begun to treat Pikachu and Parasite at this time.

Pikachu: Rat Pokémon (poisoned)

Level: 31

Attributes: Electricity/Superpower

Features: Lightning rod

Qualification: Blue

Gender: Female

Skills: Electric shock, tail wagging, coquettishness, enchantment, flash of lightning, wall of light, teleportation, harmony, angel's kiss

Parasite: Mushroom Pokémon (poisoned)

Level: 43

Attribute: Insect/Grass

Features: Dry skin

Qualification: Green

Gender: Female

Skills: Paralysis Powder, Poison Powder, Drain, Screech, Parasitic Seed, Grab, Grow, Sleeping Powder, Cross Shears, Sleep, Burrow

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